

Surgical procedure to lift up a breast. May be used on opposite breast to achieve symmetrical appearance with a reconstructed breast

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ABAXIALsituated away from the axis [adj] ABAXILEabaxial (situated away from the axis) [adj] ABOIDEAUXABOIDEAU, a type of dike [n] ABOITEAUXABOITEAU, aboideau (a type of dike) [n] ACETOXYLa univalent radical [n -S] ACETOXYLSACETOXYL, a univalent radical [n] ADAXIALsituated on the same side as [adj] ADDAXa large antelope (a ruminant mammal) [n -ES] ADDAXESADDAX, a large antelope (a ruminant mammal) [n] ADIEUXADIEU, a farewell [n] ADMINISTRATRIX[n -TRICES] ADMIXto mix (to put together into one mass) [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] ADMIXEDADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXESADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXINGADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXTADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXTUREthe process or result of admixing (to mix (to put together into one mass)) [n -S] ADMIXTURESADMIXTURE, the process or result of admixing (to mix (to put together into one mass)) [n] ADNEXAconjoined anatomical parts [n] : ADNEXAL ~adj ADNEXALADNEXA, conjoined anatomical parts [adj] AFFIXto attach (to connect as an associated part) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : AFFIXABLE ~adj AFFIXABLEAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [adj] AFFIXALpertaining to a prefix or suffix [adj] AFFIXATION[n -S] AFFIXATIONSAFFIXATION [n] AFFIXEDAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] AFFIXERone that affixes (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n -S] AFFIXERSAFFIXER, one that affixes (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n] AFFIXESAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] AFFIXIALaffixal (pertaining to a prefix or suffix) [adj] AFFIXINGAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] AFFIXMENTsomething affixed (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n -S] AFFIXMENTSAFFIXMENT, something affixed (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n] AFFIXTUREthe act of affixing (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n -S] AFFIXTURESAFFIXTURE, the act of affixing (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n] AFFLUXa flowing toward a point [n -ES] AFFLUXESAFFLUX, a flowing toward a point [n] AFLATOXINa toxin produced by mold that can damage the liver and may lead to liver cancer [n -S] AFLATOXINSAFLATOXIN, a toxin produced by mold that can damage the liver and may lead to liver cancer [n] AFTERTAXremaining after payment of taxes [adj] ALEXANDERa cocktail consisting of gin, chocolate liqueur, and cream [n -S] ALEXANDERSALEXANDER, a cocktail consisting of gin, chocolate liqueur, and cream [n] ALEXANDRINE[n -S] ALEXANDRINESALEXANDRINE [n] ALEXANDRITE[n -S] ALEXANDRITESALEXANDRITE [n] ALEXIAa cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read [n -S] ALEXIASALEXIA, a cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read [n] ALEXINa substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria [n -S] ALEXINEalexin (a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria) [n -S] ALEXINESALEXINE, alexin (a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria) [n] ALEXINSALEXIN, a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria [n] ALKOXIDEa type of chemical salt [n -S] ALKOXIDESALKOXIDE, a type of chemical salt [n] ALKOXYcontaining a univalent radical composed of alkyl united with oxygen [adj] ALLOXANa chemical compound [n -S] ALLOXANSALLOXAN, a chemical compound [n] AMBIDEXTERITIESAMBIDEXTERITY [n] AMBIDEXTERITY[n -TIES] AMBIDEXTROUS[adj] AMBIDEXTROUSLY[adv] AMBISEXUAL[n -S] AMBISEXUALITIESAMBISEXUALITY [n] AMBISEXUALITY[n -TIES] AMBISEXUALSAMBISEXUAL [n] AMOXICILLIN[n -S] AMOXICILLINSAMOXICILLIN [n] AMOXYCILLIN[n -S] AMOXYCILLINSAMOXYCILLIN [n] AMPHIMIXESAMPHIMIXIS [n] AMPHIMIXIS[n -MIXES] AMPHIOXIAMPHIOXUS, a lancelet (a small marine organism) [n] AMPHIOXUSa lancelet (a small marine organism) [n -OXI or -OXUSES] AMPHIOXUSESAMPHIOXUS, a lancelet (a small marine organism) [n] AMPLEXUSthe mating embrace of frogs [n -ES] AMPLEXUSESAMPLEXUS, the mating embrace of frogs [n] ANAPHYLAXESANAPHYLAXIS [n] ANAPHYLAXIS[n -LAXES] ANAPTYXESANAPTYXIS, epenthesis (the insertion of a phoneme, letter, or syllable into a word, usually to satisfy the phonological constraints of a language or poetic context) of a vowel, as in "thataway" [n] ANAPTYXISepenthesis (the insertion of a phoneme, letter, or syllable into a word, usually to satisfy the phonological constraints of a language or poetic context) of a vowel, as in "thataway" [n -TYXES] ANATOXINa toxoid (a type of toxin (a poisonous substance)) [n -S] ANATOXINSANATOXIN, a toxoid (a type of toxin (a poisonous substance)) [n] ANNEXto add or attach [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ANNEXATION[n -S] ANNEXATIONAL[adj] ANNEXATIONIST[n -S] ANNEXATIONISTSANNEXATIONIST [n] ANNEXATIONSANNEXATION [n] ANNEXEsomething added or attached [n -S] ANNEXEDANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANNEXESANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANNEXINGANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANOREXIAloss of appetite [n -S] ANOREXIASANOREXIA, loss of appetite [n] ANOREXICone affected with anorexia [n -S] ANOREXICSANOREXIC, one affected with anorexia [n] ANOREXIESANOREXY, anorexia (loss of appetite) [n] ANOREXIGENIC[adj] ANOREXYanorexia (loss of appetite) [n -OREXIES] ANOXEMIAa disorder of the blood [n -S] : ANOXEMIC ~adj ANOXEMIASANOXEMIA, a disorder of the blood [n] ANOXEMICANOXEMIA, a disorder of the blood [adj] ANOXIAabsence of oxygen [n -S] : ANOXIC ~adj ANOXIASANOXIA, absence of oxygen [n] ANOXICANOXIA, absence of oxygen [adj] ANTEFIXan upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n -FIXES or -FIXA or -FIXAE] : ANTEFIXAL ~adj ANTEFIXAANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] ANTEFIXAEANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] ANTEFIXALANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [adj] ANTEFIXESANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] ANTHELIXantihelix (the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear) [n -LICES or -LIXES] ANTHELIXESANTHELIX, antihelix (the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear) [n] ANTHRAXan infectious disease [n -THRACES] ANTIANXIETY[adj] ANTIAUXINa substance that inhibits the growth-regulating function of an auxin (a substance used to regulate plant growth) [n -S] ANTIAUXINSANTIAUXIN, a substance that inhibits the growth-regulating function of an auxin (a substance used to regulate plant growth) [n] ANTICLIMAX[n -ES] ANTICLIMAXESANTICLIMAX [n] ANTIHELIXthe inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n -LIXES or -LICES] ANTIHELIXESANTIHELIX, the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n] ANTIHOMOSEXUAL[adj] ANTIOXIDANT[n -S] ANTIOXIDANTSANTIOXIDANT [n] ANTISEXopposed to sexual activity [adj] ANTISEXIST[n -S] ANTISEXISTSANTISEXIST [n] ANTISEXUAL[adj] ANTISEXUALITIESANTISEXUALITY [n] ANTISEXUALITY[n -TIES] ANTITAXopposing taxes [adj] ANTITOXICANTITOXIN, an antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin [adj] ANTITOXINan antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin [n -S] : ANTITOXIC ~adj ANTITOXINSANTITOXIN, an antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin [n] ANXIETIESANXIETY, painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind [n] ANXIETYpainful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind [n -ETIES] ANXIOLYTIC[n -S] ANXIOLYTICSANXIOLYTIC [n] ANXIOUSfull of anxiety [adj] : ANXIOUSLY ~adv ANXIOUSLYANXIOUS, full of anxiety [adv] ANXIOUSNESS[n -ES] ANXIOUSNESSESANXIOUSNESS [n] APEXthe highest point [n APEXES or APICES] APEXESAPEX, the highest point [n] APOMIXESAPOMIXIS, a type of reproductive process [n] APOMIXISa type of reproductive process [n -MIXES] APOPLEXIESAPOPLEXY, a sudden loss of sensation and muscular control [n] APOPLEXYa sudden loss of sensation and muscular control [n -PLEXIES] APPENDIXa collection of supplementary material at the end of a book [n -DIXES or -DICES] APPENDIXESAPPENDIX, a collection of supplementary material at the end of a book [n] APPROXIMATE[v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES] APPROXIMATEDAPPROXIMATE [v] APPROXIMATELY[adv] APPROXIMATESAPPROXIMATE [v] APPROXIMATINGAPPROXIMATE [v] APPROXIMATION[n -S] APPROXIMATIONSAPPROXIMATION [n] APPROXIMATIVE[adj] APRAXIAloss of the ability to perform coordinated movements [n -S] : APRACTIC, APRAXIC ~adj APRAXIASAPRAXIA, loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements [n] APRAXICAPRAXIA, loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements [adj] APTERYXthe kiwi (a flightless bird) [n -ES] APTERYXESAPTERYX, the kiwi (a flightless bird) [n] ARCHAEOPTERYX[n -ES] ARCHAEOPTERYXESARCHAEOPTERYX [n] ARUSPEXharuspex (a soothsayer of ancient Rome) [n -PICES] ASEXUALoccurring or performed without sexual action [adj] : ASEXUALLY ~adv ASEXUALITIESASEXUALITY [n] ASEXUALITY[n -TIES] ASEXUALLYASEXUAL, occurring or performed without sexual action [adv] ASPHYXIAunconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [n -S] : ASPHYXIAL ~adj ASPHYXIALASPHYXIA, unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [adj] ASPHYXIASASPHYXIA, unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [n] ASPHYXIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] ASPHYXIATEDASPHYXIATE [v] ASPHYXIATESASPHYXIATE [v] ASPHYXIATINGASPHYXIATE [v] ASPHYXIATION[n -S] ASPHYXIATIONSASPHYXIATION [n] ASPHYXIESASPHYXY, asphyxia (unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen) [n] ASPHYXYasphyxia (unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen) [n -PHYXIES] ATARAXIApeace of mind [n -S] ATARAXIASATARAXIA, peace of mind [n] ATARAXICa tranquilizing drug [n -S] ATARAXICSATARAXIC, a tranquilizing drug [n] ATARAXIESATARAXY, ataraxia (peace of mind) [n] ATARAXYataraxia (peace of mind) [n -RAXIES] ATAXIAloss of muscular coordination [n -S] ATAXIASATAXIA, loss of muscular coordination [n] ATAXICone suffering from ataxia [n -S] ATAXICSATAXIC, one suffering from ataxia [n] ATAXIESATAXY, ataxia (loss of muscular coordination) [n] ATAXYataxia (loss of muscular coordination) [n ATAXIES] AUSPEXa soothsayer of ancient Rome [n -PICES] AUTOSEXING[adj] AUTOTOXICAUTOTOXIN, any toxin or poison produced within the body [adj] AUTOTOXINany toxin or poison produced within the body [n -S] : AUTOTOXIC ~adj AUTOTOXINSAUTOTOXIN, any toxin or poison produced within the body [n] AUTOXIDATION[n -S] AUTOXIDATIONSAUTOXIDATION [n] AUXESESAUXESIS, an increase in cell size without cell division [n] AUXESISan increase in cell size without cell division [n AUXESES] AUXETICa substance that promotes auxesis [n -S] AUXETICSAUXETIC, a substance that promotes auxesis [n] AUXILIARIESAUXILIARY, an individual or group that assists or functions in a supporting capacity [n] AUXILIARYan individual or group that assists or functions in a supporting capacity [n -RIES] AUXINa substance used to regulate plant growth [n -S] : AUXINIC ~adj AUXINICAUXIN, a substance used to regulate plant growth [adj] AUXINSAUXIN, a substance used to regulate plant growth [n] AUXOTROPHan organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes [n -S] AUXOTROPHIC[adj] AUXOTROPHIESAUXOTROPHY [n] AUXOTROPHSAUXOTROPH, an organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes [n] AUXOTROPHY[n -PHIES] AVIATRIXa female aviator (one that aviates (to fly an aircraft)) [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] AVIATRIXESAVIATRIX, a female aviator (one that aviates (to fly an aircraft)) [n] AXto work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] AXALaxial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [adj] AXEto ax (to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool)) [v AXED, AXING, AXES] AXEDAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v] AXELa jump in figure skating [n -S] AXELSAXEL, a jump in figure skating [n] AXEMANaxman (one who wields an ax) [n AXEMEN] AXEMENAXEMAN, axman (one who wields an ax) [n] AXENICfree from germs [adj] AXENICALLY[adv] AXESAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v] AXIALpertaining to or forming an axis [adj] : AXIALLY ~adv AXIALITIESAXIALITY, the state of being axial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [n] AXIALITYthe state of being axial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [n -TIES] AXIALLYAXIAL, pertaining to or forming an axis [adv] AXILthe angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n -S] AXILEaxial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [adj] AXILLAthe armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n -LAE or -LAS] AXILLAEAXILLA, the armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n] AXILLARa feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing [n -S] AXILLARIESAXILLARY, an axillar (a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing) [n] AXILLARSAXILLAR, a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing [n] AXILLARYan axillar (a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing) [n -LARIES] AXILLASAXILLA, the armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n] AXILSAXIL, the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n] AXINGAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v] AXIOLOGICAL[adj] AXIOLOGICALLY[adv] AXIOLOGIESAXIOLOGY, the study of values and value judgments [n] AXIOLOGYthe study of values and value judgments [n -GIES] AXIOMa self-evident truth [n -S] : AXIOMATIC ~adj, AXIOMATICALLY ~adv AXIOMATICAXIOM, a self-evident truth [adj] AXIOMATICALLYAXIOM, a self-evident truth [adv] AXIOMATISATION[n -S] AXIOMATISATIONSAXIOMATISATION [n] AXIOMATIZATION[n -S] AXIOMATIZATIONSAXIOMATIZATION [n] AXIOMATIZE[v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES] AXIOMATIZEDAXIOMATIZE [v] AXIOMATIZESAXIOMATIZE [v] AXIOMATIZINGAXIOMATIZE [v] AXIOMSAXIOM, a self-evident truth [n] AXIONa hypothetical subatomic particle [n -S] AXIONSAXION, a hypothetical subatomic particle [n] AXISa straight line about which a body rotates [n AXES] : AXISED ~adj / an Asian deer [n AXISES] AXISEDAXIS, a straight line about which a body rotates [adj] AXISESAXIS, a straight line about which a body rotates [n] AXISYMMETRIC[adj] AXISYMMETRICAL[adj] AXISYMMETRIESAXISYMMETRY [n] AXISYMMETRY[n -TRIES] AXITEa fiber of an axon [n -S] AXITESAXITE, a fiber of an axon [n] AXLEa shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n -S] : AXLED ~adj AXLEDAXLE, a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] AXLESAXLE, a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n] AXLETREEa type of axle (a shaft upon which a wheel revolves) [n -S] AXLETREESAXLETREE, a type of axle (a shaft upon which a wheel revolves) [n] AXLIKEresembling an ax [adj] AXMANone who wields an ax [n AXMEN] AXMENAXMAN, one who wields an ax [n] AXOLOTLa salamander of Mexico and western United States [n -S] AXOLOTLSAXOLOTL, a salamander of Mexico and western United States [n] AXONthe central process of a neuron [n -S] : AXONAL, AXONIC ~adj AXONALAXON, the central process of a neuron [adj] AXONEaxon (the central process of a neuron) [n -S] AXONEMALpertaining to an axoneme (a part of a cilium) [adj] AXONEMEa part of a cilium [n -S] AXONEMESAXONEME, a part of a cilium [n] AXONESAXONE, axon (the central process of a neuron) [n] AXONICAXON, the central process of a neuron [adj] AXONOMETRIC[adj] AXONSAXON, the central process of a neuron [n] AXOPLASMthe protoplasm of an axon [n -S] AXOPLASMIC[adj] AXOPLASMSAXOPLASM, the protoplasm of an axon [n] AXSEEDa European herb [n -S] AXSEEDSAXSEED, a European herb [n] BANDBOXa lightweight box [n -ES] BANDBOXESBANDBOX, a lightweight box [n] BANDEAUXBANDEAU, a headband (a band worn on the head) [n] BANJAXto damage or ruin [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BANJAXEDBANJAX, to damage or ruin [v] BANJAXESBANJAX, to damage or ruin [v] BANJAXINGBANJAX, to damage or ruin [v] BASIFIXED[adj] BATEAUXBATEAU, a flat-bottomed boat [n] BATTEAUXBATTEAU, bateau (a flat-bottomed boat) [n] BAUXITEan ore of aluminum [n -S] : BAUXITIC ~adj BAUXITESBAUXITE, an ore of aluminum [n] BAUXITICBAUXITE, an ore of aluminum [adj] BEAUXBEAU, a boyfriend [n] BEESWAXa type of wax [n -ES] BEESWAXESBEESWAX, a type of wax [n] BEMIXto mix thoroughly [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] BEMIXEDBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BEMIXESBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BEMIXINGBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BEMIXTBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BETAXEDburdened with taxes [adj] BETWIXTbetween (in the space that separates) [prep] BIAXALbiaxial (having two axes) [adj] BIAXIALhaving two axes [adj] BIAXIALLY[adv] BICONVEXconvex on both sides [adj] BICONVEXITIESBICONVEXITY [n] BICONVEXITY[n -TIES] BIFLEXbent in two places [adj] BIJOUXBIJOU, a jewel [n] BIOTOXINpoison made by a plant or animal [n -S] BIOTOXINSBIOTOXIN, poison made by a plant or animal [n] BISECTRIX[n -TRICES] BISEXUALone who is attracted to both sexes [n -S] BISEXUALITIESBISEXUALITY [n] BISEXUALITY[n -TIES] BISEXUALLY[adv] BISEXUALSBISEXUAL, one who is attracted to both sexes [n] BLAXPLOITATION[n -S] BLAXPLOITATIONSBLAXPLOITATION [n] BOBBYSOXgirls' socks that reach above the ankle [n] BOLLIXto bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOLLIXEDBOLLIX, to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v] BOLLIXESBOLLIX, to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v] BOLLIXINGBOLLIX, to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v] BOLLOXto bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOLLOXEDBOLLOX, to bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v] BOLLOXESBOLLOX, to bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v] BOLLOXINGBOLLOX, to bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v] BOMBAXpertaining to a family of tropical trees [adj] BOMBYXa silkworm (a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk fibers) [n -ES] BOMBYXESBOMBYX, a silkworm (a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk fibers) [n] BOOMBOXa portable radio and tape or compact disc player [n -ES] BOOMBOXESBOOMBOX, a portable radio and tape or compact disc player [n] BORAXa white crystalline compound [n -RAXES or -RACES] BORAXESBORAX, a white crystalline compound [n] BORDEAUXa red or white wine [n BORDEAUX] BORDEREAUXBORDEREAU [n] BOXto put in a box (a rectangular container) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOXBALLa form of handball [n -S] BOXBALLSBOXBALL, a form of handball [n] BOXBERRIESBOXBERRY, an evergreen plant [n] BOXBERRYan evergreen plant [n -RIES] BOXBOARDstiff paperboard [n -S] BOXBOARDSBOXBOARD, stiff paperboard [n] BOXCARa roofed freight car [n -S] BOXCARSBOXCAR, a roofed freight car [n] BOXEDBOX, to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v] BOXERone that packs boxes [n -S] BOXERSBOXER, one that packs boxes [n] BOXESBOX, to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v] BOXFISHa marine fish [n -ES] BOXFISHESBOXFISH, a marine fish [n] BOXFULas much as a box can hold [n -S] BOXFULSBOXFUL, as much as a box can hold [n] BOXHAULto veer a ship around [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOXHAULEDBOXHAUL, to veer a ship around [v] BOXHAULINGBOXHAUL, to veer a ship around [v] BOXHAULSBOXHAUL, to veer a ship around [v] BOXIERBOXY, resembling a box [adj] BOXIESTBOXY, resembling a box [adj] BOXILYBOXY, resembling a box [adv] BOXINESSthe state of being boxy (resembling a box) [n -ES] BOXINESSESBOXINESS, the state of being boxy (resembling a box) [n] BOXINGa casing (a protective outer covering) [n -S] BOXINGSBOXING, a casing (a protective outer covering) [n] BOXLIKEresembling a box [adj] BOXTHORNa thorny shrub [n -S] BOXTHORNSBOXTHORN, a thorny shrub [n] BOXWOODan evergreen shrub [n -S] BOXWOODSBOXWOOD, an evergreen shrub [n] BOXYresembling a box [adj BOXIER, BOXIEST] : BOXILY ~adv BRAXIESBRAXY, a fever of sheep [n] BRAXYa fever of sheep [n BRAXIES] BREADBOXa container for bread [n -ES] BREADBOXESBREADBOX, a container for bread [n] BROADAXa broad-edged ax [n -ES] BROADAXEbroadax (a broad-edged ax) [n -S] BROADAXESBROADAX, a broad-edged ax [n] BRUXto grind the teeth [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BRUXEDBRUX, to grind the teeth [v] BRUXESBRUX, to grind the teeth [v] BRUXINGBRUX, to grind the teeth [v] BRUXISMa nervous grinding of the teeth [n -S] BRUXISMSBRUXISM, a nervous grinding of the teeth [n] BUREAUXBUREAU, a chest of drawers [n] BUXOMhealthily plump [adj -OMER, -OMEST] : BUXOMLY ~adv BUXOMERBUXOM, healthily plump [adj] BUXOMESTBUXOM, healthily plump [adj] BUXOMLYBUXOM, healthily plump [adv] BUXOMNESS[n -ES] BUXOMNESSESBUXOMNESS [n] CACHEXIAgeneral ill health [n -S] : CACHEXIC ~adj