hi i know a cheat to get free eggs
1. go on comprehension gym
2.click on a book, then work your way to the instruction read
3.when you have,click start read then click the home button on the side of the book then repeat and it will get you eggs fast.
To skip all the dictionary meanings and stuff u do this
1. go on a book
2. when it is loading keep clicking the bottom arrow on the left of your screen where reading and quiz is
3. then it will skip to the comprehension
if it doesn't work go on a new page of books and choose another book.
usually you don't have to click the bottom arrow it just automatically goes just click the arrow if it doesn't work or go on a new page of books.
Check out this link for cheat codes for Reading Express: http://www.cheatcc.com/ds/brainageexpressartsandletterscheatscodes.html
There are none available on this site.
nopee no legendary eggs unless cheat.
Oh dear...Bad eggs Are a result of using action replay.
There is no cheat for this mobile game,I finished it and I only found secret passage where it has eggs on it so try finding some of it :D hope this helps -Cherry
Check out this link for cheat codes for Reading Express: http://www.cheatcc.com/ds/brainageexpressartsandletterscheatscodes.html
you suck eggs
We can help with individual questions only, not help you cheat.
One thing, it is no good to cheat.If you are reading a book their is no way to cheat. If you want to be correct, just do the best you can! It's easy!
There are none available on this site.
There are no actual cheat-codes, only easter eggs.
nope no legendary eggs unless cheat.
nopee no legendary eggs unless cheat.
The book in Reading Eggs that gives you 5000 eggs is "The Great Eggscape" in the Reading Eggspress section of the program. This book offers a high number of eggs as a reward for completing the activities and quizzes associated with it.
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