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A virus that the Pokemon gets for 24 hours and makes EV training a lot easier. You get it through Wi-Fi or if you have a Pokemon in your party for a long time. The Pokemon, however, looses all of its happiess. The pokerus can spread to other Pokemon in your party, and the 24 time will stop if you put the Pokemon in a PC.

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What is pokerus and what does it do in Pokemon emerald and platinum?

Pokerus is a virus that infects your Pokemon. It catches this virus from a wild Pokemon that also has pokerus. If you keep a Pokemon with pokerus in you party, your other party members will also get this virus. However, this is a good virus as it doubles the EVs you earn from battles. Your Pokemon will eventually lose pokerus in four days but you can preserve it by keepin it in PC and allowing your other pokemons catching it.

What Pokemon is pokerus?

its not a Pokemon, its a Pokemon virus. it makes your Pokemon grow faster. seems to be from the 03' games.

What does PKRS mean in Pokemon?

It is a good virus that hightens stats in Pokemon

What is the Pokemon virus on Pokemon Diamond?

The Poke virus on Pokemon diamond and pearl actually gives non-traded Pokemon a extra exp boost although it doesnt say it. it is very rare though.

Will playing Pokemon moon rpg cause a virus?

Of course not , it was made virus free

What is pokeus?

Pokerus is a virus that your Pokemon can get. It increases status and can spred to other Pokemon.

How do you get rid a virus in the Pokemon gold version game?

Heal up at a Local Pokemon center

What is pokerus in Pokemon Platinum?

pokerus is a virus thank is good for pokemon. it raises stats and hp.

What does the yellow smily face mean next to my Pokemon mean?

The Pokemon had the pokerus virus and recovered from it.

Is the Pokemon virus good?

Yes, Pokerus is beneficial towards your Pokemon and doubles the Effort Values gained from a Pokemon battle.