CACHEXIASCACHEXIA, general ill health [n] CACHEXICCACHEXIA, general ill health [adj] CACHEXIESCACHEXY, cachexia (general ill health) [n] CACHEXYcachexia (general ill health) [n -CHEXIES] CACOMIXLa raccoon-like mammal [n -S] CACOMIXLE[n -S] CACOMIXLESCACOMIXLE [n] CACOMIXLSCACOMIXL, a raccoon-like mammal [n] CALIXa cup [n -LICES] CALXa mineral residue [n -ES or CALCES] CALXESCALX, a mineral residue [n] CALYXthe outer protective covering of a flower [n -LYXES or -LYCES] CALYXESCALYX, the outer protective covering of a flower [n] CANTHAXANTHIN[n -S] CANTHAXANTHINSCANTHAXANTHIN [n] CARAPAXcarapace (a hard, protective outer covering) [n -ES] CARAPAXESCARAPAX, carapace (a hard, protective outer covering) [n] CARBOXYLa univalent acid radical [n -S] CARBOXYLASE[n -S] CARBOXYLASESCARBOXYLASE [n] CARBOXYLATE[v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] CARBOXYLATEDCARBOXYLATE [v] CARBOXYLATESCARBOXYLATE [v] CARBOXYLATINGCARBOXYLATE [v] CARBOXYLATION[n -S] CARBOXYLATIONSCARBOXYLATION [n] CARBOXYLIC[adj] CARBOXYLSCARBOXYL, a univalent acid radical [n] CAREXa marsh plant [n CARICES] CASHBOXa container for money [n -ES] CASHBOXESCASHBOX, a container for money [n] CATALEXESCATALEXIS [n] CATALEXIS[n -LEXES] CATAPLEXIESCATAPLEXY [n] CATAPLEXY[n -PLEXIES] CATHEXESCATHEXIS, the concentration of psychic energy on a person or idea [n] CATHEXISthe concentration of psychic energy on a person or idea [n -THEXES] CAUDEXthe woody base of some plants [n -DICES or -DEXES] CAUDEXESCAUDEX, the woody base of some plants [n] CELOTEXa building board that is employed as insulation or paneling -- a trademark [n -ES] CELOTEXESCELOTEX, a building board that is employed as insulation or paneling -- a trademark [n] CEPHALEXIN[n -S] CEPHALEXINSCEPHALEXIN [n] CEPHALOTHORAX[n -THORAXES or -THORACES] CEPHALOTHORAXESCEPHALOTHORAX [n] CERVIXthe neck [n -VICES or -VIXES] CERVIXESCERVIX, the neck [n] CHAMOIXCHAMOIS, a soft leather [n] CHAPEAUXCHAPEAU, a hat [n] CHATEAUXCHATEAU, a large country house [n] CHATTERBOX[n -ES] CHATTERBOXESCHATTERBOX [n] CHEMOTAXESCHEMOTAXIS [n] CHEMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] CHEMOTAXONOMIC[adj] CHEMOTAXONOMIESCHEMOTAXONOMY [n] CHEMOTAXONOMIST[n -S] CHEMOTAXONOMY[n -MIES] CHIONODOXA[n -S] CHIONODOXASCHIONODOXA [n] CHRONAXIEthe time required to excite a nerve cell electrically [n -S] CHRONAXIESCHRONAXY, the time required to excite a nerve cell electrically [n] CHRONAXYthe time required to excite a nerve cell electrically [n -AXIES] CICATRIXscar tissue [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] CICATRIXESCICATRIX, scar tissue [n] CIMEXa bedbug (a bloodsucking insect) [n -MICES] CIPHERTEXT[n -S] CIPHERTEXTSCIPHERTEXT [n] CIRCUMFLEX[n -ES] CIRCUMFLEXESCIRCUMFLEX [n] CLAXONklaxon (a low-pitched horn) [n -S] CLAXONSCLAXON, klaxon (a low-pitched horn) [n] CLIMAXto reach a high or dramatic point [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CLIMAXEDCLIMAX, to reach a high or dramatic point [v] CLIMAXESCLIMAX, to reach a high or dramatic point [v] CLIMAXINGCLIMAX, to reach a high or dramatic point [v] CLIMAXLESS[adj] CLOXACILLIN[n -S] CLOXACILLINSCLOXACILLIN [n] COADJUTRIX[n -TRICES] COALBOXa box for storing coal [n -ES] COALBOXESCOALBOX, a box for storing coal [n] COANNEXto annex jointly [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COANNEXEDCOANNEX, to annex jointly [v] COANNEXESCOANNEX, to annex jointly [v] COANNEXINGCOANNEX, to annex jointly [v] COAXto cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COAXALcoaxial (having a common axis) [adj] COAXEDCOAX, to cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v] COAXERone that coaxes (to cajole (to persuade by flattery)) [n -S] COAXERSCOAXER, one that coaxes (to cajole (to persuade by flattery)) [n] COAXESCOAX, to cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v] COAXIALhaving a common axis [adj] COAXIALLY[adv] COAXINGCOAX, to cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v] COAXINGLY[adv] COCARBOXYLASE[n -S] COCARBOXYLASESCOCARBOXYLASE [n] COCCYXa bone of the spine [n -CYGES or -CYXES] COCCYXESCOCCYX, a bone of the spine [n] CODEXan ancient manuscript [n -DICES] COEXECUTOR[n -S] COEXECUTORSCOEXECUTOR [n] COEXERTto exert jointly [v -ED, -ING, -S] COEXERTEDCOEXERT, to exert jointly [v] COEXERTINGCOEXERT, to exert jointly [v] COEXERTSCOEXERT, to exert jointly [v] COEXISTto exist together [v -ED, -ING, -S] COEXISTEDCOEXIST, to exist together [v] COEXISTENCE[n -S] COEXISTENCESCOEXISTENCE [n] COEXISTENT[adj] COEXISTINGCOEXIST, to exist together [v] COEXISTSCOEXIST, to exist together [v] COEXTENDto extend through the same space or time as another [v -ED, -ING, -S] COEXTENDEDCOEXTEND, to extend through the same space or time as another [v] COEXTENDINGCOEXTEND, to extend through the same space or time as another [v] COEXTENDSCOEXTEND, to extend through the same space or time as another [v] COEXTENSIVE[adj] COEXTENSIVELY[adv] COMIXcomic books or strips [n] COMMIXto mix together [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] COMMIXEDCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXESCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXINGCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXTCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXTURE[n -S] COMMIXTURESCOMMIXTURE [n] COMPLEXcomplicated [adj -PLEXER, -PLEXEST] / to make complex [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COMPLEXATION[n -S] COMPLEXATIONSCOMPLEXATION [n] COMPLEXEDCOMPLEX, to make complex [v] COMPLEXERCOMPLEX, complicated [adj] COMPLEXESCOMPLEX, to make complex [v] COMPLEXESTCOMPLEX, complicated [adj] COMPLEXIFIEDCOMPLEXIFY [v] COMPLEXIFIESCOMPLEXIFY [v] COMPLEXIFY[v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] COMPLEXIFYINGCOMPLEXIFY [v] COMPLEXINGCOMPLEX, to make complex [v] COMPLEXION[n -S] COMPLEXIONAL[adj] COMPLEXIONED[adj] COMPLEXIONSCOMPLEXION [n] COMPLEXITIESCOMPLEXITY [n] COMPLEXITY[n -TIES] COMPLEXLY[adv] COMPLEXNESS[n -ES] COMPLEXNESSESCOMPLEXNESS [n] CONFLUXa flowing together of streams [n -ES] CONFLUXESCONFLUX, a flowing together of streams [n] CONNEXION[n -S] CONNEXIONSCONNEXION [n] CONTEXTthe part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appears [n -S] CONTEXTLESS[adj] CONTEXTSCONTEXT, the part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appears [n] CONTEXTUAL[adj] CONTEXTUALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] CONTEXTUALIZEDCONTEXTUALIZE [v] CONTEXTUALIZESCONTEXTUALIZE [v] CONTEXTUALIZINGCONTEXTUALIZE [v] CONTEXTUALLY[adv] CONTEXTURE[n -S] CONTEXTURESCONTEXTURE [n] CONVEXa surface or body that is convex (curving outward) [n -ES] CONVEXESCONVEX, a surface or body that is convex (curving outward) [n] CONVEXITIESCONVEXITY [n] CONVEXITY[n -TIES] CONVEXLYin a convex manner [adv] CORTEXthe outer layer of an organ [n -TICES or -TEXES] : CORTICAL ~adj CORTEXESCORTEX, the outer layer of an organ [n] COTEAUXCOTEAU, the higher ground of a region [n] COTURNIXa small quail [n -ES] COTURNIXESCOTURNIX, a small quail [n] COUNTEREXAMPLE[n -S] COUNTEREXAMPLESCOUNTEREXAMPLE [n] COUTEAUXCOUTEAU, a knife (a sharp-edged instrument used for cutting) [n] COWPOXa cattle disease [n -ES] COWPOXESCOWPOX, a cattle disease [n] COXto coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COXAthe hip or hip joint [n COXAE] : COXAL ~adj COXAECOXA, the hip or hip joint [n] COXALCOXA, the hip or hip joint [adj] COXALGIApain in the hip [n -S] : COXALGIC ~adj COXALGIASCOXALGIA, pain in the hip [n] COXALGICCOXALGIA, pain in the hip [adj] COXALGIESCOXALGY, coxalgia (pain in the hip) [n] COXALGYcoxalgia (pain in the hip) [n -GIES] COXCOMBa conceited dandy [n -S] COXCOMBIC[adj] COXCOMBICAL[adj] COXCOMBRIESCOXCOMBRY [n] COXCOMBRY[n -RIES] COXCOMBSCOXCOMB, a conceited dandy [n] COXEDCOX, to coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v] COXESCOX, to coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v] COXINGCOX, to coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v] COXITIDESCOXITIS, inflammation of the hip joint [n] COXITISinflammation of the hip joint [n COXITIDES] COXLESShaving no coxswain (the director of the crew of a racing rowboat) [adj] COXSWAINto steer a racing rowboat [v -ED, -ING, -S] COXSWAINEDCOXSWAIN, to steer a racing rowboat [v] COXSWAININGCOXSWAIN, to steer a racing rowboat [v] COXSWAINSCOXSWAIN, to steer a racing rowboat [v] CRUCIFIXa cross bearing an image of Christ [n -ES] CRUCIFIXESCRUCIFIX, a cross bearing an image of Christ [n] CRUCIFIXION[n -S] CRUCIFIXIONSCRUCIFIXION [n] CRUXa basic or decisive point [n CRUXES or CRUCES] CRUXESCRUX, a basic or decisive point [n] CULEXa mosquito (a winged insect) [n CULEXES or CULICES] CULEXESCULEX, a mosquito (a winged insect) [n] CURTALAXa cutlass (a short sword) [n -ES] CURTALAXESCURTALAX, a cutlass (a short sword) [n] CYBERSEXan online sex-oriented conversation [n -ES] CYBERSEXESCYBERSEX, an online sex-oriented conversation [n] CYCLODEXTRIN[n -S] CYCLODEXTRINSCYCLODEXTRIN [n] CYCLOHEXANE[n -S] CYCLOHEXANESCYCLOHEXANE [n] CYCLOHEXANONE[n -S] CYCLOHEXANONESCYCLOHEXANONE [n] CYCLOHEXIMIDE[n -S] CYCLOHEXIMIDESCYCLOHEXIMIDE [n] CYCLOHEXYLAMINE[n -S] CYLIXkylix (a drinking vessel) [n CYLICES] CYTOTAXONOMIC[adj] CYTOTAXONOMIESCYTOTAXONOMY [n] CYTOTAXONOMY[n -MIES] CYTOTOXIC[adj] CYTOTOXICITIESCYTOTOXICITY [n] CYTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] CYTOTOXIN[n -S] CYTOTOXINSCYTOTOXIN [n] DECARBOXYLASE[n -S] DECARBOXYLASESDECARBOXYLASE [n] DECARBOXYLATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] DECARBOXYLATEDDECARBOXYLATE [v] DECARBOXYLATESDECARBOXYLATE [v] DECARBOXYLATINGDECARBOXYLATE [v] DECARBOXYLATION[n -S] DEFLEXEDbent downward [adj] DEFLEXION[n -S] DEFLEXIONSDEFLEXION [n] DEIXISthe specifying function of some words [n DEIXISES] DEIXISESDEIXIS, the specifying function of some words [n] DELUXEof special elegance or luxury [adj] DEMULTIPLEXER[n -S] DEMULTIPLEXERSDEMULTIPLEXER [n] DEOXIDATION[n -S] DEOXIDATIONSDEOXIDATION [n] DEOXIDIZE[v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] DEOXIDIZEDDEOXIDIZE [v] DEOXIDIZER[n -S] DEOXIDIZERSDEOXIDIZER [n] DEOXIDIZESDEOXIDIZE [v] DEOXIDIZINGDEOXIDIZE [v] DEOXYhaving less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived [adj] DEOXYGENATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] DEOXYGENATEDDEOXYGENATE [v] DEOXYGENATESDEOXYGENATE [v] DEOXYGENATINGDEOXYGENATE [v] DEOXYGENATION[n -S] DEOXYGENATIONSDEOXYGENATION [n] DEOXYRIBOSE[n -S] DEOXYRIBOSESDEOXYRIBOSE [n] DESEXto castrate or spay [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DESEXEDDESEX, to castrate or spay [v] DESEXESDESEX, to castrate or spay [v] DESEXINGDESEX, to castrate or spay [v] DESEXUALIZATION[n -S] DESEXUALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] DESEXUALIZEDDESEXUALIZE [v] DESEXUALIZESDESEXUALIZE [v] DESEXUALIZINGDESEXUALIZE [v] DESOXYdeoxy (having less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived) [adj] DETOXto detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DETOXEDDETOX, to detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v] DETOXESDETOX, to detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v] DETOXICANT[n -S] DETOXICANTSDETOXICANT [n] DETOXICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] DETOXICATEDDETOXICATE [v] DETOXICATESDETOXICATE [v] DETOXICATINGDETOXICATE [v] DETOXICATION[n -S] DETOXICATIONSDETOXICATION [n] DETOXIFICATION[n -S] DETOXIFICATIONSDETOXIFICATION [n] DETOXIFIEDDETOXIFY, to remove a toxin from [v] DETOXIFIESDETOXIFY, to remove a toxin from [v] DETOXIFYto remove a toxin from [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] DETOXIFYINGDETOXIFY, to remove a toxin from [v] DETOXINGDETOX, to detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v] DEWAXto remove wax from [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DEWAXEDDEWAX, to remove wax from [v] DEWAXESDEWAX, to remove wax from [v] DEWAXINGDEWAX, to remove wax from [v] DEXa sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n -ES] DEXAMETHASONE[n -S] DEXAMETHASONESDEXAMETHASONE [n] DEXESDEX, a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n] DEXIEa tablet of dex [n -S] DEXIESDEXY, dexie (a tablet of dex) [n] DEXTERsituated on the right [adj] DEXTERITIESDEXTERITY [n] DEXTERITY[n -TIES] DEXTEROUS[adj] DEXTEROUSLY[adv] DEXTEROUSNESS[n -ES] DEXTEROUSNESSESDEXTEROUSNESS [n] DEXTRALpertaining to the right [adj] DEXTRALLY[adv] DEXTRANa substance used as a blood plasma substitute [n -S] DEXTRANASE[n -S] DEXTRANASESDEXTRANASE [n] DEXTRANSDEXTRAN, a substance used as a blood plasma substitute [n] DEXTRINa substance used as an adhesive [n -S] DEXTRINEdextrin (a substance used as an adhesive) [n -S] DEXTRINESDEXTRINE, dextrin (a substance used as an adhesive) [n] DEXTRINSDEXTRIN, a substance used as an adhesive [n] DEXTROturning to the right [adj] DEXTROROTARY[adj] DEXTROROTATORY[adj] DEXTRORSE[adj] DEXTROSEa form of glucose [n -S] DEXTROSESDEXTROSE, a form of glucose [n] DEXTROUSadroit (skillful (having skill (the ability to do something well))) [adj] DEXYdexie (a tablet of dex) [n DEXIES] DICARBOXYLIC[adj] DIGITOXIGENIN[n -S] DIGITOXIGENINSDIGITOXIGENIN [n] DIGITOXIN[n -S] DIGITOXINSDIGITOXIN [n] DIGOXINa drug to improve heart function [n -S] DIGOXINSDIGOXIN, a drug to improve heart function [n] DIOXANdioxane (a flammable liquid) [n -S] DIOXANEa flammable liquid [n -S] DIOXANESDIOXANE, a flammable liquid [n] DIOXANSDIOXAN, dioxane (a flammable liquid) [n] DIOXIDdioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n -S] DIOXIDEa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] DIOXIDESDIOXIDE, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] DIOXIDSDIOXID, dioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n] DIOXINa toxic solid hydrocarbon [n -S] DIOXINSDIOXIN, a toxic solid hydrocarbon [n] DIPLEXpertaining to the simultaneous transmission or reception of two radio signals [adj] DIPLEXERa coupling device [n -S] DIPLEXERSDIPLEXER, a coupling device [n] DIRECTRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] DIRECTRIXESDIRECTRIX [n] DISCLIMAX[n -MAXES] DISCLIMAXESDISCLIMAX [n] DISINTOXICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] DISINTOXICATEDDISINTOXICATE [v] DISINTOXICATESDISINTOXICATE [v] DISINTOXICATINGDISINTOXICATE [v] DISINTOXICATION[n -S] DIXITa statement [n -S] DIXITSDIXIT, a statement [n] DOMINATRIX[n -TRICES] DOUXvery sweet -- used of champagne [adj] DOXIEdoxy (a doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated)) [n -S] DOXIESDOXY, a doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated) [n] DOXOLOGIESDOXOLOGY, a hymn or verse of praise to God [n] DOXOLOGYa hymn or verse of praise to God [n -GIES] DOXORUBICIN[n -S] DOXORUBICINSDOXORUBICIN [n] DOXYa doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated) [n DOXIES] DOXYCYCLINE[n -S] DOXYCYCLINESDOXYCYCLINE [n] DUPLEXto make duple (having two parts or elements) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DUPLEXEDDUPLEX, to make duple (having two parts or elements) [v] DUPLEXERan electronic switching device [n -S] DUPLEXERSDUPLEXER, an electronic switching device [n] DUPLEXESDUPLEX, to make duple (having two parts or elements) [v] DUPLEXINGDUPLEX, to make duple (having two parts or elements) [v] DUPLEXITIESDUPLEXITY [n] DUPLEXITY[n -TIES] DUXELLESa garnish or sauce with minced mushrooms [n DUXELLES] DYSLEXIAimpairment of the ability to read [n -S] DYSLEXIASDYSLEXIA, impairment of the ability to read [n] DYSLEXICone who is affected with dyslexia [n -S] DYSLEXICSDYSLEXIC, one who is affected with dyslexia [n] DYSTAXIAa form of muscular tremor [n -S] DYSTAXIASDYSTAXIA, a form of muscular tremor [n] EARWAXcerumen (a waxy secretion of the ear) [n -ES] EARWAXESEARWAX, cerumen (a waxy secretion of the ear) [n] EAUXEAU, water [n] ECONOBOXa small economical car [n -ES] ECONOBOXESECONOBOX, a small economical car [n] EDITRIXa female editor (one that edits (to correct and prepare for publication)) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] EDITRIXESEDITRIX, a female editor (one that edits (to correct and prepare for publication)) [n] EFFLUXan outflow [n -ES] EFFLUXESEFFLUX, an outflow [n] EFFLUXION[n -S] EFFLUXIONSEFFLUXION [n] EKTEXINEan outer layer of the exine [n -S] EKTEXINESEKTEXINE, an outer layer of the exine [n] ELIXIRa medicinal beverage [n -S] ELIXIRSELIXIR, a medicinal beverage [n] ENDEXINEan inner layer of the exine [n -S] ENDEXINESENDEXINE, an inner layer of the exine [n] ENDOMIXIS[n -MIXISES] ENDOMIXISESENDOMIXIS [n] ENDOPEROXIDE[n -S] ENDOPEROXIDESENDOPEROXIDE [n] ENDOTOXIC[adj] ENDOTOXIN[n -S] ENDOTOXINSENDOTOXIN [n] ENTEROTOXIN[n -S] ENTEROTOXINSENTEROTOXIN [n] EPEXEGESESEPEXEGESIS [n] EPEXEGESIS[n -GESES] EPEXEGETIC[adj] EPEXEGETICAL[adj] EPEXEGETICALLY[adv] EPICALYXa set of bracts close to and resembling a calyx [n -LYXES or -LYCES] EPICALYXESEPICALYX, a set of bracts close to and resembling a calyx [n] EPISTAXESEPISTAXIS [n] EPISTAXIS[n -STAXES] EPITAXIAL[adj] EPITAXIALLY[adv] EPITAXICEPITAXY, a type of crystalline growth [adj] EPITAXIESEPITAXY, a type of crystalline growth [n] EPITAXYa type of crystalline growth [n -TAXIES] : EPITAXIC ~adj EPOXIDATION[n -S] EPOXIDATIONSEPOXIDATION [n] EPOXIDEan epoxy compound [n -S] EPOXIDESEPOXIDE, an epoxy compound [n] EPOXIDIZE[v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] EPOXIDIZEDEPOXIDIZE [v] EPOXIDIZESEPOXIDIZE [v] EPOXIDIZINGEPOXIDIZE [v] EPOXIEDEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EPOXIESEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EPOXYto glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v EPOXIED or EPOXYED, EPOXYING, EPOXIES] EPOXYEDEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EPOXYINGEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EQUINOXa point on the celestial sphere [n -ES] EQUINOXESEQUINOX, a point on the celestial sphere [n] ETHOXIESETHOXY, ethoxyl (a univalent chemical radical) [n] ETHOXYethoxyl (a univalent chemical radical) [n -OXIES] ETHOXYLa univalent chemical radical [n -S] ETHOXYLSETHOXYL, a univalent chemical radical [n] EUTAXIESEUTAXY, good order [n] EUTAXYgood order [n -TAXIES] EUXENITEa mineral [n -S] EUXENITESEUXENITE, a mineral [n] EXto cross out [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXABYTEone quintillion bytes [n -S] EXABYTESEXABYTE, one quintillion bytes [n] EXACERBATE[v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES] EXACERBATEDEXACERBATE [v] EXACERBATESEXACERBATE [v] EXACERBATINGEXACERBATE [v] EXACERBATION[n -S] EXACERBATIONSEXACERBATION [n] EXACTprecise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj -ACTER, -ACTEST] / to force the payment or yielding of [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXACTAa type of horse racing bet [n -S] EXACTABLE[adj] EXACTASEXACTA, a type of horse racing bet [n] EXACTEDEXACT, to force the payment or yielding of [v] EXACTERone that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of) [n -S] EXACTERSEXACTER, one that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of) [n] EXACTESTEXACT, precise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj] EXACTINGEXACT, to force the payment or yielding of [v] EXACTINGLY[adv] EXACTINGNESS[n -ES] EXACTINGNESSESEXACTINGNESS [n] EXACTIONthe act of exacting (to force the payment or yielding of) [n -S] EXACTIONSEXACTION, the act of exacting (to force the payment or yielding of) [n] EXACTITUDE[n -S] EXACTITUDESEXACTITUDE [n] EXACTLYin an exact manner [adv] EXACTNESS[n -ES] EXACTNESSESEXACTNESS [n] EXACTORexacter (one that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of)) [n -S] EXACTORSEXACTOR, exacter (one that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of)) [n] EXACTSEXACT, to force the payment or yielding of [v] EXAGGERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXAGGERATEDEXAGGERATE [v] EXAGGERATEDLY[adv] EXAGGERATEDNESS[n -ES] EXAGGERATESEXAGGERATE [v] EXAGGERATINGEXAGGERATE [v] EXAGGERATION[n -S] EXAGGERATIONSEXAGGERATION [n] EXAGGERATIVE[adj] EXAGGERATOR[n -S] EXAGGERATORSEXAGGERATOR [n] EXAGGERATORY[adj] EXAHERTZone quintillion hertz [n -HERTZ or -HERTZES] EXAHERTZESEXAHERTZ, one quintillion hertz [n] EXALTto raise (to move to a higher position) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXALTATION[n -S] EXALTATIONSEXALTATION [n] EXALTEDEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [v] EXALTEDLY[adv] EXALTERone that exalts (to raise (to move to a higher position)) [n -S] EXALTERSEXALTER, one that exalts (to raise (to move to a higher position)) [n] EXALTINGEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [v] EXALTSEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [v] EXAMan examination [n -S] EXAMENa critical study [n -S] EXAMENSEXAMEN, a critical study [n] EXAMINABLE[adj] EXAMINANT[n -S] EXAMINANTSEXAMINANT [n] EXAMINATION[n -S] EXAMINATIONAL[adj] EXAMINATIONSEXAMINATION [n] EXAMINEto inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v -INED, -INING, -INES] EXAMINEDEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] EXAMINEEone