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its a pak system that allows you to play Donkey Kong 64 and Legend of Zelda. you have to unplug the n64 from the wall and turned off power to replace the jumper pak with the expansion pak

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Q: What is a N64 Expansion pack?
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Is a n64 jumper pack the same as an expanson pack?

No. The jumper pack is the basic ram pak that is shipped with all N64's from the factory. The jumper pack ends the ram cycle and allows you to run games with 4 mb of ram. The expansion pack boosts your resolution and allows games to run with 8 mb of ram. Some games can only run properly with the expansion pack installed.

Can you save on n64 without pack?

Only certain games don't need the expansion pak or the controller pak.

How do you work ram pack N64?

The only use of a ram pak for n64 would be the expansion pak which increases the memory capacity for better graphics and sounds quality. .j.

Could you delete select save games off a N64 memory expansion pack if you want to clear the whole thing?

Is that a trick question?

Do you need the expansion pak for your n64 to work?

Yes,to play Donkey Kong 64,you will need a expansion pack.

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Why does the n64 have an expansion slot?

To play 3 or 4 players on Hydro Thunder you need a Expansion Pak in your expansion slot.

How do you remove a jumper pack on the N64?

The Jumper Pack is removed from the Nintendo 64 with a special tool that comes with the Expansion Pack. If you don't have one, carefully use the back end of a Spoon or Fork on the side facing away from you if you were to plug in a controller. There should be a gap between the Jumper Pack and the system just wide enough to fit the (makeshift) tool. Slowly wiggle the pack out by rocking it back and forth. When you can grab it with your fingers, take it out by pulling up. If it is stuck, wiggle it more, it should come out eventually. Don't force it, or you could break the Motherboard of the N64.

How do you get an expansion pack for Sims 2 pets on PC?

Pets is an expansion pack.

Every time you insert majoras mask into 64 it says expansion pak isn't in?

Majora's Mask will not work unless you have the Expansion Pak in the N64's memory expansion port. The memory expansion port is under the flap on the top side of the console at the very front. If your game says the Expansion Pak is not inserted, it's because instead of the Expansion Pak, you have the Jumper Pak. The Jumper Pak is the device that comes with the N64 when you first bought it, and needs to be replaced with the Expansion Pak. The Expansion Pak is essentially a device with extra RAM to add to the N64's native RAM. Majora's Mask was programmed to use 8 MB of RAM instead of the N64's usual 4, which is why you can't play it without an Expansion Pak. Since the N64 and all of its peripherals have long been out of production, you'll have to find an Expansion Pak used somewhere, if you don't already have one. The Expansion Pak has a red top as opposed to the Jumper Pak, which is all black.

What versions of Age of Empires are out?

AOE 1 and its expansion pack AOE 2 and its expansion pack AOE 3 I'm not sure if it has an expansion pack

What sims 2 expansion pack lets you make werewolves?

The Nightlife expansion pack.