that is taking an examination [n -S] EXAMINEESEXAMINEE, one that is taking an examination [n] EXAMINERone that examines (to inspect (to look carefully at or over)) [n -S] EXAMINERSEXAMINER, one that examines (to inspect (to look carefully at or over)) [n] EXAMINESEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] EXAMININGEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] EXAMPLEto show by representation [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] EXAMPLEDEXAMPLE, to show by representation [v] EXAMPLESEXAMPLE, to show by representation [v] EXAMPLINGEXAMPLE, to show by representation [v] EXAMSEXAM, an examination [n] EXANIMATE[adj] EXANTHEMa skin eruption [n -S] EXANTHEMA[n -MATA or -MAS] EXANTHEMASEXANTHEMA [n] EXANTHEMATAEXANTHEMA [n] EXANTHEMATIC[adj] EXANTHEMATOUS[adj] EXANTHEMSEXANTHEM, a skin eruption [n] EXAPTEDutilized for a function other than the one developed through natural selection [adj] EXAPTIVEpertaining to an exapted function [adj] EXARCHthe ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n -S] : EXARCHAL ~adj EXARCHALEXARCH, the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [adj] EXARCHATE[n -S] EXARCHATESEXARCHATE [n] EXARCHIESEXARCHY, the domain of an exarch [n] EXARCHSEXARCH, the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n] EXARCHYthe domain of an exarch [n -CHIES] EXASPERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXASPERATEDEXASPERATE [v] EXASPERATEDLY[adv] EXASPERATESEXASPERATE [v] EXASPERATINGEXASPERATE [v] EXASPERATINGLY[adv] EXASPERATION[n -S] EXASPERATIONSEXASPERATION [n] EXCAUDATE[adj] EXCAVATEto dig out [v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES] EXCAVATEDEXCAVATE, to dig out [v] EXCAVATESEXCAVATE, to dig out [v] EXCAVATINGEXCAVATE, to dig out [v] EXCAVATION[n -S] EXCAVATIONAL[adj] EXCAVATIONSEXCAVATION [n] EXCAVATOR[n -S] EXCAVATORSEXCAVATOR [n] EXCEEDto go beyond [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCEEDEDEXCEED, to go beyond [v] EXCEEDERone that exceeds (to go beyond) [n -S] EXCEEDERSEXCEEDER, one that exceeds (to go beyond) [n] EXCEEDINGEXCEED, to go beyond [v] EXCEEDINGLY[adv] EXCEEDSEXCEED, to go beyond [v] EXCELto surpass others [v -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS] EXCELLEDEXCEL, to surpass others [v] EXCELLENCE[n -S] EXCELLENCESEXCELLENCE [n] EXCELLENCIESEXCELLENCY [n] EXCELLENCY[n -CIES] EXCELLENT[adj] EXCELLENTLY[adv] EXCELLINGEXCEL, to surpass others [v] EXCELSEXCEL, to surpass others [v] EXCELSIOR[n -S] EXCELSIORSEXCELSIOR [n] EXCEPTto leave out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCEPTEDEXCEPT, to leave out [v] EXCEPTINGEXCEPT, to leave out [v] EXCEPTION[n -S] EXCEPTIONABLE[adj] EXCEPTIONABLY[adv] EXCEPTIONAL[adj] EXCEPTIONALISM[n -S] EXCEPTIONALISMSEXCEPTIONALISM [n] EXCEPTIONALITY[n -TIES] EXCEPTIONALLY[adv] EXCEPTIONALNESS[n -ES] EXCEPTIONSEXCEPTION [n] EXCEPTIVE[adj] EXCEPTSEXCEPT, to leave out [v] EXCERPTto pick out a passage from for quoting [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCERPTEDEXCERPT, to pick out a passage from for quoting [v] EXCERPTER[n -S] EXCERPTERSEXCERPTER [n] EXCERPTINGEXCERPT, to pick out a passage from for quoting [v] EXCERPTION[n -S] EXCERPTIONSEXCERPTION [n] EXCERPTOR[n -S] EXCERPTORSEXCERPTOR [n] EXCERPTSEXCERPT, to pick out a passage from for quoting [v] EXCESSto eliminate the position of [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXCESSEDEXCESS, to eliminate the position of [v] EXCESSESEXCESS, to eliminate the position of [v] EXCESSINGEXCESS, to eliminate the position of [v] EXCESSIVE[adj] EXCESSIVELY[adv] EXCESSIVENESS[n -ES] EXCESSIVENESSESEXCESSIVENESS [n] EXCHANGEto give and receive reciprocally [v -CHANGED, -CHANGING, -CHANGES] EXCHANGEABILITY[n -TIES] EXCHANGEABLE[adj] EXCHANGEDEXCHANGE, to give and receive reciprocally [v] EXCHANGERone that exchanges (to give and receive reciprocally) [n -S] EXCHANGERSEXCHANGER, one that exchanges (to give and receive reciprocally) [n] EXCHANGESEXCHANGE, to give and receive reciprocally [v] EXCHANGINGEXCHANGE, to give and receive reciprocally [v] EXCHEQUER[n -S] EXCHEQUERSEXCHEQUER [n] EXCIDEto excise (to remove by cutting out) [v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES] EXCIDEDEXCIDE, to excise (to remove by cutting out) [v] EXCIDESEXCIDE, to excise (to remove by cutting out) [v] EXCIDINGEXCIDE, to excise (to remove by cutting out) [v] EXCIMERa dimer that exists in an excited state [n -S] EXCIMERSEXCIMER, a dimer that exists in an excited state [n] EXCIPIENT[n -S] EXCIPIENTSEXCIPIENT [n] EXCIPLEa rim around the hymenium of various lichens [n -S] EXCIPLESEXCIPLE, a rim around the hymenium of various lichens [n] EXCISABLE[adj] EXCISEto remove by cutting out [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXCISEDEXCISE, to remove by cutting out [v] EXCISEMAN[n EXCISEMEN] EXCISEMENEXCISEMAN [n] EXCISESEXCISE, to remove by cutting out [v] EXCISINGEXCISE, to remove by cutting out [v] EXCISIONthe act of excising (to remove by cutting out) [n -S] EXCISIONAL[adj] EXCISIONSEXCISION, the act of excising (to remove by cutting out) [n] EXCITABILITIESEXCITABILITY [n] EXCITABILITY[n -TIES] EXCITABLE[adj] EXCITABLENESS[n -ES] EXCITABLENESSESEXCITABLENESS [n] EXCITABLY[adv] EXCITANTa stimulant [n -S] EXCITANTSEXCITANT, a stimulant [n] EXCITATION[n -S] EXCITATIONSEXCITATION [n] EXCITATIVE[adj] EXCITATORY[adj] EXCITEto arouse the emotions of [v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES] EXCITEDEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [v] EXCITEDLY[adv] EXCITEMENT[n -S] EXCITEMENTSEXCITEMENT [n] EXCITERone that excites (to arouse the emotions of) [n -S] EXCITERSEXCITER, one that excites (to arouse the emotions of) [n] EXCITESEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [v] EXCITINGEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [v] EXCITINGLY[adv] EXCITONa phenomenon occurring in an excited crystal [n -S] EXCITONIC[adj] EXCITONSEXCITON, a phenomenon occurring in an excited crystal [n] EXCITORexciter (one that excites (to arouse the emotions of)) [n -S] EXCITORSEXCITOR, exciter (one that excites (to arouse the emotions of)) [n] EXCLAIMto cry out suddenly [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCLAIMEDEXCLAIM, to cry out suddenly [v] EXCLAIMER[n -S] EXCLAIMERSEXCLAIMER [n] EXCLAIMINGEXCLAIM, to cry out suddenly [v] EXCLAIMSEXCLAIM, to cry out suddenly [v] EXCLAMATION[n -S] EXCLAMATIONSEXCLAMATION [n] EXCLAMATORY[adj] EXCLAVEa portion of a country which is isolated in foreign territory [n -S] EXCLAVESEXCLAVE, a portion of a country which is isolated in foreign territory [n] EXCLOSURE[n -S] EXCLOSURESEXCLOSURE [n] EXCLUDABILITIESEXCLUDABILITY [n] EXCLUDABILITY[n -TIES] EXCLUDABLE[adj] EXCLUDEto shut out [v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES] EXCLUDEDEXCLUDE, to shut out [v] EXCLUDERone that excludes (to shut out) [n -S] EXCLUDERSEXCLUDER, one that excludes (to shut out) [n] EXCLUDESEXCLUDE, to shut out [v] EXCLUDIBLE[adj] EXCLUDINGEXCLUDE, to shut out [v] EXCLUSION[n -S] EXCLUSIONARY[adj] EXCLUSIONIST[n -S] EXCLUSIONISTSEXCLUSIONIST [n] EXCLUSIONSEXCLUSION [n] EXCLUSIVE[n -S] EXCLUSIVELY[adv] EXCLUSIVENESS[n -ES] EXCLUSIVENESSESEXCLUSIVENESS [n] EXCLUSIVESEXCLUSIVE [n] EXCLUSIVISM[n -S] EXCLUSIVISMSEXCLUSIVISM [n] EXCLUSIVIST[n -S] EXCLUSIVISTSEXCLUSIVIST [n] EXCLUSIVITIESEXCLUSIVITY [n] EXCLUSIVITY[n -TIES] EXCLUSORY[adj] EXCOGITATE[v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES] EXCOGITATEDEXCOGITATE [v] EXCOGITATESEXCOGITATE [v] EXCOGITATINGEXCOGITATE [v] EXCOGITATION[n -S] EXCOGITATIONSEXCOGITATION [n] EXCOGITATIVE[adj] EXCOMMUNICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXCOMMUNICATEDEXCOMMUNICATE [v] EXCOMMUNICATESEXCOMMUNICATE [v] EXCOMMUNICATINGEXCOMMUNICATE [v] EXCOMMUNICATION[n -S] EXCOMMUNICATIVE[adj] EXCOMMUNICATOR[n -S] EXCOMMUNICATORSEXCOMMUNICATOR [n] EXCORIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXCORIATEDEXCORIATE [v] EXCORIATESEXCORIATE [v] EXCORIATINGEXCORIATE [v] EXCORIATION[n -S] EXCORIATIONSEXCORIATION [n] EXCREMENT[n -S] EXCREMENTAL[adj] EXCREMENTITIOUS[adj] EXCREMENTSEXCREMENT [n] EXCRESCENCE[n -S] EXCRESCENCESEXCRESCENCE [n] EXCRESCENCIESEXCRESCENCY [n] EXCRESCENCY[n -CIES] EXCRESCENT[adj] EXCRESCENTLY[adv] EXCRETAexcreted matter [n] : EXCRETAL ~adj EXCRETALEXCRETA, excreted matter [adj] EXCRETEto separate and eliminate from an organic body [v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES] EXCRETEDEXCRETE, to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v] EXCRETERone that excretes (to separate and eliminate from an organic body) [n -S] EXCRETERSEXCRETER, one that excretes (to separate and eliminate from an organic body) [n] EXCRETESEXCRETE, to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v] EXCRETINGEXCRETE, to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v] EXCRETION[n -S] EXCRETIONSEXCRETION [n] EXCRETIVE[adj] EXCRETORIESEXCRETORY [n] EXCRETORY[n -RIES] EXCRUCIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXCRUCIATEDEXCRUCIATE [v] EXCRUCIATESEXCRUCIATE [v] EXCRUCIATINGEXCRUCIATE [v] EXCRUCIATINGLY[adv] EXCRUCIATION[n -S] EXCRUCIATIONSEXCRUCIATION [n] EXCULPATE[v -PATED, -PATING, -PATES] EXCULPATEDEXCULPATE [v] EXCULPATESEXCULPATE [v] EXCULPATINGEXCULPATE [v] EXCULPATION[n -S] EXCULPATIONSEXCULPATION [n] EXCULPATORY[adj] EXCURRENT[adj] EXCURSION[n -S] EXCURSIONIST[n -S] EXCURSIONISTSEXCURSIONIST [n] EXCURSIONSEXCURSION [n] EXCURSIVE[adj] EXCURSIVELY[adv] EXCURSIVENESS[n -ES] EXCURSIVENESSESEXCURSIVENESS [n] EXCURSUSa long appended exposition of a topic [n -ES] EXCURSUSESEXCURSUS, a long appended exposition of a topic [n] EXCUSABLE[adj] EXCUSABLENESS[n -ES] EXCUSABLENESSESEXCUSABLENESS [n] EXCUSABLY[adv] EXCUSATORY[adj] EXCUSEto apologize for [v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES] EXCUSEDEXCUSE, to apologize for [v] EXCUSERone that excuses (to apologize for) [n -S] EXCUSERSEXCUSER, one that excuses (to apologize for) [n] EXCUSESEXCUSE, to apologize for [v] EXCUSINGEXCUSE, to apologize for [v] EXECan executive officer [n -S] EXECRABLE[adj] EXECRABLENESS[n -ES] EXECRABLENESSESEXECRABLENESS [n] EXECRABLY[adv] EXECRATEto curse (to wish evil upon) [v -CRATED, -CRATING, -CRATES] EXECRATEDEXECRATE, to curse (to wish evil upon) [v] EXECRATESEXECRATE, to curse (to wish evil upon) [v] EXECRATINGEXECRATE, to curse (to wish evil upon) [v] EXECRATION[n -S] EXECRATIONSEXECRATION [n] EXECRATIVE[adj] EXECRATOR[n -S] EXECRATORSEXECRATOR [n] EXECSEXEC, an executive officer [n] EXECUTABLE[adj] EXECUTANT[n -S] EXECUTANTSEXECUTANT [n] EXECUTEto carry out [v -CUTED, -CUTING, -CUTES] EXECUTEDEXECUTE, to carry out [v] EXECUTERexecutor (one that executes (to carry out)) [n -S] EXECUTERSEXECUTER, executor (one that executes (to carry out)) [n] EXECUTESEXECUTE, to carry out [v] EXECUTINGEXECUTE, to carry out [v] EXECUTION[n -S] EXECUTIONER[n -S] EXECUTIONERSEXECUTIONER [n] EXECUTIONSEXECUTION [n] EXECUTIVE[n -S] EXECUTIVESEXECUTIVE [n] EXECUTORone that executes (to carry out) [n -S] EXECUTORIAL[adj] EXECUTORSEXECUTOR, one that executes (to carry out) [n] EXECUTORY[adj] EXECUTRICESEXECUTRIX [n] EXECUTRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] EXECUTRIXESEXECUTRIX [n] EXEDEX, to cross out [v] EXEDRAa curved outdoor bench [n -DRAE] EXEDRAEEXEDRA, a curved outdoor bench [n] EXEGESESEXEGESIS, critical explanation or analysis [n] EXEGESIScritical explanation or analysis [n -GESES] : EXEGETIC ~adj EXEGETEone skilled in exegesis [n -S] EXEGETESEXEGETE, one skilled in exegesis [n] EXEGETICEXEGESIS, critical explanation or analysis [adj] EXEGETICAL[adj] EXEGETICS[n] EXEGETIST[n -S] EXEGETISTSEXEGETIST [n] EXEMPLAEXEMPLUM, an example [n] EXEMPLARone that is worthy of being copied [n -S] EXEMPLARILY[adv] EXEMPLARINESS[n -ES] EXEMPLARINESSESEXEMPLARINESS [n] EXEMPLARITIESEXEMPLARITY [n] EXEMPLARITY[n -TIES] EXEMPLARSEXEMPLAR, one that is worthy of being copied [n] EXEMPLARY[adj] EXEMPLIFICATION[n -S] EXEMPLIFIEDEXEMPLIFY [v] EXEMPLIFIESEXEMPLIFY [v] EXEMPLIFY[v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] EXEMPLIFYINGEXEMPLIFY [v] EXEMPLUMan example [n -PLA] EXEMPTto free from an obligation required of others [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXEMPTEDEXEMPT, to free from an obligation required of others [v] EXEMPTINGEXEMPT, to free from an obligation required of others [v] EXEMPTION[n -S] EXEMPTIONSEXEMPTION [n] EXEMPTIVE[adj] EXEMPTSEXEMPT, to free from an obligation required of others [v] EXENTERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXENTERATEDEXENTERATE [v] EXENTERATESEXENTERATE [v] EXENTERATINGEXENTERATE [v] EXENTERATION[n -S] EXENTERATIONSEXENTERATION [n] EXEQUATUR[n -S] EXEQUATURSEXEQUATUR [n] EXEQUIALEXEQUY, a funeral procession [adj] EXEQUIESEXEQUY, a funeral procession [n] EXEQUYa funeral procession [n -QUIES] : EXEQUIAL ~adj EXERCISABLE[adj] EXERCISEto make use of [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXERCISEDEXERCISE, to make use of [v] EXERCISER[n -S] EXERCISERSEXERCISER [n] EXERCISESEXERCISE, to make use of [v] EXERCISINGEXERCISE, to make use of [v] EXERCITATION[n -S] EXERCITATIONSEXERCITATION [n] EXERCYCLE[n -S] EXERCYCLESEXERCYCLE [n] EXERGONIC[adj] EXERGUALEXERGUE, a space on a coin [adj] EXERGUEa space on a coin [n -S] : EXERGUAL ~adj EXERGUESEXERGUE, a space on a coin [n] EXERTto put into action [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXERTEDEXERT, to put into action [v] EXERTINGEXERT, to put into action [v] EXERTIONthe act of exerting (to put into action) [n -S] EXERTIONSEXERTION, the act of exerting (to put into action) [n] EXERTIVEtending to exert [adj] EXERTSEXERT, to put into action [v] EXESEX, to cross out [v] EXEUNTthey leave the stage -- used as a stage direction [v] EXFOLIANT[n -S] EXFOLIANTSEXFOLIANT [n] EXFOLIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXFOLIATEDEXFOLIATE [v] EXFOLIATESEXFOLIATE [v] EXFOLIATINGEXFOLIATE [v] EXFOLIATION[n -S] EXFOLIATIONSEXFOLIATION [n] EXFOLIATIVE[adj] EXHALANTsomething that exhales [n -S] EXHALANTSEXHALANT, something that exhales [n] EXHALATION[n -S] EXHALATIONSEXHALATION [n] EXHALEto expel air or vapor [v -HALED, -HALING, -HALES] EXHALEDEXHALE, to expel air or vapor [v] EXHALENTexhalant (something that exhales) [n -S] EXHALENTSEXHALENT, exhalant (something that exhales) [n] EXHALESEXHALE, to expel air or vapor [v] EXHALINGEXHALE, to expel air or vapor [v] EXHAUSTto use up [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXHAUSTEDEXHAUST, to use up [v] EXHAUSTER[n -S] EXHAUSTERSEXHAUSTER [n] EXHAUSTIBILITY[n -TIES] EXHAUSTIBLE[adj] EXHAUSTINGEXHAUST, to use up [v] EXHAUSTION[n -S] EXHAUSTIONSEXHAUSTION [n] EXHAUSTIVE[adj] EXHAUSTIVELY[adv] EXHAUSTIVENESS[n -ES] EXHAUSTIVITIESEXHAUSTIVITY [n] EXHAUSTIVITY[n -TIES] EXHAUSTLESS[adj] EXHAUSTLESSLY[adv] EXHAUSTLESSNESS[n -ES] EXHAUSTSEXHAUST, to use up [v] EXHEDRAexedra (a curved outdoor bench) [n -DRAE] EXHEDRAEEXHEDRA, exedra (a curved outdoor bench) [n] EXHIBITto present for public viewing [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXHIBITEDEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] EXHIBITER[n -S] EXHIBITERSEXHIBITER [n] EXHIBITINGEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] EXHIBITION[n -S] EXHIBITIONER[n -S] EXHIBITIONERSEXHIBITIONER [n] EXHIBITIONISM[n -S] EXHIBITIONISMSEXHIBITIONISM [n] EXHIBITIONIST[n -S] EXHIBITIONISTIC[adj] EXHIBITIONISTSEXHIBITIONIST [n] EXHIBITIONSEXHIBITION [n] EXHIBITIVE[adj] EXHIBITOR[n -S] EXHIBITORSEXHIBITOR [n] EXHIBITORY[adj] EXHIBITSEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] EXHILARATE[v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES] EXHILARATEDEXHILARATE [v] EXHILARATESEXHILARATE [v] EXHILARATINGEXHILARATE [v] EXHILARATINGLY[adv] EXHILARATION[n -S] EXHILARATIONSEXHILARATION [n] EXHILARATIVE[adj] EXHORTto advise urgently [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXHORTATION[n -S] EXHORTATIONSEXHORTATION [n] EXHORTATIVE[adj] EXHORTATORY[adj] EXHORTEDEXHORT, to advise urgently [v] EXHORTERone that exhorts (to advise urgently) [n -S] EXHORTERSEXHORTER, one that exhorts (to advise urgently) [n] EXHORTINGEXHORT, to advise urgently [v] EXHORTSEXHORT, to advise urgently [v] EXHUMATION[n -S] EXHUMATIONSEXHUMATION [n] EXHUMEto dig out of the earth [v -HUMED, -HUMING, -HUMES] EXHUMEDEXHUME, to dig out of the earth [v] EXHUMERone that exhumes (to dig out of the earth) [n -S] EXHUMERSEXHUMER, one that exhumes (to dig out of the earth) [n] EXHUMESEXHUME, to dig out of the earth [v] EXHUMINGEXHUME, to dig out of the earth [v] EXIGENCEexigency (urgency (the quality of being urgent)) [n -S] EXIGENCESEXIGENCE, exigency (urgency (the quality of being urgent)) [n] EXIGENCIESEXIGENCY, urgency (the quality of being urgent) [n] EXIGENCYurgency (the quality of being urgent) [n -CIES] EXIGENTurgent (requiring immediate attention) [adj] EXIGENTLY[adv] EXIGIBLEliable to be demanded [adj] EXIGUITIESEXIGUITY, the state of being exiguous (meager (deficient in quantity or quality)) [n] EXIGUITYthe state of being exiguous (meager (deficient in quantity or quality)) [n -ITIES] EXIGUOUSmeager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj] EXIGUOUSLY[adv] EXIGUOUSNESS[n -ES] EXIGUOUSNESSESEXIGUOUSNESS [n] EXILABLEEXILE, to banish from one's own country [adj] EXILEto banish from one's own country [v -ILED, -ILING, -ILES] : EXILABLE ~adj EXILEDEXILE, to banish from one's own country [v] EXILERone that exiles (to banish from one's own country) [n -S] EXILERSEXILER, one that exiles (to banish from one's own country) [n] EXILESEXILE, to banish from one's own country [v] EXILIANexilic (pertaining to exile (banishment from one's own country)) [adj] EXILICpertaining to exile (banishment from one's own country) [adj] EXILINGEXILE, to banish from one's own country [v] EXIMIOUSexcellent [adj] EXINEthe outer layer of certain spores [n -S] EXINESEXINE, the outer layer of certain spores [n] EXINGEX, to cross out [v] EXISTto be (to have actuality) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXISTEDEXIST, to be (to have actuality) [v] EXISTENCE[n -S] EXISTENCESEXISTENCE [n] EXISTENTsomething that exists [n -S] EXISTENTIAL[adj] EXISTENTIALISM[n -S] EXISTENTIALISMSEXISTENTIALISM [n] EXISTENTIALIST[n -S] EXISTENTIALISTSEXISTENTIALIST [n] EXISTENTIALLY[adv] EXISTENTSEXISTENT, something that exists [n] EXISTINGEXIST, to be (to have actuality) [v] EXISTSEXIST, to be (to have actuality) [v] EXITto go out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXITEDEXIT, to go out [v] EXITINGEXIT, to go out [v] EXITLESSlacking a way out [adj] EXITSEXIT, to go out [v] EXOBIOLOGICAL[adj] EXOBIOLOGIESEXOBIOLOGY [n] EXOBIOLOGIST[n -S] EXOBIOLOGISTSEXOBIOLOGIST [n] EXOBIOLOGY[n -GIES] EXOCARPthe epicarp (the outer layer of a pericarp) [n -S] EXOCARPSEXOCARP, the epicarp (the outer layer of a pericarp) [n] EXOCRINEan external secretion [n -S] EXOCRINESEXOCRINE, an external secretion [n] EXOCYCLIC[adj] EXOCYTICpertaining to cellular excretion [adj] EXOCYTOSE[v -TOSED, -TOSING, -TOSES] EXOCYTOSEDEXOCYTOSE [v] EXOCYTOSESEXOCYTOSIS [n] EXOCYTOSINGEXOCYTOSE [v] EXOCYTOSIS[n -TOSES] EXOCYTOTIC[adj] EXODERMthe ectoderm (the outermost germ layer of an embryo) [n -S] EXODERMIS[n -DERMISES] EXODERMISESEXODERMIS [n] EXODERMSEXODERM, the ectoderm (the outermost germ layer of an embryo) [n] EXODOIEXODOS, a concluding dramatic scene [n] EXODONTIA[n -S] EXODONTIASEXODONTIA [n] EXODONTIST[n -S] EXODONTISTSEXODONTIST [n] EXODOSa concluding dramatic scene [n -DOI] EXODUSa movement away [n -ES] EXODUSESEXODUS, a movement away [n] EXOENZYME[n -S] EXOENZYMESEXOENZYME [n] EXOERGICreleasing energy [adj] EXOERYTHROCYTIC[adj] EXOGAMICEXOGAMY, marriage outside of a particular group [adj] EXOGAMIESEXOGAMY, marriage outside of a particular group [n] EXOGAMOUS[adj] EXOGAMYmarriage outside of a particular group [n -MIES] : EXOGAMIC ~adj EXOGENa type of plant [n -S] EXOGENISM[n -S] EXOGENISMSEXOGENISM [n] EXOGENOUS[adj] EXOGENOUSLY[adv] EXOGENSEXOGEN, a type of plant [n] EXONa sequence in the genetic code [n -S] : EXONIC ~adj EXONERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXONERATEDEXONERATE [v] EXONERATESEXONERATE [v] EXONERATINGEXONERATE [v] EXONERATION[n -S] EXONERATIONSEXONERATION [n] EXONERATIVE[adj] EXONICEXON, a sequence in the genetic code [adj] EXONSEXON, a sequence in the genetic code [n] EXONUCLEASE[n -S] EXONUCLEASESEXONUCLEASE [n] EXONUMIAnumismatic items other than coins or paper money [n] EXONUMIST[n -S] EXONUMISTSEXONUMIST [n] EXONYMa name for a people used by outsiders and not by the people themselves [n -S] EXONYMSEXONYM, a name for a people used by outsiders and not by the people themselves [n] EXOPEPTIDASE[n -S] EXOPEPTIDASESEXOPEPTIDASE [n] EXOPHTHALMIC[adj] EXOPHTHALMOS[n -MOSES] EXOPHTHALMOSESEXOPHTHALMOS [n] EXOPHTHALMUS[n -MUSES] EXOPHTHALMUSESEXOPHTHALMUS [n] EXORABLEpersuadable [adj] EXORBITANCE[n -S] EXORBITANCESEXORBITANCE [n] EXORBITANT[adj] EXORBITANTLY[adv] EXORCISEto free of an evil spirit [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXORCISEDEXORCISE, to free of an evil spirit [v] EXORCISER[n -S] EXORCISERSEXORCISER [n] EXORCISESEXORCISE, to free of an evil spirit [v] EXORCISINGEXORCISE, to free of an evil spirit [v] EXORCISMthe act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit) [n -S] EXORCISMSEXORCISM, the act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit) [n] EXORCISTone who practices exorcism (the act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit)) [n -S] EXORCISTIC[adj] EXORCISTICAL[adj] EXORCISTSEXORCIST, one who practices exorcism (the act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit)) [n] EXORCIZEto exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES] EXORCIZEDEXORCIZE, to exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v] EXORCIZESEXORCIZE, to exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v] EXORCIZINGEXORCIZE, to exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v] EXORDIAEXORDIUM, a beginning [n] EXORDIALEXORDIUM, a beginning [adj] EXORDIUMa beginning [n -DIUMS or -DIA] : EXORDIAL ~adj EXORDIUMSEXORDIUM, a beginning [n] EXOSKELETAL[adj] EXOSKELETON[n -S] EXOSKELETONSEXOSKELETON [n] EXOSMICEXOSMOSE, a form of osmosis [adj] EXOSMOSEa form of osmosis [n -S] : EXOSMIC ~adj EXOSMOSESEXOSMOSE, a form of osmosis [n] EXOSMOSIS[n -MOSES] EXOSMOTIC[adj] EXOSPHERE[n -S] EXOSPHERESEXOSPHERE [n] EXOSPHERIC[adj] EXOSPOREthe outer coat of a spore [n -S] EXOSPORESEXOSPORE, the outer coat of a spore [n] EXOSPORIAEXOSPORIUM [n] EXOSPORIUM[n -RIA] EXOSTOSESEXOSTOSIS [n] EXOSTOSIS[n -TOSES] EXOTERICsuitable for the public [adj] EXOTERICALLY[adv] EXOTHERMAL[adj] EXOTHERMALLY[adv] EXOTHERMIC[adj] EXOTHERMICALLY[adv] EXOTHERMICITIESEXOTHERMICITY [n] EXOTHERMICITY[n -TIES] EXOTICsomething from another part of the world [n -S] EXOTICAthings excitingly different or unusual [n] EXOTICALLY[adv] EXOTICISM[n -S] EXOTICISMSEXOTICISM [n] EXOTICIST[n -S] EXOTICISTSEXOTICIST [n] EXOTICNESS[n -ES] EXOTICNESSESEXOTICNESS [n] EXOTICSEXOTIC, something from another part of the world [n] EXOTISMan exotic (something from another part of the world) [n -S] EXOTISMSEXOTISM, an exotic (something from another part of the world) [n] EXOTOXICEXOTOXIN, an excreted toxin [adj] EXOTOXINan excreted toxin [n -S] : EXOTOXIC ~adj EXOTOXINSEXOTOXIN, an excreted toxin [n] EXOTROPIA[n -S] EXOTROPIASEXOTROPIA [n] EXOTROPIC[adj] EXPANDto increase in size or volume [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPANDABILITIESEXPANDABILITY [n] EXPANDABILITY[n -TIES] EXPANDABLE[adj] EXPANDEDEXPAND, to increase in size or volume [v] EXPANDERone that expands (to increase in size or volume) [n -S] EXPANDERSEXPANDER, one that expands (to increase in size or volume) [n] EXPANDINGEXPAND, to increase in size or volume [v] EXPANDORa type of transducer [n -S] EXPANDORSEXPANDOR, a type of transducer [n] EXPANDSEXPAND, to increase in size or volume [v] EXPANSEa wide, continuous area [n -S] EXPANSESEXPANSE, a wide, continuous area [n] EXPANSIBILITIESEXPANSIBILITY [n] EXPANSIBILITY[n -TIES] EXPANSIBLE[adj] EXPANSILE[adj] EXPANSION[n -S] EXPANSIONAL[adj] EXPANSIONARY[adj] EXPANSIONISM[n -S] EXPANSIONISMSEXPANSIONISM [n] EXPANSIONIST[n -S] EXPANSIONISTIC[adj] EXPANSIONISTSEXPANSIONIST [n] EXPANSIONSEXPANSION [n] EXPANSIVE[adj] EXPANSIVELY[adv] EXPANSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPANSIVENESSESEXPANSIVENESS [n] EXPANSIVITIESEXPANSIVITY [n] EXPANSIVITY[n -TIES] EXPATan expatriate person [n -S] EXPATIATE[v EXPATIATED, EXPATIATING, EXPATIATES] EXPATIATEDEXPATIATE [v] EXPATIATESEXPATIATE [v] EXPATIATINGEXPATIATE [v] EXPATIATION[n -S] EXPATIATIONSEXPATIATION [n] EXPATRIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXPATRIATEDEXPATRIATE [v] EXPATRIATESEXPATRIATE [v] EXPATRIATINGEXPATRIATE [v] EXPATRIATION[n -S] EXPATRIATIONSEXPATRIATION [n] EXPATRIATISM[n -S] EXPATRIATISMSEXPATRIATISM [n] EXPATSEXPAT, an expatriate person [n] EXPECTto anticipate [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPECTABLE[adj] EXPECTABLY[adv] EXPECTANCE[n -S] EXPECTANCESEXPECTANCE [n] EXPECTANCIESEXPECTANCY [n] EXPECTANCY[n -CIES] EXPECTANT[n -S] EXPECTANTLY[adv] EXPECTANTSEXPECTANT [n] EXPECTATION[n -S] EXPECTATIONAL[adj] EXPECTATIONSEXPECTATION [n] EXPECTATIVE[adj] EXPECTEDEXPECT, to anticipate [v] EXPECTEDLY[adv] EXPECTEDNESS[n -ES] EXPECTEDNESSESEXPECTEDNESS [n] EXPECTERone that expects (to anticipate) [n -S] EXPECTERSEXPECTER, one that expects (to anticipate) [n] EXPECTINGEXPECT, to anticipate [v] EXPECTORANT[n -S] EXPECTORANTSEXPECTORANT [n] EXPECTORATE[v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES] EXPECTORATEDEXPECTORATE [v] EXPECTORATESEXPECTORATE [v] EXPECTORATINGEXPECTORATE [v] EXPECTORATION[n -S] EXPECTORATIONSEXPECTORATION [n] EXPECTSEXPECT, to anticipate [v] EXPEDIENCE[n -S] EXPEDIENCESEXPEDIENCE [n] EXPEDIENCIESEXPEDIENCY [n] EXPEDIENCY[n -CIES] EXPEDIENT[n -S] EXPEDIENTIAL[adj] EXPEDIENTLY[adv] EXPEDIENTSEXPEDIENT [n] EXPEDITEto speed up the progress of [v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES] EXPEDITEDEXPEDITE, to speed up the progress of [v] EXPEDITER[n -S] EXPEDITERSEXPEDITER [n] EXPEDITESEXPEDITE, to speed up the progress of [v] EXPEDITINGEXPEDITE, to speed up the progress of [v] EXPEDITION[n -S] EXPEDITIONARY[adj] EXPEDITIONSEXPEDITION [n] EXPEDITIOUS[adj] EXPEDITIOUSLY[adv] EXPEDITIOUSNESS[n -ES] EXPEDITOR[n -S] EXPEDITORSEXPEDITOR [n] EXPELto force out [v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS] EXPELLABLE[adj] EXPELLANT[n -S] EXPELLANTSEXPELLANT [n] EXPELLEDEXPEL, to force out [v] EXPELLEEa deportee (one who is deported) [n -S] EXPELLEESEXPELLEE, a deportee (one who is deported) [n] EXPELLENT[n -S] EXPELLENTSEXPELLENT [n] EXPELLERone that expels (to force out) [n -S] EXPELLERSEXPELLER, one that expels (to force out) [n] EXPELLINGEXPEL, to force out [v] EXPELSEXPEL, to force out [v] EXPENDto use up [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPENDABILITIESEXPENDABILITY [n] EXPENDABILITY[n -TIES] EXPENDABLE[n -S] EXPENDABLESEXPENDABLE [n] EXPENDEDEXPEND, to use up [v] EXPENDERone that expends (to use up) [n -S] EXPENDERSEXPENDER, one that expends (to use up) [n] EXPENDINGEXPEND, to use up [v] EXPENDITURE[n -S] EXPENDITURESEXPENDITURE [n] EXPENDSEXPEND, to use up [v] EXPENSEto charge with costs [v -PENSED, -PENSING, -PENSES] EXPENSEDEXPENSE, to charge with costs [v] EXPENSESEXPENSE, to charge with costs [v] EXPENSINGEXPENSE, to charge with costs [v] EXPENSIVE[adj] EXPENSIVELY[adv] EXPENSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPENSIVENESSESEXPENSIVENESS [n] EXPERIENCE[v -ENCED, -ENCING, -ENCES] EXPERIENCEDEXPERIENCE [v] EXPERIENCESEXPERIENCE [v] EXPERIENCINGEXPERIENCE [v] EXPERIENTIAL[adj] EXPERIENTIALLY[adv] EXPERIMENT[v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPERIMENTAL[adj] EXPERIMENTALISM[n -S] EXPERIMENTALIST[n -S] EXPERIMENTALLY[adv] EXPERIMENTATION[n -S] EXPERIMENTEDEXPERIMENT [v] EXPERIMENTER[n -S] EXPERIMENTERSEXPERIMENTER [n] EXPERIMENTINGEXPERIMENT [v] EXPERIMENTSEXPERIMENT [v] EXPERTto serve as an authority [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPERTEDEXPERT, to serve as an authority [v] EXPERTINGEXPERT, to serve as an authority [v] EXPERTISE[n -S] EXPERTISESEXPERTISE [n] EXPERTISM[n -S] EXPERTISMSEXPERTISM [n] EXPERTIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] EXPERTIZEDEXPERTIZE [v] EXPERTIZESEXPERTIZE [v] EXPERTIZINGEXPERTIZE [v] EXPERTLYskillfully [adv] EXPERTNESS[n -ES] EXPERTNESSESEXPERTNESS [n] EXPERTSEXPERT, to serve as an authority [v] EXPIABLEcapable of being expiated [adj] EXPIATEto atone for [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXPIATEDEXPIATE, to atone for [v] EXPIATESEXPIATE, to atone for [v] EXPIATINGEXPIATE, to atone for [v] EXPIATION[n -S] EXPIATIONSEXPIATION [n] EXPIATORone that expiates (to atone for) [n -S] EXPIATORSEXPIATOR, one that expiates (to atone for) [n] EXPIATORY[adj] EXPIRATION[n -S] EXPIRATIONSEXPIRATION [n] EXPIRATORY[adj] EXPIREto come to an end [v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES] EXPIREDEXPIRE, to come to an end [v] EXPIRERone that expires (to come to an end) [n -S] EXPIRERSEXPIRER, one that expires (to come to an end) [n] EXPIRESEXPIRE, to come to an end [v] EXPIRIESEXPIRY, a termination [n] EXPIRINGEXPIRE, to come to an end [v] EXPIRYa termination [n -RIES] EXPLAINto make plain or understandable [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPLAINABLE[adj] EXPLAINEDEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] EXPLAINER[n -S] EXPLAINERSEXPLAINER [n] EXPLAININGEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] EXPLAINSEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] EXPLANATION[n -S] EXPLANATIONSEXPLANATION [n] EXPLANATIVE[adj] EXPLANATIVELY[adv] EXPLANATORILY[adv] EXPLANATORY[adj] EXPLANTto remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPLANTATION[n -S] EXPLANTATIONSEXPLANTATION [n] EXPLANTEDEXPLANT, to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v] EXPLANTINGEXPLANT, to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v] EXPLANTSEXPLANT, to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v] EXPLETIVE[n -S] EXPLETIVESEXPLETIVE [n] EXPLETORY[adj] EXPLICABLE[adj] EXPLICABLY[adv] EXPLICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXPLICATEDEXPLICATE [v] EXPLICATESEXPLICATE [v] EXPLICATINGEXPLICATE [v] EXPLICATION[n -S] EXPLICATIONSEXPLICATION [n] EXPLICATIVE[adj] EXPLICATIVELY[adv] EXPLICATOR[n -S] EXPLICATORSEXPLICATOR [n] EXPLICATORY[adj] EXPLICITa statement formerly used at the close of a book [n -S] EXPLICITLY[adv] EXPLICITNESS[n -ES] EXPLICITNESSESEXPLICITNESS [n] EXPLICITSEXPLICIT, a statement formerly used at the close of a book [n] EXPLODEto blow up [v -PLODED, -PLODING, -PLODES] EXPLODEDEXPLODE, to blow up [v] EXPLODERone that explodes (to blow up) [n -S] EXPLODERSEXPLODER, one that explodes (to blow up) [n] EXPLODESEXPLODE, to blow up [v] EXPLODINGEXPLODE, to blow up [v] EXPLOITto take advantage of [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPLOITABLE[adj] EXPLOITATION[n -S] EXPLOITATIONSEXPLOITATION [n] EXPLOITATIVE[adj] EXPLOITATIVELY[adv] EXPLOITEDEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [v] EXPLOITER[n -S] EXPLOITERSEXPLOITER [n] EXPLOITINGEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [v] EXPLOITIVE[adj] EXPLOITSEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [v] EXPLORATION[n -S] EXPLORATIONAL[adj] EXPLORATIONSEXPLORATION [n] EXPLORATIVE[adj] EXPLORATIVELY[adv] EXPLORATORY[adj] EXPLOREto travel through for the purpose of discovery [v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES] EXPLOREDEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] EXPLORERone that explores (to travel through for the purpose of discovery) [n -S] EXPLORERSEXPLORER, one that explores (to travel through for the purpose of discovery) [n] EXPLORESEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] EXPLORINGEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] EXPLOSION[n -S] EXPLOSIONSEXPLOSION [n] EXPLOSIVE[n -S] EXPLOSIVELY[adv] EXPLOSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPLOSIVENESSESEXPLOSIVENESS [n] EXPLOSIVESEXPLOSIVE [n] EXPOa public exhibition [n -POS] EXPONENTone who expounds (to explain in detail) [n -S] EXPONENTIAL[n -S] EXPONENTIALLY[adv] EXPONENTIALSEXPONENTIAL [n] EXPONENTIATION[n -S] EXPONENTIATIONSEXPONENTIATION [n] EXPONENTSEXPONENT, one who expounds (to explain in detail) [n] EXPORTto send to other countries for commercial purposes [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPORTABILITIESEXPORTABILITY [n] EXPORTABILITY[n -TIES] EXPORTABLE[adj] EXPORTATION[n -S] EXPORTATIONSEXPORTATION [n] EXPORTEDEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] EXPORTERone that exports (to send to other countries for commercial purposes) [n -S] EXPORTERSEXPORTER, one that exports (to send to other countries for commercial purposes) [n] EXPORTINGEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] EXPORTSEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] EXPOSEXPO, a public exhibition [n] EXPOSABLE[adj] EXPOSALan exposure (the act of exposing (to lay open to view)) [n -S] EXPOSALSEXPOSAL, an exposure (the act of exposing (to lay open to view)) [n] EXPOSEto lay open to view [v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] EXPOSEDEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] EXPOSERone that exposes (to lay open to view) [n -S] EXPOSERSEXPOSER, one that exposes (to lay open to view) [n] EXPOSESEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] EXPOSINGEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] EXPOSITto expound (to explain in detail) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPOSITEDEXPOSIT, to expound (to explain in detail) [v] EXPOSITINGEXPOSIT, to expound (to explain in detail) [v] EXPOSITION[n -S] EXPOSITIONAL[adj] EXPOSITIONSEXPOSITION [n] EXPOSITIVE[adj] EXPOSITOR[n -S] EXPOSITORSEXPOSITOR [n] EXPOSITORY[adj] EXPOSITSEXPOSIT, to expound (to explain in detail) [v] EXPOSTULATE[v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] EXPOSTULATEDEXPOSTULATE [v] EXPOSTULATESEXPOSTULATE [v] EXPOSTULATINGEXPOSTULATE [v] EXPOSTULATION[n -S] EXPOSTULATIONSEXPOSTULATION [n] EXPOSTULATORY[adj] EXPOSUREthe act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n -S] EXPOSURESEXPOSURE, the act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n] EXPOUNDto explain in detail [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPOUNDEDEXPOUND, to explain in detail [v] EXPOUNDER[n -S] EXPOUNDERSEXPOUNDER [n] EXPOUNDINGEXPOUND, to explain in detail [v] EXPOUNDSEXPOUND, to explain in detail [v] EXPRESSto set forth in words [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXPRESSAGE[n -S] EXPRESSAGESEXPRESSAGE [n] EXPRESSEDEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] EXPRESSER[n -S] EXPRESSERSEXPRESSER [n] EXPRESSESEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] EXPRESSIBLE[adj] EXPRESSINGEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] EXPRESSION[n -S] EXPRESSIONAL[adj] EXPRESSIONISM[n -S] EXPRESSIONISMSEXPRESSIONISM [n] EXPRESSIONIST[n -S] EXPRESSIONISTIC[adj] EXPRESSIONISTSEXPRESSIONIST [n] EXPRESSIONLESS[adj] EXPRESSIONSEXPRESSION [n] EXPRESSIVE[adj] EXPRESSIVELY[adv] EXPRESSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPRESSIVITIESEXPRESSIVITY [n] EXPRESSIVITY[n -TIES] EXPRESSLY[adv] EXPRESSMAN[n EXPRESSMEN] EXPRESSMENEXPRESSMAN [n] EXPRESSOespresso (a strong coffee) [n -SOS] EXPRESSOSEXPRESSO, espresso (a strong coffee) [n] EXPRESSWAY[n -WAYS] EXPRESSWAYSEXPRESSWAY [n] EXPROPRIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXPROPRIATEDEXPROPRIATE [v] EXPROPRIATESEXPROPRIATE [v] EXPROPRIATINGEXPROPRIATE [v] EXPROPRIATION[n -S] EXPROPRIATIONSEXPROPRIATION [n] EXPROPRIATOR[n -S] EXPROPRIATORSEXPROPRIATOR [n] EXPULSEto expel (to force out) [v -PULSED, -PULSING, -PULSES] EXPULSEDEXPULSE, to expel (to force out) [v] EXPULSESEXPULSE, to expel (to force out) [v] EXPULSINGEXPULSE, to expel (to force out) [v] EXPULSION[n -S] EXPULSIONSEXPULSION [n] EXPULSIVE[adj] EXPUNCTION[n -S] EXPUNCTIONSEXPUNCTION [n] EXPUNGEto delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v -PUNGED, -PUNGING, -PUNGES] EXPUNGEDEXPUNGE, to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v] EXPUNGERone that expunges (to delete (to remove written or printed matter)) [n -S] EXPUNGERSEXPUNGER, one that expunges (to delete (to remove written or printed matter)) [n] EXPUNGESEXPUNGE, to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v] EXPUNGINGEXPUNGE, to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v] EXPURGATE[v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES] EXPURGATEDEXPURGATE [v] EXPURGATESEXPURGATE [v] EXPURGATINGEXPURGATE [v] EXPURGATION[n -S] EXPURGATIONSEXPURGATION [n] EXPURGATOR[n -S] EXPURGATORIAL[adj] EXPURGATORSEXPURGATOR [n] EXPURGATORY[adj] EXQUISITE[n -S] EXQUISITELY[adv] EXQUISITENESS[n -ES] EXQUISITENESSESEXQUISITENESS [n] EXQUISITESEXQUISITE [n] EXSANGUINATE[v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES] EXSANGUINATEDEXSANGUINATE [v] EXSANGUINATESEXSANGUINATE [v] EXSANGUINATINGEXSANGUINATE [v] EXSANGUINATION[n -S] EXSANGUINATIONSEXSANGUINATION [n] EXSCINDto cut out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXSCINDEDEXSCIND, to cut out [v] EXSCINDINGEXSCIND, to cut out [v] EXSCINDSEXSCIND, to cut out [v] EXSECANTa trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] EXSECANTSEXSECANT, a trigonometric function of an angle [n] EXSECTto cut out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXSECTEDEXSECT, to cut out [v] EXSECTINGEXSECT, to cut out [v] EXSECTION[n -S] EXSECTIONSEXSECTION [n] EXSECTSEXSECT, to cut out [v] EXSERTto thrust out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXSERTEDEXSERT, to thrust out [v] EXSERTILE[adj] EXSERTINGEXSERT, to thrust out [v] EXSERTION[n -S] EXSERTIONSEXSERTION [n] EXSERTSEXSERT, to thrust out [v] EXSICCATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXSICCATEDEXSICCATE [v] EXSICCATESEXSICCATE [v] EXSICCATINGEXSICCATE [v] EXSICCATION[n -S] EXSICCATIONSEXSICCATION [n] EXSOLUTION[n -S] EXSOLUTIONSEXSOLUTION [n] EXSTROPHIESEXSTROPHY [n] EXSTROPHY[n -PHIES] EXTANTstill in existence [adj] EXTEMPORAL[adj] EXTEMPORALLY[adv] EXTEMPORANEITY[n -TIES] EXTEMPORANEOUS[adj] EXTEMPORARILY[adv] EXTEMPORARY[adj] EXTEMPORE[adv] EXTEMPORISATION[n -S] EXTEMPORISE[v -RISED, -RISING, -RISES] EXTEMPORISEDEXTEMPORISE [v] EXTEMPORISESEXTEMPORISE [v] EXTEMPORISINGEXTEMPORISE [v] EXTEMPORIZATION[n -S] EXTEMPORIZE[v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES] EXTEMPORIZEDEXTEMPORIZE [v] EXTEMPORIZER[n -S] EXTEMPORIZERSEXTEMPORIZER [n] EXTEMPORIZESEXTEMPORIZE [v] EXTEMPORIZINGEXTEMPORIZE [v] EXTENDto stretch out to full length [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTENDABILITIESEXTENDABILITY [n] EXTENDABILITY[n -TIES] EXTENDABLE[adj] EXTENDEDEXTEND, to stretch out to full length [v] EXTENDEDLY[adv] EXTENDEDNESS[n -ES] EXTENDEDNESSESEXTENDEDNESS [n] EXTENDERa substance added to another substance [n -S] EXTENDERSEXTENDER, a substance added to another substance [n] EXTENDIBLE[adj] EXTENDINGEXTEND, to stretch out to full length [v] EXTENDSEXTEND, to stretch out to full length [v] EXTENSIBILITIESEXTENSIBILITY [n] EXTENSIBILITY[n -TIES] EXTENSIBLE[adj] EXTENSILE[adj] EXTENSION[n -S] EXTENSIONAL[adj] EXTENSIONALITY[n -TIES] EXTENSIONALLY[adv] EXTENSIONSEXTENSION [n] EXTENSITIESEXTENSITY [n] EXTENSITY[n -TIES] EXTENSIVE[adj] EXTENSIVELY[adv] EXTENSIVENESS[n -ES] EXTENSIVENESSESEXTENSIVENESS [n] EXTENSOMETER[n -S] EXTENSOMETERSEXTENSOMETER [n] EXTENSORa muscle that extends a limb [n -S] EXTENSORSEXTENSOR, a muscle that extends a limb [n] EXTENTthe range over which something extends [n -S] EXTENTSEXTENT, the range over which something extends [n] EXTENUATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXTENUATEDEXTENUATE [v] EXTENUATESEXTENUATE [v] EXTENUATINGEXTENUATE [v] EXTENUATION[n -S] EXTENUATIONSEXTENUATION [n] EXTENUATOR[n -S] EXTENUATORSEXTENUATOR [n] EXTENUATORY[adj] EXTERIORa part or surface that is outside [n -S] EXTERIORISE[v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES] EXTERIORISEDEXTERIORISE [v] EXTERIORISESEXTERIORISE [v] EXTERIORISINGEXTERIORISE [v] EXTERIORITIESEXTERIORITY [n] EXTERIORITY[n -TIES] EXTERIORIZATION[n -S] EXTERIORIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] EXTERIORIZEDEXTERIORIZE [v] EXTERIORIZESEXTERIORIZE [v] EXTERIORIZINGEXTERIORIZE [v] EXTERIORLY[adv] EXTERIORSEXTERIOR, a part or surface that is outside [n] EXTERMINATE[v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES] EXTERMINATEDEXTERMINATE [v] EXTERMINATESEXTERMINATE [v] EXTERMINATINGEXTERMINATE [v] EXTERMINATION[n -S] EXTERMINATIONSEXTERMINATION [n] EXTERMINATOR[n -S] EXTERMINATORSEXTERMINATOR [n] EXTERMINATORY[adj] EXTERMINE[v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES] EXTERMINEDEXTERMINE [v] EXTERMINESEXTERMINE [v] EXTERMININGEXTERMINE [v] EXTERNa nonresident of an institution [n -S] EXTERNALan exterior (a part or surface that is outside) [n -S] EXTERNALISATION[n -S] EXTERNALISE[v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES] EXTERNALISEDEXTERNALISE [v] EXTERNALISESEXTERNALISE [v] EXTERNALISINGEXTERNALISE [v] EXTERNALISM[n -S] EXTERNALISMSEXTERNALISM [n] EXTERNALITIESEXTERNALITY [n] EXTERNALITY[n -TIES] EXTERNALIZATION[n -S] EXTERNALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] EXTERNALIZEDEXTERNALIZE [v] EXTERNALIZESEXTERNALIZE [v] EXTERNALIZINGEXTERNALIZE [v] EXTERNALLY[adv] EXTERNALSEXTERNAL, an exterior (a part or surface that is outside) [n] EXTERNEextern (a nonresident of an institution) [n -S] EXTERNESEXTERNE, extern (a nonresident of an institution) [n] EXTERNSEXTERN, a nonresident of an institution [n] EXTERNSHIP[n -S] EXTERNSHIPSEXTERNSHIP [n] EXTEROCEPTIVE[adj] EXTEROCEPTOR[n -S] EXTEROCEPTORSEXTEROCEPTOR [n] EXTERRITORIAL[adj] EXTINCTto extinguish [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTINCTEDEXTINCT, to extinguish [v] EXTINCTINGEXTINCT, to extinguish [v] EXTINCTION[n -S] EXTINCTIONSEXTINCTION [n] EXTINCTIVE[adj] EXTINCTSEXTINCT, to extinguish [v] EXTINGUISH[v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXTINGUISHABLE[adj] EXTINGUISHEDEXTINGUISH [v] EXTINGUISHER[n -S] EXTINGUISHERSEXTINGUISHER [n] EXTINGUISHESEXTINGUISH [v] EXTINGUISHINGEXTINGUISH [v] EXTINGUISHMENT[n -S] EXTINGUISHMENTSEXTINGUISHMENT [n] EXTIRPATE[v -PATED, -PATING, -PATES] EXTIRPATEDEXTIRPATE [v] EXTIRPATESEXTIRPATE [v] EXTIRPATINGEXTIRPATE [v] EXTIRPATION[n -S] EXTIRPATIONSEXTIRPATION [n] EXTIRPATOR[n -S] EXTIRPATORSEXTIRPATOR [n] EXTOLto praise highly [v -TOLLED, -TOLLING, -TOLS] EXTOLLto extol (to praise highly) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTOLLEDEXTOL, to praise highly [v] EXTOLLERone that extols (to praise highly) [n -S] EXTOLLERSEXTOLLER, one that extols (to praise highly) [n] EXTOLLINGEXTOL, to praise highly [v] EXTOLLSEXTOLL, to extol (to praise highly) [v] EXTOLMENT[n -S] EXTOLMENTSEXTOLMENT [n] EXTOLSEXTOL, to praise highly [v] EXTORTto obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTORTEDEXTORT, to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v] EXTORTERone that extorts (to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation) [n -S] EXTORTERSEXTORTER, one that extorts (to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation) [n] EXTORTINGEXTORT, to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v] EXTORTION[n -S] EXTORTIONARY[adj] EXTORTIONATE[adj] EXTORTIONATELY[adv] EXTORTIONER[n -S] EXTORTIONERSEXTORTIONER [n] EXTORTIONIST[n -S] EXTORTIONISTSEXTORTIONIST [n] EXTORTIONSEXTORTION [n] EXTORTIVE[adj] EXTORTSEXTORT, to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v] EXTRAsomething additional [n -S] EXTRABOLD[n -S] EXTRABOLDSEXTRABOLD [n] EXTRACELLULAR[adj] EXTRACELLULARLY[adv] EXTRACORPOREAL[adj] EXTRACRANIAL[adj] EXTRACTto pull or draw out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTRACTABILITY[n -TIES] EXTRACTABLE[adj] EXTRACTEDEXTRACT, to pull or draw out [v] EXTRACTINGEXTRACT, to pull or draw out [v] EXTRACTION[n -S] EXTRACTIONSEXTRACTION [n] EXTRACTIVE[n -S] EXTRACTIVELY[adv] EXTRACTIVESEXTRACTIVE [n] EXTRACTOR[n -S] EXTRACTORSEXTRACTOR [n] EXTRACTSEXTRACT, to pull or draw out [v] EXTRACURRICULAR[n -S] EXTRADITABLE[adj] EXTRADITE[v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES] EXTRADITEDEXTRADITE [v] EXTRADITESEXTRADITE [v] EXTRADITINGEXTRADITE [v] EXTRADITION[n -S] EXTRADITIONSEXTRADITION [n] EXTRADOSthe outer curve of an arch [n -ES] EXTRADOSESEXTRADOS, the outer curve of an arch [n] EXTRAEMBRYONIC[adj] EXTRAGALACTIC[adj] EXTRAHEPATIC[adj] EXTRAJUDICIAL[adj] EXTRAJUDICIALLY[adv] EXTRALEGAL[adj] EXTRALEGALLY[adv] EXTRALIMITAL[adj] EXTRALINGUISTIC[adj] EXTRALITERARY[adj] EXTRALITIESEXTRALITY [n] EXTRALITY[n -TIES] EXTRALOGICAL[adj] EXTRAMARITAL[adj] EXTRAMUNDANE[adj] EXTRAMURAL[adj] EXTRAMURALLY[adv] EXTRAMUSICAL[adj] EXTRANEOUS[adj] EXTRANEOUSLY[adv] EXTRANEOUSNESS[n -ES] EXTRANETan intranet that permits limited access by outsiders [n -S] EXTRANETSEXTRANET, an intranet that permits limited access by outsiders [n] EXTRANUCLEAR[adj] EXTRAORDINAIRE[adj] EXTRAORDINARILY[adv] EXTRAORDINARY[adj] EXTRAPOLATE[v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] EXTRAPOLATEDEXTRAPOLATE [v] EXTRAPOLATESEXTRAPOLATE [v] EXTRAPOLATINGEXTRAPOLATE [v] EXTRAPOLATION[n -S] EXTRAPOLATIONSEXTRAPOLATION [n] EXTRAPOLATIVE[adj] EXTRAPOLATOR[n -S] EXTRAPOLATORSEXTRAPOLATOR [n] EXTRAPYRAMIDAL[adj] EXTRASEXTRA, something additional [n] EXTRASENSORY[adj] EXTRASYSTOLE[n -S] EXTRASYSTOLESEXTRASYSTOLE [n] EXTRATEXTUAL[adj] EXTRAUTERINE[adj] EXTRAVAGANCE[n -S] EXTRAVAGANCESEXTRAVAGANCE [n] EXTRAVAGANCIESEXTRAVAGANCY [n] EXTRAVAGANCY[n -CIES] EXTRAVAGANT[adj] EXTRAVAGANTLY[adv] EXTRAVAGANZA[n -S] EXTRAVAGANZASEXTRAVAGANZA [n] EXTRAVAGATE[v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES] EXTRAVAGATEDEXTRAVAGATE [v] EXTRAVAGATESEXTRAVAGATE [v] EXTRAVAGATINGEXTRAVAGATE [v] EXTRAVASATE[v -SATED, -SATING, -SATES] EXTRAVASATEDEXTRAVASATE [v] EXTRAVASATESEXTRAVASATE [v] EXTRAVASATINGEXTRAVASATE [v] EXTRAVASATION[n -S] EXTRAVASATIONSEXTRAVASATION [n] EXTRAVASCULAR[adj] EXTRAVEHICULAR[adj] EXTRAVERSION[n -S] EXTRAVERSIONSEXTRAVERSION [n] EXTRAVERT[n -S] EXTRAVERTED[adj] EXTRAVERTSEXTRAVERT [n] EXTREMAEXTREMUM, a maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n] EXTREMEexisting in a very high degree [adj -TREMER, -TREMEST] / the highest degree [n -S] EXTREMELY[adv] EXTREMENESS[n -ES] EXTREMENESSESEXTREMENESS [n] EXTREMEREXTREME, existing in a very high degree [adj] EXTREMESEXTREME, the highest degree [n] EXTREMESTEXTREME, existing in a very high degree [adj] EXTREMISM[n -S] EXTREMISMSEXTREMISM [n] EXTREMIST[n -S] EXTREMISTSEXTREMIST [n] EXTREMITIESEXTREMITY [n] EXTREMITY[n -TIES] EXTREMUMa maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n -MA] EXTRICABLE[adj] EXTRICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXTRICATEDEXTRICATE [v] EXTRICATESEXTRICATE [v] EXTRICATINGEXTRICATE [v] EXTRICATION[n -S] EXTRICATIONSEXTRICATION [n] EXTRINSIC[adj] EXTRINSICALLY[adv] EXTRORSEfacing outward [adj] EXTROVERSION[n -S] EXTROVERSIONSEXTROVERSION [n] EXTROVERT[n -S] EXTROVERTED[adj] EXTROVERTSEXTROVERT [n] EXTRUDABILITIESEXTRUDABILITY [n] EXTRUDABILITY[n -TIES] EXTRUDABLE[adj] EXTRUDEto force, thrust, or push out [v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES] EXTRUDEDEXTRUDE, to force, thrust, or push out [v] EXTRUDERone that extrudes (to force, thrust, or push out) [n -S] EXTRUDERSEXTRUDER, one that extrudes (to force, thrust, or push out) [n] EXTRUDESEXTRUDE, to force, thrust, or push out [v] EXTRUDINGEXTRUDE, to force, thrust, or push out [v] EXTRUSION[n -S] EXTRUSIONSEXTRUSION [n] EXTRUSIVE[adj] EXTUBATEto remove a tube from [v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES] EXTUBATEDEXTUBATE, to remove a tube from [v] EXTUBATESEXTUBATE, to remove a tube from [v] EXTUBATINGEXTUBATE, to remove a tube from [v] EXUBERANCE[n -S] EXUBERANCESEXUBERANCE [n] EXUBERANT[adj] EXUBERANTLY[adv] EXUBERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXUBERATEDEXUBERATE [v] EXUBERATESEXUBERATE [v] EXUBERATINGEXUBERATE [v] EXUDATEan exuded substance [n -S] EXUDATESEXUDATE, an exuded substance [n] EXUDATION[n -S] EXUDATIONSEXUDATION [n] EXUDATIVE[adj] EXUDEto ooze forth [v -UDED, -UDING, -UDES] EXUDEDEXUDE, to ooze forth [v] EXUDESEXUDE, to ooze forth [v] EXUDINGEXUDE, to ooze forth [v] EXULTto rejoice greatly [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXULTANCE[n -S] EXULTANCESEXULTANCE [n] EXULTANCIESEXULTANCY [n] EXULTANCY[n -CIES] EXULTANTexulting [adj] EXULTANTLY[adv] EXULTATION[n -S] EXULTATIONSEXULTATION [n] EXULTEDEXULT, to rejoice greatly [v] EXULTINGEXULT, to rejoice greatly [v] EXULTINGLY[adv] EXULTSEXULT, to rejoice greatly [v] EXURBa residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n -S] : EXURBAN ~adj EXURBANEXURB, a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [adj] EXURBANITE[n -S] EXURBANITESEXURBANITE [n] EXURBIAan exurb (a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city) [n -S] EXURBIASEXURBIA, an exurb (a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city) [n] EXURBSEXURB, a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n] EXUVIAEXUVIUM, the molted covering of an animal [n] EXUVIAEEXUVIUM, the molted covering of an animal [n] EXUVIALEXUVIUM, the molted covering of an animal [adj] EXUVIATEto molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXUVIATEDEXUVIATE, to molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v] EXUVIATESEXUVIATE, to molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v] EXUVIATINGEXUVIATE, to molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v] EXUVIATION[n -S] EXUVIATIONSEXUVIATION [n] EXUVIUMthe molted covering of an animal [n -VIAE or -VIA] : EXUVIAL ~adj FABLIAUXFABLIAU, a short metrical tale popular in medieval France [n] FALXa sickle-shaped structure [n FALCES] FAREBOXa receptacle for fares on a bus [n -ES] FAREBOXESFAREBOX, a receptacle for fares on a bus [n] FAUXnot genuine; fake [adj] FAXto transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FAXEDFAX, to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v] FAXESFAX, to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v] FAXINGFAX, to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v] FEDEXto send by Federal Express [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FEDEXEDFEDEX, to send by Federal Express [v] FEDEXESFEDEX, to send by Federal Express [v] FEDEXINGFEDEX, to send by Federal Express [v] FEEDBOXa box for animal feed [n -ES] FEEDBOXESFEEDBOX, a box for animal feed [n] FELLATRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] FELLATRIXESFELLATRIX [n] FERREDOXIN[n -S] FERREDOXINSFERREDOXIN [n] FIREBOXa chamber in which fuel is burned [n -ES] FIREBOXESFIREBOX, a chamber in which fuel is burned [n] FIXto repair (to restore to good condition) [v FIXED or FIXT, FIXING, FIXES] : FIXABLE ~adj FIXABLEFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [adj] FIXATEto make stable or stationary [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] FIXATEDFIXATE, to make stable or stationary [v] FIXATESFIXATE, to make stable or stationary [v] FIXATIFfixative (a substance for preserving paintings or drawings) [n -S] FIXATIFSFIXATIF, fixative (a substance for preserving paintings or drawings) [n] FIXATINGFIXATE, to make stable or stationary [v] FIXATIONthe act of fixating (to make stable or stationary) [n -S] FIXATIONSFIXATION, the act of fixating (to make stable or stationary) [n] FIXATIVEa substance for preserving paintings or drawings [n -S] FIXATIVESFIXATIVE, a substance for preserving paintings or drawings [n] FIXEDFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXEDLYfirmly (in a firm manner) [adv] FIXEDNESS[n -ES] FIXEDNESSESFIXEDNESS [n] FIXERone that fixes (to repair (to restore to good condition)) [n -S] FIXERSFIXER, one that fixes (to repair (to restore to good condition)) [n] FIXESFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXINGFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXINGSaccompaniments to the main dish of a meal [n] FIXITinvolved with fixing things [adj] FIXITIESFIXITY, stability [n] FIXITYstability [n -TIES] FIXTFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXTUREa permanent part or appendage of a house [n -S] FIXTURESFIXTURE, a permanent part or appendage of a house [n] FIXUREfirmness (the state of being firm (unyielding to pressure)) [n -S] FIXURESFIXURE, firmness (the state of being firm (unyielding to pressure)) [n] FLAMBEAUXFLAMBEAU, a flaming torch [n] FLAXan annual herb [n -ES] FLAXENof a pale yellow color [adj] FLAXESFLAX, an annual herb [n] FLAXIERFLAXY, flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj] FLAXIESTFLAXY, flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj] FLAXSEEDthe seed of flax [n -S] FLAXSEEDSFLAXSEED, the seed of flax [n] FLAXYflaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj FLAXIER, FLAXIEST] FLEXto bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLEXAGONa folded paper construction [n -S] FLEXAGONSFLEXAGON, a folded paper construction [n] FLEXEDFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v] FLEXESFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v] FLEXIBILITIESFLEXIBILITY [n] FLEXIBILITY[n -TIES] FLEXIBLEcapable of being bent [adj] : FLEXIBLY ~adv FLEXIBLYFLEXIBLE, capable of being bent [adv] FLEXILEflexible (capable of being bent) [adj] FLEXINGFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v] FLEXIONflection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n -S] FLEXIONAL[adj] FLEXIONSFLEXION, flection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n] FLEXITIME[n -S] FLEXITIMESFLEXITIME [n] FLEXOGRAPHIC[adj] FLEXOGRAPHIESFLEXOGRAPHY [n] FLEXOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] FLEXORa muscle that serves to bend a bodily part [n -S] FLEXORSFLEXOR, a muscle that serves to bend a bodily part [n] FLEXTIMEa system that allows flexible working hours [n -S] FLEXTIMER[n -S] FLEXTIMERSFLEXTIMER [n] FLEXTIMESFLEXTIME, a system that allows flexible working hours [n] FLEXUOSEflexuous (winding) [adj] FLEXUOUSwinding [adj] FLEXURALFLEXURE, the act of bending (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [adj] FLEXUREthe act of bending (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [n -S] : FLEXURAL ~adj FLEXURESFLEXURE, the act of bending (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [n] FLUIDEXTRACT[n -S] FLUIDEXTRACTSFLUIDEXTRACT [n] FLUMMOXto confuse (to mix up mentally) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLUMMOXEDFLUMMOX, to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v] FLUMMOXESFLUMMOX, to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v] FLUMMOXINGFLUMMOX, to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v] FLUOXETINE[n -S] FLUOXETINESFLUOXETINE [n] FLUXto melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLUXEDFLUX, to melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v] FLUXESFLUX, to melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v] FLUXGATEa device to measure a magnetic field [n -S] FLUXGATESFLUXGATE, a device to measure a magnetic field [n] FLUXINGFLUX, to melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v] FLUXIONthe act of flowing (to move steadily and smoothly along) [n -S] FLUXIONAL[adj] FLUXIONSFLUXION, the act of flowing (to move steadily and smoothly along) [n] FORNIXan arched anatomical structure [n -NICES] : FORNICAL ~adj FOURPLEXquadplex (a building having four units) [n -ES] FOURPLEXESFOURPLEX, quadplex (a building having four units) [n] FOWLPOXa virus disease of poultry [n -ES] FOWLPOXESFOWLPOX, a virus disease of poultry [n] FOXto outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FOXEDFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] FOXESFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] FOXFIREa glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood [n -S] FOXFIRESFOXFIRE, a glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood [n] FOXFISHa large shark [n -ES] FOXFISHESFOXFISH, a large shark [n] FOXGLOVEa flowering plant [n -S] FOXGLOVESFOXGLOVE, a flowering plant [n] FOXHOLEa small pit used for cover in a battle area [n -S] FOXHOLESFOXHOLE, a small pit used for cover in a battle area [n] FOXHOUNDa hunting dog [n -S] FOXHOUNDSFOXHOUND, a hunting dog [n] FOXHUNTto hunt with hounds for a fox [v -ED, -ING, -S] FOXHUNTEDFOXHUNT, to hunt with hounds for a fox [v] FOXHUNTER[n -S] FOXHUNTERSFOXHUNTER [n] FOXHUNTING[n -S] FOXHUNTINGSFOXHUNTING [n] FOXHUNTSFOXHUNT, to hunt with hounds for a fox [v] FOXIERFOXY, crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj] FOXIESTFOXY, crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj] FOXILYin a foxy manner [adv] FOXINESSthe state of being foxy (crafty (skillful in deceiving)) [n -ES] FOXINESSESFOXINESS, the state of being foxy (crafty (skillful in deceiving)) [n] FOXINGa piece of material used to cover the upper portion of a shoe [n -S] FOXINGSFOXING, a piece of material used to cover the upper portion of a shoe [n] FOXLIKEresembling a fox (a carnivorous mammal) [adj] FOXSKINthe skin of a fox [n -S] FOXSKINSFOXSKIN, the skin of a fox [n] FOXTAILthe tail of a fox [n -S] FOXTAILSFOXTAIL, the tail of a fox [n] FOXTROTto dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v -TROTTED, -TROTTING, -TROTS] FOXTROTSFOXTROT, to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v] FOXTROTTEDFOXTROT, to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v] FOXTROTTINGFOXTROT, to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v] FOXYcrafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj FOXIER, FOXIEST] FRAXINELLA[n -S] FRAXINELLASFRAXINELLA [n] FUCOXANTHIN[n -S] FUCOXANTHINSFUCOXANTHIN [n] FUNPLEXa building with facilities for sports and games [n -ES] FUNPLEXESFUNPLEX, a building with facilities for sports and games [n] GALAXan evergreen herb [n -ES] GALAXESGALAX, an evergreen herb [n] GALAXIESGALAXY, a large system of celestial bodies [n] GALAXYa large system of celestial bodies [n -AXIES] GASPEREAUXGASPEREAU [n] GATEAUXGATEAU, a fancy cake [n] GEARBOXan automotive transmission [n -ES] GEARBOXESGEARBOX, an automotive transmission [n] GENERATRIX[n -TRICES] GEOTAXESGEOTAXIS, the movement of an organism in response to gravity [n] GEOTAXISthe movement of an organism in response to gravity [n -TAXES] GLOXINIAa tropical plant [n -S] GLOXINIASGLOXINIA, a tropical plant [n] GOOGOLPLEX[n -ES] GOOGOLPLEXESGOOGOLPLEX [n] GOXgaseous oxygen [n -ES] GOXESGOX, gaseous oxygen [n] GRAVLAXcured salmon [n GRAVLAX] HALLUXthe big toe [n -LUCES] : HALLUCAL ~adj HANDAXa short-handled ax [n -ES] HANDAXESHANDAX, a short-handled ax [n] HAPAXa word that occurs only once [n -ES] HAPAXESHAPAX, a word that occurs only once [n] HARUSPEXa soothsayer of ancient Rome [n -PICES] HATBOXa box for a hat [n -ES] HATBOXESHATBOX, a box for a hat [n] HELIXsomething spiral in form [n -LIXES or -LICES] HELIXESHELIX, something spiral in form [n] HELLBOXa printer's receptacle [n -ES] HELLBOXESHELLBOX, a printer's receptacle [n] HEMATOXYLIN[n -S] HEMATOXYLINSHEMATOXYLIN [n] HEMOTOXIC[adj] HEMOTOXIN[n -S] HEMOTOXINSHEMOTOXIN [n] HEPATOTOXIC[adj] HEPATOTOXICITY[n -TIES] HERETRIXheritrix (a female heritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] HERETRIXESHERETRIX, heritrix (a female heritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n] HERITRIXa female heritor (one that inherits (to receive by legal succession)) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] HERITRIXESHERITRIX, a female heritor (one that inherits (to receive by legal succession)) [n] HETEROAUXIN[n -S] HETEROAUXINSHETEROAUXIN [n] HETERODOX[adj] HETERODOXIESHETERODOXY [n] HETERODOXY[n -DOXIES] HETERODUPLEX[n -PLEXES] HETERODUPLEXESHETERODUPLEX [n] HETEROSEXUAL[n -S] HETEROSEXUALITY[n -TIES] HETEROSEXUALLY[adv] HETEROSEXUALSHETEROSEXUAL [n] HEXto cast an evil spell upon [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HEXACHLORETHANE[n -S] HEXACHLOROPHENE[n -S] HEXACHORD[n -S] HEXACHORDSHEXACHORD [n] HEXADa group of six [n -S] : HEXADIC ~adj HEXADEhexad (a group of six) [n -S] HEXADECIMAL[n -S] HEXADECIMALSHEXADECIMAL [n] HEXADESHEXADE, hexad (a group of six) [n] HEXADICHEXAD, a group of six [adj] HEXADSHEXAD, a group of six [n] HEXAGONa polygon having six sides [n -S] HEXAGONAL[adj] HEXAGONALLY[adv] HEXAGONSHEXAGON, a polygon having six sides [n] HEXAGRAMa six-pointed star [n -S] HEXAGRAMSHEXAGRAM, a six-pointed star [n] HEXAHEDRAHEXAHEDRON [n] HEXAHEDRON[n -DRA or -DRONS] HEXAHEDRONSHEXAHEDRON [n] HEXAHYDRATE[n -S] HEXAHYDRATESHEXAHYDRATE [n] HEXAMETER[n -S] HEXAMETERSHEXAMETER [n] HEXAMETHONIUM[n -S] HEXAMETHONIUMSHEXAMETHONIUM [n] HEXAMINEa chemical compound [n -S] HEXAMINESHEXAMINE, a chemical compound [n] HEXANEa volatile liquid [n -S] HEXANESHEXANE, a volatile liquid [n] HEXAPLAan edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns [n -S] : HEXAPLAR ~adj HEXAPLARHEXAPLA, an edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns [adj] HEXAPLASHEXAPLA, an edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns [n] HEXAPLOID[n -S] HEXAPLOIDIESHEXAPLOIDY [n] HEXAPLOIDSHEXAPLOID [n] HEXAPLOIDY[n -DIES] HEXAPODa six-legged insect [n -S] HEXAPODIESHEXAPODY, a line of verse with six feet [n] HEXAPODSHEXAPOD, a six-legged insect [n] HEXAPODYa line of verse with six feet [n -DIES] HEXARCHIESHEXARCHY, a group of six separate states [n] HEXARCHYa group of six separate states [n -CHIES] HEXASTICH[n -S] HEXASTICHSHEXASTICH [n] HEXEDHEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v] HEXERone that hexes (to cast an evil spell upon) [n -S] HEXEREIwitchcraft [n -S] HEXEREISHEXEREI, witchcraft [n] HEXERSHEXER, one that hexes (to cast an evil spell upon) [n] HEXESHEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v] HEXINGHEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v] HEXOBARBITAL[n -S] HEXOBARBITALSHEXOBARBITAL [n] HEXOKINASE[n -S] HEXOKINASESHEXOKINASE [n] HEXONEa hydrocarbon solvent [n -S] HEXONESHEXONE, a hydrocarbon solvent [n] HEXOSAMINIDASE[n -S] HEXOSAMINIDASESHEXOSAMINIDASE [n] HEXOSANa carbohydrate [n -S] HEXOSANSHEXOSAN, a carbohydrate [n] HEXOSEa simple sugar [n -S] HEXOSESHEXOSE, a simple sugar [n] HEXYLa hydrocarbon radical [n -S] : HEXYLIC ~adj HEXYLICHEXYL, a hydrocarbon radical [adj] HEXYLRESORCINOL[n -S] HEXYLSHEXYL, a hydrocarbon radical [n] HOAXto deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HOAXEDHOAX, to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v] HOAXERone that hoaxes (to deceive (to mislead by falsehood)) [n -S] HOAXERSHOAXER, one that hoaxes (to deceive (to mislead by falsehood)) [n] HOAXESHOAX, to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v] HOAXINGHOAX, to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v] HOMEOBOXa short DNA sequence [n -ES] HOMEOBOXESHOMEOBOX, a short DNA sequence [n] HOMOSEXhomosexuality [n -ES] HOMOSEXESHOMOSEX, homosexuality [n] HOMOSEXUAL[n -S] HOMOSEXUALITIESHOMOSEXUALITY [n] HOMOSEXUALITY[n -TIES] HOMOSEXUALLY[adv] HOMOSEXUALSHOMOSEXUAL [n] HOMOTAXESHOMOTAXIS [n] HOMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] HORSEPOXa skin disease of horses [n -ES] HORSEPOXESHORSEPOX, a skin disease of horses [n] HOTBOXan overheated bearing of a railroad car [n -ES] HOTBOXESHOTBOX, an overheated bearing of a railroad car [n] HUMIDEXan index of discomfort [n -ES] HUMIDEXESHUMIDEX, an index of discomfort [n] HYDROPEROXIDE[n -S] HYDROPEROXIDESHYDROPEROXIDE [n] HYDROTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] HYDROTHORAXESHYDROTHORAX [n] HYDROXIDE[n -S] HYDROXIDESHYDROXIDE [n] HYDROXYcontaining hydroxyl [adj] HYDROXYAPATITE[n -S] HYDROXYAPATITESHYDROXYAPATITE [n] HYDROXYLthe radical or group containing oxygen and hydrogen [n -S] HYDROXYLAMINE[n -S] HYDROXYLAMINESHYDROXYLAMINE [n] HYDROXYLAPATITE[n -S] HYDROXYLASE[n -S] HYDROXYLASESHYDROXYLASE [n] HYDROXYLATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] HYDROXYLATEDHYDROXYLATE [v] HYDROXYLATESHYDROXYLATE [v] HYDROXYLATINGHYDROXYLATE [v] HYDROXYLATION[n -S] HYDROXYLATIONSHYDROXYLATION [n] HYDROXYLIC[adj] HYDROXYLSHYDROXYL, the radical or group containing oxygen and hydrogen [n] HYDROXYPROLINE[n -S] HYDROXYPROLINESHYDROXYPROLINE [n] HYDROXYUREA[n -S] HYDROXYUREASHYDROXYUREA [n] HYDROXYZINE[n -S] HYDROXYZINESHYDROXYZINE [n] HYPERCATALEXESHYPERCATALEXIS [n] HYPERCATALEXIS[n -LEXES] HYPERCOMPLEX[adj] HYPEREXCITABLE[adj] HYPEREXCITED[adj] HYPEREXCITEMENT[n -S] HYPEREXCRETION[n -S] HYPEREXCRETIONSHYPEREXCRETION [n] HYPEREXTEND[v -ED, -ING, -S] HYPEREXTENDEDHYPEREXTEND [v] HYPEREXTENDINGHYPEREXTEND [v] HYPEREXTENDSHYPEREXTEND [v] HYPEREXTENSION[n -S] HYPEREXTENSIONSHYPEREXTENSION [n] HYPERPYREXIA[n -S] HYPERPYREXIASHYPERPYREXIA [n] HYPERSEXUAL[adj] HYPERSEXUALITY[n -TIES] HYPERTEXT[n -S] HYPERTEXTSHYPERTEXT [n] HYPOPHARYNX[n -YNXES or -YNGES] HYPOPHARYNXESHYPOPHARYNX [n] HYPOTAXESHYPOTAXIS [n] HYPOTAXIS[n -TAXES] HYPOXANTHINE[n -S] HYPOXANTHINESHYPOXANTHINE [n] HYPOXEMIA[n -S] HYPOXEMIASHYPOXEMIA [n] HYPOXEMIC[adj] HYPOXIAa deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [n -S] : HYPOXIC ~adj HYPOXIASHYPOXIA, a deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [n] HYPOXICHYPOXIA, a deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [adj] HYRAXa small, harelike mammal [n -RAXES or -RACES] HYRAXESHYRAX, a small, harelike mammal [n] IBEXa wild goat [n IBEXES or IBICES] IBEXESIBEX, a wild goat [n] ICEBOXa cabinet for cooling food [n -ES] ICEBOXESICEBOX, a cabinet for cooling food [n] ILEXa holly (a tree) [n -ES] ILEXESILEX, a holly (a tree) [n] IMMIXto mix in [v -ED, -ING, -ES] IMMIXEDIMMIX, to mix in [v] IMMIXESIMMIX, to mix in [v] IMMIXINGIMMIX, to mix in [v] IMMIXTURE[n -S] IMMIXTURESIMMIXTURE [n] INDEXa type of reference guide at the end of a book [n INDEXES or INDICES] / to provide with an index [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INDEXABLE[adj] INDEXATION[n -S] INDEXATIONSINDEXATION [n] INDEXEDINDEX, to provide with an index [v] INDEXERone that indexes [n -S] INDEXERSINDEXER, one that indexes [n] INDEXESINDEX, a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] INDEXICAL[n -S] INDEXICALSINDEXICAL [n] INDEXINGthe linking of wages and prices to cost-of-living levels [n -S] INDEXINGSINDEXING, the linking of wages and prices to cost-of-living levels [n] INDOXYLa chemical compound [n -S] INDOXYLSINDOXYL, a chemical compound [n] INEXACTnot exact [adj] INEXACTITUDE[n -S] INEXACTITUDESINEXACTITUDE [n] INEXACTLY[adv] INEXACTNESS[n -ES] INEXACTNESSESINEXACTNESS [n] INEXCUSABLE[adj] INEXCUSABLENESS[n -ES] INEXCUSABLY[adv] INEXHAUSTIBLE[adj] INEXHAUSTIBLY[adv] INEXISTENCE[n -S] INEXISTENCESINEXISTENCE [n] INEXISTENT[adj] INEXORABILITIESINEXORABILITY [n] INEXORABILITY[n -TIES] INEXORABLE[adj] INEXORABLENESS[n -ES] INEXORABLY[adv] INEXPEDIENCE[n -S] INEXPEDIENCESINEXPEDIENCE [n] INEXPEDIENCIESINEXPEDIENCY [n] INEXPEDIENCY[n -CIES] INEXPEDIENT[adj] INEXPEDIENTLY[adv] INEXPENSIVE[adj] INEXPENSIVELY[adv] INEXPENSIVENESS[n -ES] INEXPERIENCE[n -S] INEXPERIENCED[adj] INEXPERIENCESINEXPERIENCE [n] INEXPERTa novice (a person new to any field or activity) [n -S] INEXPERTLY[adv] INEXPERTNESS[n -ES] INEXPERTNESSESINEXPERTNESS [n] INEXPERTSINEXPERT, a novice (a person new to any field or activity) [n] INEXPIABLE[adj] INEXPIABLY[adv] INEXPLAINABLE[adj] INEXPLICABILITY[n -TIES] INEXPLICABLE[adj] INEXPLICABLY[adv] INEXPLICIT[adj] INEXPRESSIBLE[adj] INEXPRESSIBLY[adv] INEXPRESSIVE[adj] INEXPRESSIVELY[adv] INEXPUGNABLE[adj] INEXPUGNABLY[adv] INEXPUNGIBLE[adj] INEXTRICABILITY[n -TIES] INEXTRICABLE[adj] INEXTRICABLY[adv] INFIXto implant (to set securely) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INFIXATION[n -S] INFIXATIONSINFIXATION [n] INFIXEDINFIX, to implant (to set securely) [v] INFIXESINFIX, to implant (to set securely) [v] INFIXINGINFIX, to implant (to set securely) [v] INFIXIONthe act of infixing (to implant (to set securely)) [n -S] INFIXIONSINFIXION, the act of infixing (to implant (to set securely)) [n] INFLEXEDbent inward [adj] INFLEXIBILITIESINFLEXIBILITY [n] INFLEXIBILITY[n -TIES] INFLEXIBLE[adj] INFLEXIBLENESS[n -ES] INFLEXIBLY[adv] INFLEXION[n -S] INFLEXIONSINFLEXION [n] INFLUXa flowing in [n -ES] INFLUXESINFLUX, a flowing in [n] INHERITRIXinheritress (a female inheritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] INHERITRIXESINHERITRIX, inheritress (a female inheritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n] INNOXIOUS[adj] INTERMIXto mix together [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INTERMIXEDINTERMIX, to mix together [v] INTERMIXESINTERMIX, to mix together [v] INTERMIXINGINTERMIX, to mix together [v] INTERMIXTURE[n -S] INTERMIXTURESINTERMIXTURE [n] INTERPAROXYSMAL[adj] INTERPROXIMAL[adj] INTERREXa type of sovereign [n -REGES] INTERSEXa person having characteristics of both sexes [n -ES] INTERSEXESINTERSEX, a person having characteristics of both sexes [n] INTERSEXUAL[adj] INTERSEXUALITY[n -TIES] INTERSEXUALLY[adv] INTERTEXTUAL[adj] INTERTEXTUALITY[n -TIES] INTERTEXTUALLY[adv] INTOXICANT[n -S] INTOXICANTSINTOXICANT [n] INTOXICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] INTOXICATEDINTOXICATE [v] INTOXICATEDLY[adv] INTOXICATESINTOXICATE [v] INTOXICATINGINTOXICATE [v] INTOXICATION[n -S] INTOXICATIONSINTOXICATION [n] IRREFLEXIVE[adj] ISOALLOXAZINE[n -S] ISOALLOXAZINESISOALLOXAZINE [n] ISOCARBOXAZID[n -S] ISOCARBOXAZIDSISOCARBOXAZID [n] IXIAa flowering plant [n -S] IXIASIXIA, a flowering plant [n] IXODIDa bloodsucking insect [n -S] IXODIDSIXODID, a bloodsucking insect [n] IXORAa flowering plant [n -S] IXORASIXORA, a flowering plant [n] IXTLEistle (a strong fiber) [n -S] IXTLESIXTLE, istle (a strong fiber) [n] JAMBEAUXJAMBEAU, a piece of armor for the leg [n] JEUXJEU, a game [n] JINXto bring bad luck to [v -ED, -ING, -ES] JINXEDJINX, to bring bad luck to [v] JINXESJINX, to bring bad luck to [v] JINXINGJINX, to bring bad luck to [v] JUKEBOXa coin-operated phonograph [n -ES] JUKEBOXESJUKEBOX, a coin-operated phonograph [n] JUXTAPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] JUXTAPOSEDJUXTAPOSE [v] JUXTAPOSESJUXTAPOSE [v] JUXTAPOSINGJUXTAPOSE [v] JUXTAPOSITION[n -S] JUXTAPOSITIONAL[adj] JUXTAPOSITIONSJUXTAPOSITION [n] KEXa dry, hollow stalk [n -ES] KEXESKEX, a dry, hollow stalk [n] KICKBOXto box in a style that allows kicking [v -ED, -ING, -ES] KICKBOXEDKICKBOX, to box in a style that allows kicking [v] KICKBOXER[n -S] KICKBOXERSKICKBOXER [n] KICKBOXESKICKBOX, to box in a style that allows kicking [v] KICKBOXING[n -S] KICKBOXINGSKICKBOXING [n] KLAXONa low-pitched horn [n -S] KLAXONSKLAXON, a low-pitched horn [n] KLEENEXa cleansing tissue -- a trademark [n -ES] KLEENEXESKLEENEX, a cleansing tissue -- a trademark [n] KYLIXa drinking vessel [n -LIKES] LARYNXan organ of the respiratory tract [n LARYNGES or LARYNXES] : LARYNGAL ~adj LARYNXESLARYNX, an organ of the respiratory tract [n] LATEXa milky liquid of certain plants [n LATICES or LATEXES] LATEXESLATEX, a milky liquid of certain plants [n] LAXnot strict or stringent [adj LAXER, LAXEST] / a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n -ES] LAXATIONthe act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n -S] LAXATIONSLAXATION, the act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n] LAXATIVEa drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels [n -S] LAXATIVESLAXATIVE, a drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels [n] LAXERLAX, not strict or stringent [adj] LAXESLAX, a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] LAXESTLAX, not strict or stringent [adj] LAXITIESLAXITY, the state of being lax (not strict or stringent) [n] LAXITYthe state of being lax (not strict or stringent) [n -ITIES] LAXLYin a lax manner [adv] LAXNESSlaxity (the state of being lax (not strict or stringent)) [n -ES] LAXNESSESLAXNESS, laxity (the state of being lax (not strict or stringent)) [n] LETTERBOX[v -ED, -ING, -ES] LETTERBOXEDLETTERBOX [v] LETTERBOXESLETTERBOX [v] LETTERBOXING[n -S] LETTERBOXINGSLETTERBOXING [n] LEXlaw [n LEGES] LEXEMEa linguistic unit [n -S] : LEXEMIC ~adj LEXEMESLEXEME, a linguistic unit [n] LEXEMICLEXEME, a linguistic unit [adj] LEXESLEXIS, the vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field [n] LEXICALEXICON, a dictionary [n] LEXICALpertaining to the words of a language [adj] LEXICALISATION[n -S] LEXICALISATIONSLEXICALISATION [n] LEXICALITIESLEXICALITY [n] LEXICALITY[n -TIES] LEXICALIZATION[n -S] LEXICALIZATIONSLEXICALIZATION [n] LEXICALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] LEXICALIZEDLEXICALIZE [v] LEXICALIZESLEXICALIZE [v] LEXICALIZINGLEXICALIZE [v] LEXICALLY[adv] LEXICOGRAPHER[n -S] LEXICOGRAPHERSLEXICOGRAPHER [n] LEXICOGRAPHIC[adj] LEXICOGRAPHICAL[adj] LEXICOGRAPHIESLEXICOGRAPHY [n] LEXICOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] LEXICOLOGIESLEXICOLOGY [n] LEXICOLOGIST[n -S] LEXICOLOGISTSLEXICOLOGIST [n] LEXICOLOGY[n -GIES] LEXICONa dictionary [n -CA or -CONS] LEXICONSLEXICON, a dictionary [n] LEXISthe vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field [n LEXES] LIXIVIALIXIVIUM, a solution obtained by leaching [n] LIXIVIALLIXIVIUM, a solution obtained by leaching [adj] LIXIVIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] LIXIVIATEDLIXIVIATE [v] LIXIVIATESLIXIVIATE [v] LIXIVIATINGLIXIVIATE [v] LIXIVIATION[n -S] LIXIVIATIONSLIXIVIATION [n] LIXIVIUMa solution obtained by leaching [n -IA or -IUMS] : LIXIVIAL ~adj LIXIVIUMSLIXIVIUM, a solution obtained by leaching [n] LOCKBOXa box that locks [n -ES] LOCKBOXESLOCKBOX, a box that locks [n] LOXto supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] LOXEDLOX, to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v] LOXESLOX, to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v] LOXINGLOX, to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v] LOXODROME[n -S] LOXODROMESLOXODROME [n] LUMMOXa clumsy person [n -ES] LUMMOXESLUMMOX, a clumsy person [n] LUNCHBOXa container for carrying meals to school or work [n -ES] LUNCHBOXESLUNCHBOX, a container for carrying meals to school or work [n] LUREXa metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n -ES] LUREXESLUREX, a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n] LUXa unit of illumination [n LUXES or LUCES] LUXATEto put out of joint [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] LUXATEDLUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATESLUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATINGLUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATIONthe act of luxating (to put out of joint) [n -S] LUXATIONSLUXATION, the act of luxating (to put out of joint) [n] LUXEluxury (free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort) [n -S] LUXESLUXE, luxury (free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort) [n] LUXURIANCE[n -S] LUXURIANCESLUXURIANCE [n] LUXURIANT[adj] LUXURIANTLY[adv] LUXURIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] LUXURIATEDLUXURIATE [v] LUXURIATESLUXURIATE [v] LUXURIATINGLUXURIATE [v] LUXURIESLUXURY, free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort [n] LUXURIOUS[adj] LUXURIOUSLY[adv] LUXURIOUSNESS[n -ES] LUXURIOUSNESSESLUXURIOUSNESS [n] LUXURYfree indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort [n -RIES] LYNXa short-tailed wildcat [n -ES] LYNXESLYNX, a short-tailed wildcat [n] MAILBOXa box for depositing mail [n -ES] MAILBOXESMAILBOX, a box for depositing mail [n] MANTEAUXMANTEAU, a loose cloak [n] MASTIXmastic (an aromatic resin) [n -ES] MASTIXESMASTIX, mastic (an aromatic resin) [n] MASTOPEXIESMASTOPEXY [n] MASTOPEXY[n -PEXIES] MATCHBOXa small box [n -ES] MATCHBOXESMATCHBOX, a small box [n] MATRIXsomething within which something else originates or develops [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] MATRIXESMATRIX, something within which something else originates or develops [n] MAXto reach the upper limit [v -ED, -ING, -ES] MAXEDMAX, to reach the upper limit [v] MAXESMAX, to reach the upper limit [v] MAXIa long skirt or coat [n -S] MAXICOATa long coat [n -S] MAXICOATSMAXICOAT, a long coat [n] MAXILLAthe upper jaw or jawbone [n -LAE or -LAS] MAXILLAEMAXILLA, the upper jaw or jawbone [n] MAXILLARIESMAXILLARY [n] MAXILLARY[n -RIES] MAXILLASMAXILLA, the upper jaw or jawbone [n] MAXILLIPED[n -S] MAXILLIPEDSMAXILLIPED [n] MAXILLOFACIAL[adj] MAXIMa brief statement of a general truth or principle [n -S] MAXIMAMAXIMUM, the greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n] MAXIMALan element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other [n -S] MAXIMALIST[n -S] MAXIMALISTSMAXIMALIST [n] MAXIMALLY[adv] MAXIMALSMAXIMAL, an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other [n] MAXIMINthe maximum of a set of minima [n -S] MAXIMINSMAXIMIN, the maximum of a set of minima [n] MAXIMISEto maximize (to make as great as possible) [v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES] MAXIMISEDMAXIMISE, to maximize (to make as great as possible) [v] MAXIMISESMAXIMISE, to maximize (to make as great as possible) [v] MAXIMISINGMAXIMISE, to maximize (to make as great as possible) [v] MAXIMITEa powerful explosive [n -S] MAXIMITESMAXIMITE, a powerful explosive [n] MAXIMIZATION[n -S] MAXIMIZATIONSMAXIMIZATION [n] MAXIMIZEto make as great as possible [v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES] MAXIMIZEDMAXIMIZE, to make as great as possible [v] MAXIMIZER[n -S] MAXIMIZERSMAXIMIZER [n] MAXIMIZESMAXIMIZE, to make as great as possible [v] MAXIMIZINGMAXIMIZE, to make as great as possible [v] MAXIMSMAXIM, a brief statement of a general truth or principle [n] MAXIMUMthe greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n -MUMS or -MA] MAXIMUMLY[adv] MAXIMUMSMAXIMUM, the greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n] MAXINGMAX, to reach the upper limit [v] MAXISMAXI, a long skirt or coat [n] MAXIXEa Brazilian dance [n -S] MAXIXESMAXIXE, a Brazilian dance [n] MAXWELLa unit of magnetic flux [n -S] MAXWELLSMAXWELL, a unit of magnetic flux [n] MEDIATRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] MEDIATRIXESMEDIATRIX [n] MEGAPIXEL[n -S] MEGAPIXELSMEGAPIXEL [n] MEGAPLEXa large building having many movie theaters [n -ES] MEGAPLEXESMEGAPLEX, a large building having many movie theaters [n] MENINXany of the membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord [n -NINGES] MESOTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] MESOTHORAXESMESOTHORAX [n] METAGALAXIESMETAGALAXY [n] METAGALAXY[n -GALAXIES] METATHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] METATHORAXESMETATHORAX [n] METAXYLEM[n -S] METAXYLEMSMETAXYLEM [n] METHOTREXATE[n -S] METHOTREXATESMETHOTREXATE [n] METHOXIDE[n -S] METHOXIDESMETHOXIDE [n] METHOXYcontaining a certain chemical group [adj] METHOXYCHLOR[n -S] METHOXYCHLORSMETHOXYCHLOR [n] METHOXYFLURANE[n -S] METHOXYFLURANESMETHOXYFLURANE [n] METHOXYLmethoxy (containing a certain chemical group) [adj] METHYLXANTHINE[n -S] METHYLXANTHINESMETHYLXANTHINE [n] METROPLEX[n -ES] METROPLEXESMETROPLEX [n] MICROLUXa unit of illumination [n -LUXES or -LUCES] MICROLUXESMICROLUX, a unit of illumination [n] MILIEUXMILIEU, environment [n] MILLILUXa unit of illumination [n -LUXES or -LUCES] MILLILUXESMILLILUX, a unit of illumination [n] MINIMAXthe minimum of a set of maxima [n -ES] MINIMAXESMINIMAX, the minimum of a set of maxima [n] MINOXIDIL[n -S] MINOXIDILSMINOXIDIL [n] MINXa pert girl [n -ES] : MINXISH ~adj MINXESMINX, a pert girl [n] MINXISHMINX, a pert girl [adj] MIREPOIXa sauteed mixture of diced vegetables [n MIREPOIX] MIREXan insecticide [n -ES] MIREXESMIREX, an insecticide [n] MIXto put together into one mass [v MIXED or MIXT, MIXING, MIXES] : MIXABLE, MIXIBLE ~adj, MIXEDLY ~adv MIXABLEMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] MIXEDMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXEDLYMIX, to put together into one mass [adv] MIXERone that mixes (to put together into one mass) [n -S] MIXERSMIXER, one that mixes (to put together into one mass) [n] MIXESMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXIBLEMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] MIXINGMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXOLOGIESMIXOLOGY, the art of making mixed drinks [n] MIXOLOGIST[n -S] MIXOLOGISTSMIXOLOGIST [n] MIXOLOGYthe art of making mixed drinks [n -GIES] MIXTMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXTUREsomething produced by mixing [n -S] MIXTURESMIXTURE, something produced by mixing [n] MIXUPa state of confusion [n -S] MIXUPSMIXUP, a state of confusion [n] MONAXIALhaving one axis [adj] MONAXONa straight spicule in sponges [n -S] MONAXONSMONAXON, a straight spicule in sponges [n] MONOCARBOXYLIC[adj] MONOHYDROXY[adj] MONOXIDEa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] MONOXIDESMONOXIDE, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] MORCEAUXMORCEAU, a short literary or musical composition [n] MORPHALLAXESMORPHALLAXIS [n] MORPHALLAXIS[n -LAXES] MOXAa Chinese plant [n -S] MOXASMOXA, a Chinese plant [n] MOXIEspirit or courage [n -S] MOXIESMOXIE, spirit or courage [n] MULTIAXIAL[adj] MULTIPLEX[v -ED, -ING, -ES] MULTIPLEXEDMULTIPLEX [v] MULTIPLEXER[n -S] MULTIPLEXERSMULTIPLEXER [n] MULTIPLEXESMULTIPLEX [v] MULTIPLEXINGMULTIPLEX [v] MULTIPLEXOR[n -S] MULTIPLEXORSMULTIPLEXOR [n] MUREXa marine mollusk [n -RICES or -REXES] MUREXESMUREX, a marine mollusk [n] MUSKOXa large bovid of arctic regions [n -OXEN] MUSKOXENMUSKOX, a large bovid of arctic regions [n] MYCOTOXIN[n -S] MYCOTOXINSMYCOTOXIN [n] MYXAMEBAa slime mold that resembles an amoeba [n -BAS or -BAE] MYXAMEBAEMYXAMEBA, a slime mold that resembles an amoeba [n] MYXAMEBASMYXAMEBA, a slime mold that resembles an amoeba [n] MYXAMOEBA[n -BAE or -BAS] MYXAMOEBAEMYXAMOEBA [n] MYXAMOEBASMYXAMOEBA [n] MYXEDEMAa disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland [n -S] MYXEDEMASMYXEDEMA, a disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland [n] MYXEDEMATOUS[adj] MYXEDEMIC[adj] MYXOCYTEa large cell found in mucous tissue [n -S] MYXOCYTESMYXOCYTE, a large cell found in mucous tissue [n] MYXOEDEMA[n -S] MYXOEDEMASMYXOEDEMA [n] MYXOIDcontaining mucus [adj] MYXOMAa tumor composed of mucous tissue [n -MAS or -MATA] MYXOMASMYXOMA, a tumor composed of mucous tissue [n] MYXOMATAMYXOMA, a tumor composed of mucous tissue [n] MYXOMATOSESMYXOMATOSIS [n] MYXOMATOSIS[n -TOSES] MYXOMATOUS[adj] MYXOMYCETE[n -S] MYXOMYCETESMYXOMYCETE [n] MYXOVIRAL[adj] MYXOVIRUS[n -ES] MYXOVIRUSESMYXOVIRUS [n] NALOXONEa chemical compound [n -S] NALOXONESNALOXONE, a chemical compound [n] NALTREXONE[n -S] NALTREXONESNALTREXONE [n] NAPROXENan anti-inflammatory drug [n -S] NAPROXENSNAPROXEN, an anti-inflammatory drug [n] NARTHEXa vestibule in a church [n -ES] NARTHEXESNARTHEX, a vestibule in a church [n] NASOPHARYNX[n -YNXES or -YNGES] NASOPHARYNXESNASOPHARYNX [n] NEOCORTEX[n -TEXES or -TICES] NEOCORTEXESNEOCORTEX [n] NEOORTHODOX[adj] NEOORTHODOXIESNEOORTHODOXY [n] NEOORTHODOXY[n -DOXIES] NEPHROTOXIC[adj] NEPHROTOXICITY[n -TIES] NEURAXONa part of a neuron [n -S] NEURAXONSNEURAXON, a part of a neuron [n] NEUROTOXIC[adj] NEUROTOXICITIESNEUROTOXICITY [n] NEUROTOXICITY[n -TIES] NEUROTOXIN[n -S] NEUROTOXINSNEUROTOXIN [n] NEXTcoming immediately after; adjoining [adj] NEXTDOORlocated in the next building or room [adj] NEXUSa connection or link [n -ES] NEXUSESNEXUS, a connection or link [n] NIXa water sprite [n NIXES or NIXE] / to veto (to forbid or prevent authoritatively) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] NIXENIX, a water sprite [n] NIXEDNIX, to veto (to forbid or prevent authoritatively) [v] NIXESNIX, a water sprite [n] NIXIEa female water sprite [n -S] NIXIESNIXY, an undeliverable piece of mail [n] NIXINGNIX, to veto (to forbid or prevent authoritatively) [v] NIXYan undeliverable piece of mail [n NIXIES] NONCOMPLEX[adj] NONEXCLUSIVE[adj] NONEXECUTIVE[n -S] NONEXECUTIVESNONEXECUTIVE [n] NONEXEMPT[n -S] NONEXEMPTSNONEXEMPT [n] NONEXISTENCE[n -S] NONEXISTENCESNONEXISTENCE [n] NONEXISTENT[adj] NONEXISTENTIAL[adj] NONEXOTIC[adj] NONEXPENDABLE[adj] NONEXPERIMENTAL[adj] NONEXPERT[n -S] NONEXPERTSNONEXPERT [n] NONEXPLANATORY[adj] NONEXPLOITATION[n] NONEXPLOITATIVE[adj] NONEXPLOITIVE[adj] NONEXPLOSIVE[adj] NONEXPOSED[adj] NONEXTANT[adj] NONHOMOSEXUAL[n -S] NONHOMOSEXUALSNONHOMOSEXUAL [n] NONINTOXICANT[n -S] NONINTOXICANTSNONINTOXICANT [n] NONINTOXICATING[adj] NONLEXICAL[adj] NONORTHODOX[adj] NONOXIDIZING[adj] NONSEXIST[adj] NONSEXUAL[adj] NONTAXa tax of little consequence [n -ES] NONTAXABLE[adj] NONTAXESNONTAX, a tax of little consequence [n] NONTOXICnot toxic [adj] NOXIOUSharmful to health [adj] NOXIOUSLY[adv] NOXIOUSNESS[n -ES] NOXIOUSNESSESNOXIOUSNESS [n] OBNOXIOUS[adj] OBNOXIOUSLY[adv] OBNOXIOUSNESS[n -ES] OBNOXIOUSNESSESOBNOXIOUSNESS [n] OCTUPLEXbeing eight times as great [adj] ONYXa variety of quartz [n -ES] ONYXESONYX, a variety of quartz [n] ORATRIXa female orator (one that orates (to speak formally)) [n -TRICES] OROPHARYNX[n -YNXES or -YNGES] OROPHARYNXESOROPHARYNX [n] ORTHODOXone holding traditional beliefs [n -ES] ORTHODOXESORTHODOX, one holding traditional beliefs [n] ORTHODOXIESORTHODOXY [n] ORTHODOXLY[adv] ORTHODOXY[n -DOXIES] ORYXan African antelope [n -ES] ORYXESORYX, an African antelope [n] OTOTOXICadversely affecting hearing or balance [adj] OTOTOXICITIESOTOTOXICITY [n] OTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] OUTBOXto surpass in boxing [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OUTBOXEDOUTBOX, to surpass in boxing [v] OUTBOXESOUTBOX, to surpass in boxing [v] OUTBOXINGOUTBOX, to surpass in boxing [v] OUTFOXto outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OUTFOXEDOUTFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] OUTFOXESOUTFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] OUTFOXINGOUTFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] OUTJINXto surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OUTJINXEDOUTJINX, to surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v] OUTJINXESOUTJINX, to surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v] OUTJINXINGOUTJINX, to surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v] OVERANXIETIESOVERANXIETY [n] OVERANXIETY[n -TIES] OVERANXIOUSANXIOUS, full of anxiety [adj] OVERCOMPLEX[adj] OVEREXAGGERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] OVEREXAGGERATEDOVEREXAGGERATE [v] OVEREXAGGERATESOVEREXAGGERATE [v] OVEREXCITE[v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES] OVEREXCITEDOVEREXCITE [v] OVEREXCITESOVEREXCITE [v] OVEREXCITINGOVEREXCITE [v] OVEREXERCISE[v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] OVEREXERCISEDOVEREXERCISE [v] OVEREXERCISESOVEREXERCISE [v] OVEREXERCISINGOVEREXERCISE [v] OVEREXERT[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXERTEDOVEREXERT [v] OVEREXERTINGOVEREXERT [v] OVEREXERTION[n -S] OVEREXERTIONSOVEREXERTION [n] OVEREXERTSOVEREXERT [v] OVEREXPAND[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXPANDEDOVEREXPAND [v] OVEREXPANDINGOVEREXPAND [v] OVEREXPANDSOVEREXPAND [v] OVEREXPANSION[n -S] OVEREXPANSIONSOVEREXPANSION [n] OVEREXPECTATION[n -S] OVEREXPLAIN[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXPLAINEDOVEREXPLAIN [v] OVEREXPLAININGOVEREXPLAIN [v] OVEREXPLAINSOVEREXPLAIN [v] OVEREXPLICIT[adj] OVEREXPLOIT[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXPLOITEDOVEREXPLOIT [v] OVEREXPLOITINGOVEREXPLOIT [v] OVEREXPLOITSOVEREXPLOIT [v] OVEREXPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] OVEREXPOSEDOVEREXPOSE [v] OVEREXPOSESOVEREXPOSE [v] OVEREXPOSINGOVEREXPOSE [v] OVEREXPOSURE[n -S] OVEREXPOSURESOVEREXPOSURE [n] OVEREXTEND[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXTENDEDOVEREXTEND [v] OVEREXTENDINGOVEREXTEND [v] OVEREXTENDSOVEREXTEND [v] OVEREXTENSION[n -S] OVEREXTENSIONSOVEREXTENSION [n] OVEREXTRACTION[n -S] OVEREXTRACTIONSOVEREXTRACTION [n] OVEREXTRAVAGANT[adj] OVEREXUBERANT[adj] OVERLAXtoo lax (not strict or stringent) [adj] OVERMIXto mix too much [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OVERMIXEDOVERMIX, to mix too much [v] OVERMIXESOVERMIX, to mix too much [v] OVERMIXINGOVERMIX, to mix too much [v] OVERSEXED[adj] OVERTAXto tax too heavily [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OVERTAXATION[n -S] OVERTAXATIONSOVERTAXATION [n] OVERTAXEDOVERTAX, to tax too heavily [v] OVERTAXESOVERTAX, to tax too heavily [v] OVERTAXINGOVERTAX, to tax too heavily [v] OXa clumsy person [n -ES] / a hoofed mammal [n OXEN] OXACILLIN[n -S] OXACILLINSOXACILLIN [n] OXALACETATE[n -S] OXALACETATESOXALACETATE [n] OXALATEto treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] OXALATEDOXALATE, to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v] OXALATESOXALATE, to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v] OXALATINGOXALATE, to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v] OXALICOXALIS, a flowering plant [adj] OXALISa flowering plant [n -ALISES] : OXALIC ~adj OXALISESOXALIS, a flowering plant [n] OXALOACETATE[n -S] OXALOACETATESOXALOACETATE [n] OXAZEPAMa tranquilizing drug [n -S] OXAZEPAMSOXAZEPAM, a tranquilizing drug [n] OXAZINEa chemical compound [n -S] OXAZINESOXAZINE, a chemical compound [n] OXBLOODa deep red color [n -S] OXBLOODSOXBLOOD, a deep red color [n] OXBOWa U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n -S] OXBOWSOXBOW, a U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n] OXCARTan ox-drawn cart [n -S] OXCARTSOXCART, an ox-drawn cart [n] OXENOX, a clumsy person [n] OXESOX, a clumsy person [n] OXEYEa flowering plant [n -S] OXEYESOXEYE, a flowering plant [n] OXFORDa type of shoe (a covering for the foot) [n -S] OXFORDSOXFORD, a type of shoe (a covering for the foot) [n] OXHEARTa variety of sweet cherry [n -S] OXHEARTSOXHEART, a variety of sweet cherry [n] OXIDoxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] OXIDABLEcapable of being oxidized [adj] OXIDANTan oxidizing agent [n -S] OXIDANTSOXIDANT, an oxidizing agent [n] OXIDASEan oxidizing enzyme [n -S] : OXIDASIC ~adj OXIDASESOXIDASE, an oxidizing enzyme [n] OXIDASICOXIDASE, an oxidizing enzyme [adj] OXIDATEto oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES] OXIDATEDOXIDATE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDATESOXIDATE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDATINGOXIDATE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDATION[n -S] OXIDATIONSOXIDATION [n] OXIDATIVE[adj] OXIDATIVELY[adv] OXIDEa binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n -S] : OXIDIC ~adj OXIDESOXIDE, a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n] OXIDICOXIDE, a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [adj] OXIDISEto oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v -DISED, -DISING, -DISES] OXIDISEDOXIDISE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDISERoxidizer (an oxidant (an oxidizing agent)) [n -S] OXIDISERSOXIDISER, oxidizer (an oxidant (an oxidizing agent)) [n] OXIDISESOXIDISE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDISINGOXIDISE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDIZABLE[adj] OXIDIZEto combine with oxygen [v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] OXIDIZEDOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] OXIDIZERan oxidant (an oxidizing agent) [n -S] OXIDIZERSOXIDIZER, an oxidant (an oxidizing agent) [n] OXIDIZESOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] OXIDIZINGOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] OXIDOREDUCTASE[n -S] OXIDOREDUCTASESOXIDOREDUCTASE [n] OXIDSOXID, oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] OXIMoxime (a chemical compound) [n -S] OXIMEa chemical compound [n -S] OXIMESOXIME, a chemical compound [n] OXIMETERan instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood [n -S] OXIMETERSOXIMETER, an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood [n] OXIMETRIESOXIMETRY, the use of an oximeter (an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood) [n] OXIMETRYthe use of an oximeter (an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood) [n -TRIES] OXIMSOXIM, oxime (a chemical compound) [n] OXLIKEresembling an ox (a clumsy person) [adj] OXLIPa flowering plant [n -S] OXLIPSOXLIP, a flowering plant [n] OXOcontaining oxygen [adj] OXPECKERan African bird [n -S] OXPECKERSOXPECKER, an African bird [n] OXTAILthe tail of an ox [n -S] OXTAILSOXTAIL, the tail of an ox [n] OXTERthe armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n -S] OXTERSOXTER, the armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n] OXTONGUEa European herb [n -S] OXTONGUESOXTONGUE, a European herb [n] OXYcontaining oxygen [adj] OXYACETYLENE[adj] OXYACIDan acid that contains oxygen [n -S] OXYACIDSOXYACID, an acid that contains oxygen [n] OXYCODONE[n -S] OXYCODONESOXYCODONE [n] OXYGENa gaseous element [n -S] : OXYGENIC ~adj OXYGENASE[n -S] OXYGENASESOXYGENASE [n] OXYGENATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] OXYGENATEDOXYGENATE [v] OXYGENATESOXYGENATE [v] OXYGENATINGOXYGENATE [v] OXYGENATION[n -S] OXYGENATIONSOXYGENATION [n] OXYGENATOR[n -S] OXYGENATORSOXYGENATOR [n] OXYGENICOXYGEN, a gaseous element [adj] OXYGENIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] OXYGENIZEDOXYGENIZE [v] OXYGENIZESOXYGENIZE [v] OXYGENIZINGOXYGENIZE [v] OXYGENLESS[adj] OXYGENOUS[adj] OXYGENSOXYGEN, a gaseous element [n] OXYHEMOGLOBIN[n -S] OXYHEMOGLOBINSOXYHEMOGLOBIN [n] OXYHYDROGEN[adj] OXYMORAOXYMORON, a combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n] OXYMORONa combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n -MORONS or -MORA] OXYMORONIC[adj] OXYMORONICALLY[adv] OXYMORONSOXYMORON, a combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n] OXYPHENBUTAZONE[n -S] OXYPHILoxyphile (an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment) [n -S] OXYPHILEan organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment [n -S] OXYPHILESOXYPHILE, an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment [n] OXYPHILIC[adj] OXYPHILSOXYPHIL, oxyphile (an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment) [n] OXYSALTa salt of an oxyacid [n -S] OXYSALTSOXYSALT, a salt of an oxyacid [n] OXYSOMEa structural unit of cellular cristae [n -S] OXYSOMESOXYSOME, a structural unit of cellular cristae [n] OXYTETRACYCLINE[n -S] OXYTOCICa drug that hastens the process of childbirth [n -S] OXYTOCICSOXYTOCIC, a drug that hastens the process of childbirth [n] OXYTOCINa pituitary hormone [n -S] OXYTOCINSOXYTOCIN, a pituitary hormone [n] OXYTONEa word having heavy stress on the last syllable [n -S] OXYTONESOXYTONE, a word having heavy stress on the last syllable [n] OXYURIASESOXYURIASIS [n] OXYURIASIS[n -URIASES] PACKWAXpaxwax (the nuchal ligament of a quadruped) [n -ES] PACKWAXESPACKWAX, paxwax (the nuchal ligament of a quadruped) [n] PACLITAXEL[n -S] PACLITAXELSPACLITAXEL [n] PANCHAXa tropical fish [n -ES] PANCHAXESPANCHAX, a tropical fish [n] PANMIXESPANMIXIS, panmixia (random mating within a breeding population) [n] PANMIXIArandom mating within a breeding population [n -S] PANMIXIASPANMIXIA, random mating within a breeding population [n] PANMIXISpanmixia (random mating within a breeding population) [n -MIXES] PANSEXUAL[n -S] PANSEXUALITIESPANSEXUALITY [n] PANSEXUALITY[n -TIES] PANSEXUALSPANSEXUAL [n] PARADOXa statement seemingly contradictory or absurd yet perhaps true [n -ES] PARADOXESPARADOX, a statement seemingly contradictory or absurd yet perhaps true [n] PARADOXICAL[adj] PARADOXICALITY[n -TIES] PARADOXICALLY[adv] PARADOXICALNESS[n -ES] PARALLAXan apparent optical displacement of an object [n -ES] PARALLAXESPARALLAX, an apparent optical displacement of an object [n] PARAMYXOVIRUS[n -ES] PARAMYXOVIRUSESPARAMYXOVIRUS [n] PARASEXUAL[adj] PARASEXUALITIESPARASEXUALITY [n] PARASEXUALITY[n -TIES] PARATAXESPARATAXIS [n] PARATAXIS[n -TAXES] PAROXYSMa sudden fit or attack [n -S] PAROXYSMAL[adj] PAROXYSMSPAROXYSM, a sudden fit or attack [n] PAXa ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n -ES] PAXESPAX, a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n] PAXWAXthe nuchal ligament of a quadruped [n -ES] PAXWAXESPAXWAX, the nuchal ligament of a quadruped [n] PEGBOXa part of a stringed instrument [n -ES] PEGBOXESPEGBOX, a part of a stringed instrument [n] PEMPHIXa skin disease [n -ES] PEMPHIXESPEMPHIX, a skin disease [n] PENTOXIDE[n -S] PENTOXIDESPENTOXIDE [n] PEPPERBOX[n -ES] PEPPERBOXESPEPPERBOX [n] PEROXIDperoxide [n -S] PEROXIDASE[n -S] PEROXIDASESPEROXIDASE [n] PEROXIDEto treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v -IDED, -IDING, -IDES] PEROXIDEDPEROXIDE, to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v] PEROXIDESPEROXIDE, to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v] PEROXIDIC[adj] PEROXIDINGPEROXIDE, to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v] PEROXIDSPEROXID, peroxide [n] PEROXISOMAL[adj] PEROXISOME[n -S] PEROXISOMESPEROXISOME [n] PEROXYcontaining the bivalent group O2 [adj] PERPLEXto make mentally uncertain [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PERPLEXEDPERPLEX, to make mentally uncertain [v] PERPLEXEDLY[adv] PERPLEXER[n -S] PERPLEXERSPERPLEXER [n] PERPLEXESPERPLEX, to make mentally uncertain [v] PERPLEXINGPERPLEX, to make mentally uncertain [v] PERPLEXITIESPERPLEXITY [n] PERPLEXITY[n -TIES] PERSPEXan acrylic plastic consisting essentially of polymethyl methacrylate -- a trademark [n -ES] PERSPEXESPERSPEX, an acrylic plastic consisting essentially of polymethyl methacrylate -- a trademark [n] PHALANXa formation of infantry in ancient Greece [n -ES] PHALANXESPHALANX, a formation of infantry in ancient Greece [n] PHARYNXa section of the digestive tract [n -YNGES or -YNXES] PHARYNXESPHARYNX, a section of the digestive tract [n] PHENIXphoenix (a mythical bird) [n -ES] PHENIXESPHENIX, phoenix (a mythical bird) [n] PHENOXIDE[n -S] PHENOXIDESPHENOXIDE [n] PHENOXYcontaining a radical derived from phenol [adj] PHLOXa flowering plant [n -ES] PHLOXESPHLOX, a flowering plant [n] PHOENIXa mythical bird [n -ES] PHOENIXESPHOENIX, a mythical bird [n] PHOENIXLIKE[adj] PHOTOEXCITATION[n -S] PHOTOEXCITED[adj] PHOTOOXIDATION[n -S] PHOTOOXIDATIONSPHOTOOXIDATION [n] PHOTOOXIDATIVE[adj] PHOTOOXIDIZE[v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] PHOTOOXIDIZEDPHOTOOXIDIZE [v] PHOTOOXIDIZESPHOTOOXIDIZE [v] PHOTOOXIDIZINGPHOTOOXIDIZE [v] PHOTOTAXESPHOTOTAXIS [n] PHOTOTAXIESPHOTOTAXY [n] PHOTOTAXIS[n -TAXES] PHOTOTAXY[n -TAXIES] PHOTOTOXIC[adj] PHOTOTOXICITIESPHOTOTOXICITY [n] PHOTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] PHYLAXISan inhibiting of infection by the body [n -AXISES] PHYLAXISESPHYLAXIS, an inhibiting of infection by the body [n] PHYLLOTAXESPHYLLOTAXIS [n] PHYLLOTAXIESPHYLLOTAXY [n] PHYLLOTAXIS[n -TAXES] PHYLLOTAXY[n -TAXIES] PHYLLOXERA[n -S] PHYLLOXERASPHYLLOXERA [n] PHYTOALEXIN[n -S] PHYTOALEXINSPHYTOALEXIN [n] PHYTOTOXIC[adj] PHYTOTOXICITIESPHYTOTOXICITY [n] PHYTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] PICKAXto use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PICKAXEto pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v -AXED, -AXING, -AXES] PICKAXEDPICKAXE, to pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v] PICKAXESPICKAXE, to pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v] PICKAXINGPICKAXE, to pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v] PICROTOXIN[n -S] PICROTOXINSPICROTOXIN [n] PILLBOXa small box for pills [n -ES] PILLBOXESPILLBOX, a small box for pills [n] PIXpyx (a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept) [n -ES] PIXELa basic unit of a video image [n -S] PIXELSPIXEL, a basic unit of a video image [n] PIXESPIX, pyx (a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept) [n] PIXIEpixy (a playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [n -S] : PIXIEISH ~adj PIXIEISHPIXIE, pixy (a playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [adj] PIXIESPIXIE, pixy (a playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [n] PIXILATED[adj] PIXILATION[n -S] PIXILATIONSPIXILATION [n] PIXILLATED[adj] PIXINESSthe state of being playfully mischievous [n -ES] PIXINESSESPIXINESS, the state of being playfully mischievous [n] PIXYa playfully mischievous fairy or elf [n PIXIES] : PIXYISH ~adj PIXYISHPIXY, a playfully mischievous fairy or elf [adj] PLAINTEXT[n -S] PLAINTEXTSPLAINTEXT [n] PLATEAUXPLATEAU, a level stretch of elevated land [n] PLEIOTAXIESPLEIOTAXY [n] PLEIOTAXY[n -TAXIES] PLEXa multiplex [n -ES] PLEXALpertaining to a plexus (an interlacing of parts) [adj] PLEXESPLEX, a multiplex [n] PLEXIFORM[adj] PLEXORa small, hammer-like medical instrument [n -S] PLEXORSPLEXOR, a small, hammer-like medical instrument [n] PLEXUSan interlacing of parts [n -ES] PLEXUSESPLEXUS, an interlacing of parts [n] PNEUMOTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] PNEUMOTHORAXESPNEUMOTHORAX [n] POLEAXto strike with an axlike weapon [v -ED, -ING, -ES] POLEAXEto poleax (to strike with an axlike weapon) [v -AXED, -AXING, -AXES] POLEAXEDPOLEAX, to strike with an axlike weapon [v] POLEAXESPOLEAX, to strike with an axlike weapon [v] POLEAXINGPOLEAX, to strike with an axlike weapon [v] POLLEXthe innermost digit of the forelimb [n -LICES] : POLLICAL ~adj POLYHYDROXY[adj] POLYMYXIN[n -S] POLYMYXINSPOLYMYXIN [n] PONTIFEXan ancient Roman priest [n -FICES] PORTMANTEAUXPORTMANTEAU [n] POSTAXIAL[adj] POSTBOXa mailbox (a box for depositing mail) [n -ES] POSTBOXESPOSTBOX, a mailbox (a box for depositing mail) [n] POSTEXERCISE[adj] POSTEXILIC[adj] POSTEXPERIENCE[adj] POSTEXPOSURE[adj] POSTFIXto affix at the end of something [v -ED, -ING, -ES] POSTFIXAL[adj] POSTFIXEDPOSTFIX, to affix at the end of something [v] POSTFIXESPOSTFIX, to affix at the end of something [v] POSTFIXINGPOSTFIX, to affix at the end of something [v] POSTTAXafter taxes have been taken out [adj] POXto infect with syphilis [v -ED, -ING, -ES] POXEDPOX, to infect with syphilis [v] POXESPOX, to infect with syphilis [v] POXIERPOXY, afflicted with a pox [adj] POXIESTPOXY, afflicted with a pox [adj] POXINGPOX, to infect with syphilis [v] POXVIRUSa type of virus (any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens) [n -ES] POXVIRUSESPOXVIRUS, a type of virus (any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens) [n] POXYafflicted with a pox [adj POXIER, POXIEST] PRAXEOLOGICAL[adj] PRAXEOLOGIESPRAXEOLOGY [n] PRAXEOLOGY[n -GIES] PRAXESPRAXIS, practical use of a branch of learning [n] PRAXISpractical use of a branch of learning [n PRAXISES or PRAXES] PRAXISESPRAXIS, practical use of a branch of learning [n] PREAXIALsituated in front of an axis [adj] PRECIEUXexcessively refined [adj] PREEXCITE[v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES] PREEXCITEDPREEXCITE [v] PREEXCITESPREEXCITE [v] PREEXCITINGPREEXCITE [v] PREEXEMPT[v -ED, -ING, -S] PREEXEMPTEDPREEXEMPT [v] PREEXEMPTINGPREEXEMPT [v] PREEXEMPTSPREEXEMPT [v] PREEXILIC[adj] PREEXISTto exist before [v -ED, -ING, -S] PREEXISTEDPREEXIST, to exist before [v] PREEXISTENCE[n -S] PREEXISTENCESPREEXISTENCE [n] PREEXISTENT[adj] PREEXISTINGPREEXIST, to exist before [v] PREEXISTSPREEXIST, to exist before [v] PREEXPERIMENT[adj] PREEXPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] PREEXPOSEDPREEXPOSE [v] PREEXPOSESPREEXPOSE [v] PREEXPOSINGPREEXPOSE [v] PREFIXto add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PREFIXALpertaining to or being a prefix [adj] PREFIXEDPREFIX, to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v] PREFIXESPREFIX, to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v] PREFIXINGPREFIX, to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v] PREFIXION[n -S] PREFIXIONSPREFIXION [n] PREMAXILLA[n -LAE or -LAS] PREMAXILLAEPREMAXILLA [n] PREMAXILLARIESPREMAXILLARY [n] PREMAXILLARY[n -RIES] PREMAXILLASPREMAXILLA [n] PREMIXto mix before use [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] PREMIXEDPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PREMIXESPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PREMIXINGPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PREMIXTPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PRETAXexisting before provision for taxes [adj] PRETEXTto allege as an excuse [v -ED, -ING, -S] PRETEXTEDPRETEXT, to allege as an excuse [v] PRETEXTINGPRETEXT, to allege as an excuse [v] PRETEXTSPRETEXT, to allege as an excuse [v] PREXprexy (a president) [n -ES] PREXESPREX, prexy (a president) [n] PREXIESPREXY, a president [n] PREXYa president [n PREXIES] PRIEDIEUXPRIEDIEU, a piece of furniture for kneeling on during prayer [n] PRINCOXprincock (a coxcomb (a conceited dandy)) [n -ES] PRINCOXESPRINCOX, princock (a coxcomb (a conceited dandy)) [n] PROLIXtediously long and wordy [adj] : PROLIXLY ~adv PROLIXITIESPROLIXITY [n] PROLIXITY[n -TIES] PROLIXLYPROLIX, tediously long and wordy [adv] PROPHYLAXESPROPHYLAXIS [n] PROPHYLAXIS[n -LAXES] PROPOXYPHENE[n -S] PROPOXYPHENESPROPOXYPHENE [n] PROTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] PROTHORAXESPROTHORAX [n] PROTOGALAXIESPROTOGALAXY [n] PROTOGALAXY[n -GALAXIES] PROTOXIDan oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] PROTOXIDE[n -S] PROTOXIDESPROTOXIDE [n] PROTOXIDSPROTOXID, an oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] PROTOXYLEM[n -S] PROTOXYLEMSPROTOXYLEM [n] PROXEMICpertaining to a branch of environmental study [adj] PROXEMICS[n] PROXIESPROXY, a person authorized to act for another [n] PROXIMALlocated near the point of origin [adj] PROXIMALLY[adv] PROXIMATE[adj] PROXIMATELY[adv] PROXIMATENESS[n -ES] PROXIMATENESSESPROXIMATENESS [n] PROXIMITIESPROXIMITY [n] PROXIMITY[n -TIES] PROXIMOof or occurring in the following month [adj] PROXYa person authorized to act for another [n PROXIES] PSYCHOSEXUAL[adj] PSYCHOSEXUALITY[n -TIES] PSYCHOSEXUALLY[adv] PYREXborosilicate glass and glassware resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity -- a trademark [n -ES] PYREXESPYREX, borosilicate glass and glassware resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity -- a trademark [n] PYREXIAfever [n -S] : PYREXIAL, PYREXIC ~adj PYREXIALPYREXIA, fever [adj] PYREXIASPYREXIA, fever [n] PYREXICPYREXIA, fever [adj] PYRIDOXAL[n -S] PYRIDOXALSPYRIDOXAL [n] PYRIDOXAMINE[n -S] PYRIDOXAMINESPYRIDOXAMINE [n] PYRIDOXIN[n -S] PYRIDOXINE[n -S] PYRIDOXINESPYRIDOXINE [n] PYRIDOXINSPYRIDOXIN [n] PYROXENEany of a group of minerals common in igneous rocks [n -S] PYROXENESPYROXENE, any of a group of minerals common in igneous rocks [n] PYROXENIC[adj] PYROXENITE[n -S] PYROXENITESPYROXENITE [n] PYROXENITIC[adj] PYROXENOID[n -S] PYROXENOIDSPYROXENOID [n] PYROXYLIN[n -S] PYROXYLINSPYROXYLIN [n] PYXa container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n -ES] PYXESPYX, a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] PYXIDESPYXIS, a pyxidium (a type of seed vessel) [n] PYXIDIAPYXIDIUM, a type of seed vessel [n] PYXIDIUMa type of seed vessel [n -IA] PYXIEan evergreen shrub [n -S] PYXIESPYXIE, an evergreen shrub [n] PYXISa pyxidium (a type of seed vessel) [n PYXIDES] QUADPLEXa building having four units [n -ES] QUADPLEXESQUADPLEX, a building having four units [n] QUINCUNXan arrangement of five objects [n -ES] QUINCUNXESQUINCUNX, an arrangement of five objects [n] QUINCUNXIAL[adj] QUIXOTEa quixotic person [n -S] QUIXOTESQUIXOTE, a quixotic person [n] QUIXOTICextremely idealistic [adj] QUIXOTICAL[adj] QUIXOTICALLY[adv] QUIXOTISM[n -S] QUIXOTISMSQUIXOTISM [n] QUIXOTRIESQUIXOTRY, quixotic action or thought [n] QUIXOTRYquixotic action or thought [n -TRIES] RADIXthe root of a plant [n -DICES or -DIXES] RADIXESRADIX, the root of a plant [n] RATTLEBOX[n -ES] RATTLEBOXESRATTLEBOX [n] RAXto stretch out [v -ED, -ING, -ES] RAXEDRAX, to stretch out [v] RAXESRAX, to stretch out [v] RAXINGRAX, to stretch out [v] REAFFIXAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REAFFIXEDREAFFIX, AFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] REAFFIXESREAFFIX, AFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] REAFFIXINGREAFFIX, AFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] REANNEXANNEX, to add or attach [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REANNEXATIONANNEXATION [n -S] REANNEXATIONSREANNEXATION, ANNEXATION [n] REANNEXEDREANNEX, ANNEX, to add or attach [v] REANNEXESREANNEX, ANNEX, to add or attach [v] REANNEXINGREANNEX, ANNEX, to add or attach [v] RECONTEXTUALIZECONTEXTUALIZE [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] RECTRIXa feather of a bird's tail [n -TRICES] REDOXa type of chemical reaction [n -ES] REDOXESREDOX, a type of chemical reaction [n] REDUXbrought back [adj] REEXAMINATIONEXAMINATION [n -S] REEXAMINATIONSREEXAMINATION, EXAMINATION [n] REEXAMINEEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES] REEXAMINEDREEXAMINE, EXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] REEXAMINESREEXAMINE, EXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] REEXAMININGREEXAMINE, EXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] REEXECUTEEXECUTE, to carry out [v -CUTED, -CUTING, -CUTES] REEXECUTEDREEXECUTE, EXECUTE, to carry out [v] REEXECUTESREEXECUTE, EXECUTE, to carry out [v] REEXECUTINGREEXECUTE, EXECUTE, to carry out [v] REEXHIBITEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEXHIBITEDREEXHIBIT, EXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] REEXHIBITINGREEXHIBIT, EXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] REEXHIBITSREEXHIBIT, EXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] REEXPELEXPEL, to force out [v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS] REEXPELLEDREEXPEL, EXPEL, to force out [v] REEXPELLINGREEXPEL, EXPEL, to force out [v] REEXPELSREEXPEL, EXPEL, to force out [v] REEXPERIENCEEXPERIENCE [v -ENCED, -ENCING, -ENCES] REEXPERIENCEDREEXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE [v] REEXPERIENCESREEXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE [v] REEXPERIENCINGREEXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE [v] REEXPLAINEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEXPLAINEDREEXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] REEXPLAININGREEXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] REEXPLAINSREEXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] REEXPLOREEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES] REEXPLOREDREEXPLORE, EXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] REEXPLORESREEXPLORE, EXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] REEXPLORINGREEXPLORE, EXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] REEXPORTEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEXPORTATIONEXPORTATION [n -S] REEXPORTATIONSREEXPORTATION, EXPORTATION [n] REEXPORTEDREEXPORT, EXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] REEXPORTINGREEXPORT, EXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] REEXPORTSREEXPORT, EXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] REEXPOSEEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] REEXPOSEDREEXPOSE, EXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] REEXPOSESREEXPOSE, EXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] REEXPOSINGREEXPOSE, EXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] REEXPOSUREEXPOSURE, the act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n -S] REEXPOSURESREEXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, the act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n] REEXPRESSEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REEXPRESSEDREEXPRESS, EXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] REEXPRESSESREEXPRESS, EXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] REEXPRESSINGREEXPRESS, EXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] REFIXFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REFIXEDREFIX, FIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] REFIXESREFIX, FIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] REFIXINGREFIX, FIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] REFLEXto bend back [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REFLEXEDREFLEX, to bend back [v] REFLEXESREFLEX, to bend back [v] REFLEXINGREFLEX, to bend back [v] REFLEXIONFLEXION, flection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n -S] REFLEXIONSREFLEXION, FLEXION, flection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n] REFLEXIVE[n -S] REFLEXIVELY[adv] REFLEXIVENESS[n -ES] REFLEXIVENESSESREFLEXIVENESS [n] REFLEXIVESREFLEXIVE [n] REFLEXIVITIESREFLEXIVITY [n] REFLEXIVITY[n -TIES] REFLEXLYin a reflexed manner [adv] REFLEXOLOGIESREFLEXOLOGY [n] REFLEXOLOGY[n -GIES] REFLUXto cause to flow back [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REFLUXEDREFLUX, to cause to flow back [v] REFLUXESREFLUX, to cause to flow back [v] REFLUXINGREFLUX, to cause to flow back [v] REINDEXINDEX, to provide with an index [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REINDEXEDREINDEX, INDEX, to provide with an index [v] REINDEXESREINDEX, INDEX, to provide with an index [v] REINDEXINGREINDEX, INDEX, to provide with an index [v] RELAXto make less tense or rigid [v -ED, -ING, -ES] RELAXABLE[adj] RELAXANTa drug that relieves muscular tension [n -S] RELAXANTSRELAXANT, a drug that relieves muscular tension [n] RELAXATIONLAXATION, the act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n -S] RELAXATIONSRELAXATION, LAXATION, the act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n] RELAXEDRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [v] RELAXEDLY[adv] RELAXEDNESS[n -ES] RELAXEDNESSESRELAXEDNESS [n] RELAXERone that relaxes (to make less tense or rigid) [n -S] RELAXERSRELAXER, one that relaxes (to make less tense or rigid) [n] RELAXESRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [v] RELAXINa female hormone (a secretion of the endocrine organs) [n -S] RELAXINGRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [v] RELAXINSRELAXIN, a female hormone (a secretion of the endocrine organs) [n] REMEXa flight feather of a bird's wing [n REMIGES] : REMIGIAL ~adj REMIXMIX, to put together into one mass [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] REMIXEDREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXESREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXINGREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXTREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXTUREMIXTURE, something produced by mixing [n -S] REMIXTURESREMIXTURE, MIXTURE, something produced by mixing [n] REOXIDATIONOXIDATION [n -S] REOXIDATIONSREOXIDATION, OXIDATION [n] REOXIDIZEOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] REOXIDIZEDREOXIDIZE, OXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] REOXIDIZESREOXIDIZE, OXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] REOXIDIZINGREOXIDIZE, OXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] RESEAUXRESEAU, a filter screen for making color films [n] RETAXTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v -ED, -ING, -ES] RETAXEDRETAX, TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] RETAXESRETAX, TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] RETAXINGRETAX, TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] RETEXTURETEXTURE, to make by weaving [v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES] RETEXTUREDRETEXTURE, TEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] RETEXTURESRETEXTURE, TEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] RETEXTURINGRETEXTURE, TEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] RETROFLEX[n -ES] RETROFLEXESRETROFLEX [n] RETROFLEXION[n -S] RETROFLEXIONSRETROFLEXION [n] REWAXWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REWAXEDREWAX, WAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] REWAXESREWAX, WAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] REWAXINGREWAX, WAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] REXan animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n -ES] / king [n REGES] REXESREX, an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n] REXINEa strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n -S] REXINESREXINE, a strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n] RHEOTAXESRHEOTAXIS [n] RHEOTAXIS[n -TAXES] RONDEAUXRONDEAU, a short poem of fixed form [n] ROULEAUXROULEAU, a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n] ROUXa mixture of butter and flour [n ROUX] SALPINXan anatomical tube [n -PINGES] SALTBOXa type of house [n -ES] SALTBOXESSALTBOX, a type of house [n] SANDBOXa box containing sand for children to play in [n -ES] SANDBOXESSANDBOX, a box containing sand for children to play in [n] SARDONYXa variety of quartz [n -ES] SARDONYXESSARDONYX, a variety of quartz [n] SAUCEBOXa saucy person [n -ES] SAUCEBOXESSAUCEBOX, a saucy person [n] SAXa saxophone [n -ES] SAXATILEliving or growing among rocks [adj] SAXESSAX, a saxophone [n] SAXHORNa brass wind instrument [n -S] SAXHORNSSAXHORN, a brass wind instrument [n] SAXICOLOUS[adj] SAXIFRAGE[n -S] SAXIFRAGESSAXIFRAGE [n] SAXITOXIN[n -S] SAXITOXINSSAXITOXIN [n] SAXONIESSAXONY, a woolen fabric [n] SAXONYa woolen fabric [n -NIES] SAXOPHONE[n -S] SAXOPHONESSAXOPHONE [n] SAXOPHONIC[adj] SAXOPHONIST[n -S] SAXOPHONISTSSAXOPHONIST [n] SAXTUBAa bass saxhorn [n -S] SAXTUBASSAXTUBA, a bass saxhorn [n] SCOLEXthe knoblike head of a tapeworm [n -LECES or -LICES] SEMIFLEXIBLE[adj] SEXto determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SEXAGENARIAN[n -S] SEXAGENARIANSSEXAGENARIAN [n] SEXAGESIMAL[n -S] SEXAGESIMALSSEXAGESIMAL [n] SEXDECILLION[n -S] SEXDECILLIONSSEXDECILLION [n] SEXEDSEX, to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v] SEXENNIAL[n -S] SEXENNIALSSEXENNIAL [n] SEXESSEX, to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v] SEXIERSEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj] SEXIESTSEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj] SEXILYin a sexy manner [adv] SEXINESSthe quality or state of being sexy [n -ES] SEXINESSESSEXINESS, the quality or state of being sexy [n] SEXINGSEX, to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v] SEXISMprejudice or discrimination against women [n -S] SEXISMSSEXISM, prejudice or discrimination against women [n] SEXISTone that practices sexism (prejudice or discrimination against women) [n -S] SEXISTSSEXIST, one that practices sexism (prejudice or discrimination against women) [n] SEXLESSlacking sexual characteristics [adj] SEXLESSLY[adv] SEXLESSNESS[n -ES] SEXLESSNESSESSEXLESSNESS [n] SEXOLOGIC[adj] SEXOLOGIESSEXOLOGY, the study of human sexual behavior [n] SEXOLOGIST[n -S] SEXOLOGISTSSEXOLOGIST [n] SEXOLOGYthe study of human sexual behavior [n -GIES] SEXPLOITATION[n -S] SEXPLOITATIONSSEXPLOITATION [n] SEXPOTa sexually attractive woman [n -S] SEXPOTSSEXPOT, a sexually attractive woman [n] SEXTone of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] SEXTAINa stanza of six lines [n -S] SEXTAINSSEXTAIN, a stanza of six lines [n] SEXTANa recurrent malarial fever [n -S] SEXTANSSEXTAN, a recurrent malarial fever [n] SEXTANTan instrument for measuring angular distances [n -S] SEXTANTSSEXTANT, an instrument for measuring angular distances [n] SEXTARIISEXTARIUS, an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure [n] SEXTARIUSan ancient Roman unit of liquid measure [n -TARII] SEXTETa group of six [n -S] SEXTETSSEXTET, a group of six [n] SEXTETTEsextet (a group of six) [n -S] SEXTETTESSEXTETTE, sextet (a group of six) [n] SEXTILEthe position of two celestial bodies when they are sixty degrees apart [n -S] SEXTILESSEXTILE, the position of two celestial bodies when they are sixty degrees apart [n] SEXTILLION[n -S] SEXTILLIONSSEXTILLION [n] SEXTOsixmo (a paper size) [n -TOS] SEXTODECIMO[n -MOS] SEXTODECIMOSSEXTODECIMO [n] SEXTONa maintenance worker of a church [n -S] SEXTONSSEXTON, a maintenance worker of a church [n] SEXTOSSEXTO, sixmo (a paper size) [n] SEXTSSEXT, one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n] SEXTUPLEto make six times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] SEXTUPLEDSEXTUPLE, to make six times as great [v] SEXTUPLESSEXTUPLE, to make six times as great [v] SEXTUPLET[n -S] SEXTUPLETSSEXTUPLET [n] SEXTUPLICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] SEXTUPLICATEDSEXTUPLICATE [v] SEXTUPLICATESSEXTUPLICATE [v] SEXTUPLICATINGSEXTUPLICATE [v] SEXTUPLINGSEXTUPLE, to make six times as great [v] SEXTUPLYto six times as much or as many [adv] SEXUALpertaining to sex [adj] : SEXUALLY ~adv SEXUALITIESSEXUALITY [n] SEXUALITY[n -TIES] SEXUALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] SEXUALIZEDSEXUALIZE [v] SEXUALIZESSEXUALIZE [v] SEXUALIZINGSEXUALIZE [v] SEXUALLYSEXUAL, pertaining to sex [adv] SEXYarousing sexual desire [adj SEXIER, SEXIEST] SHADOWBOX[v -ED, -ING, -ES] SHADOWBOXEDSHADOWBOX [v] SHADOWBOXESSHADOWBOX [v] SHADOWBOXINGSHADOWBOX [v] SHOEBOXan oblong box for holding a pair of shoes [n -ES] SHOEBOXESSHOEBOX, an oblong box for holding a pair of shoes [n] SILEXsilica (a form of silicon) [n -ES] SILEXESSILEX, silica (a form of silicon) [n] SILOXANEa chemical compound [n -S] SILOXANESSILOXANE, a chemical compound [n] SILVEXan herbicide [n -ES] SILVEXESSILVEX, an herbicide [n] SIMPLEXa simple word [n -PLEXES, -PLICES, or -PLICIA] SIMPLEXESSIMPLEX, a simple word [n] SIXa number [n -ES] SIXESSIX, a number [n] SIXFOLDbeing six times as great as [adj] SIXMOa paper size [n -MOS] SIXMOSSIXMO, a paper size [n] SIXPENCEa British coin worth six pennies [n -S] SIXPENCESSIXPENCE, a British coin worth six pennies [n] SIXPENNYworth sixpence [adj] SIXTEa fencing parry [n -S] SIXTEENa number [n -S] SIXTEENMO[n -MOS] SIXTEENMOSSIXTEENMO [n] SIXTEENSSIXTEEN, a number [n] SIXTEENTH[n -S] SIXTEENTHSSIXTEENTH [n] SIXTESSIXTE, a fencing parry [n] SIXTHone of six equal parts [n -S] SIXTHLYin the sixth place [adv] SIXTHSSIXTH, one of six equal parts [n] SIXTIESSIXTY, a number [n] SIXTIETHone of sixty equal parts [n -S] SIXTIETHSSIXTIETH, one of sixty equal parts [n] SIXTYa number [n -TIES] SIXTYISHbeing about sixty years old [adj] SKYBOXan enclosure of seats situated high in a stadium [n -ES] SKYBOXESSKYBOX, an enclosure of seats situated high in a stadium [n] SMALLPOXa virus disease [n -ES] SMALLPOXESSMALLPOX, a virus disease [n] SMILAXa twining plant [n -ES] SMILAXESSMILAX, a twining plant [n] SNUFFBOXa box for holding snuff [n -ES] SNUFFBOXESSNUFFBOX, a box for holding snuff [n] SOAPBOXto deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SOAPBOXEDSOAPBOX, to deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v] SOAPBOXESSOAPBOX, to deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v] SOAPBOXINGSOAPBOX, to deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v] SOCIOSEXUAL[adj] SONOVOXa sound effects device [n -ES] SONOVOXESSONOVOX, a sound effects device [n] SOUNDBOXa resonant cavity in a musical instrument [n -ES] SOUNDBOXESSOUNDBOX, a resonant cavity in a musical instrument [n] SOXSOCK, a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n] SPADIXa flower cluster [n -DICES or -DIXES] SPADIXESSPADIX, a flower cluster [n] SPANDEXa synthetic elastic fiber [n -ES] SPANDEXESSPANDEX, a synthetic elastic fiber [n] SPHINXa monster in Egyptian mythology [n SPHINXES or SPHINGES] SPHINXESSPHINX, a monster in Egyptian mythology [n] SPHINXLIKE[adj] SPHYNXa cat of a breed of hairless cats [n -ES] SPHYNXESSPHYNX, a cat of a breed of hairless cats [n] SPINIFEXan Australian grass [n -ES] SPINIFEXESSPINIFEX, an Australian grass [n] STEREOTAXIC[adj] STEREOTAXICALLY[adv] STORAXa fragrant resin [n -ES] STORAXESSTORAX, a fragrant resin [n] STRONGBOX[n -ES] STRONGBOXESSTRONGBOX [n] STYRAXstorax (a fragrant resin) [n -ES] STYRAXESSTYRAX, storax (a fragrant resin) [n] SUBAXIALsomewhat axial [adj] SUBBUREAUXSUBBUREAU [n] SUBCLIMAX[n -ES] SUBCLIMAXESSUBCLIMAX [n] SUBCORTEX[n -TEXES or -TICES] SUBCORTEXESSUBCORTEX [n] SUBFIXa distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character [n -ES] SUBFIXESSUBFIX, a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character [n] SUBINDEXa subfix (a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character) [n -DEXES or -DICES] SUBINDEXESSUBINDEX, a subfix (a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character) [n] SUBLUXATION[n -S] SUBLUXATIONSSUBLUXATION [n] SUBMAXILLARIESSUBMAXILLARY [n] SUBMAXILLARY[n -RIES] SUBMAXIMAL[adj] SUBOXIDEan oxide containing relatively little oxygen [n -S] SUBOXIDESSUBOXIDE, an oxide containing relatively little oxygen [n] SUBTAXASUBTAXON, a subdivision of a taxon [n] SUBTAXONa subdivision of a taxon [n -TAXA or -TAXONS] SUBTAXONSSUBTAXON, a subdivision of a taxon [n] SUBTEXTwritten or printed matter under a more general text [n -S] SUBTEXTSSUBTEXT, written or printed matter under a more general text [n] SUBTEXTUAL[adj] SUFFIXto add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SUFFIXALpertaining to or being a suffix [adj] SUFFIXATION[n -S] SUFFIXATIONSSUFFIXATION [n] SUFFIXEDSUFFIX, to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v] SUFFIXESSUFFIX, to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v] SUFFIXINGSUFFIX, to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v] SUFFIXION[n -S] SUFFIXIONSSUFFIXION [n] SULFOXIDE[n -S] SULFOXIDESSULFOXIDE [n] SUPERDELUXE[adj] SUPEREXPENSIVE[adj] SUPEREXPRESS[n -ES] SUPEREXPRESSESSUPEREXPRESS [n] SUPERFIXa recurrent pattern of stress in speech [n -ES] SUPERFIXESSUPERFIX, a recurrent pattern of stress in speech [n] SUPERHELIX[n -LIXES or -LICES] SUPERHELIXESSUPERHELIX [n] SUPERLUXURIOUS[adj] SUPERLUXURY[adj] SUPEROXIDE[n -S] SUPEROXIDESSUPEROXIDE [n] SUPERSEXa type of sterile organism [n -ES] SUPERSEXESSUPERSEX, a type of sterile organism [n] SUPERSEXUALITY[n -TIES] SUPERTAXan additional tax [n -ES] SUPERTAXESSUPERTAX, an additional tax [n] SURTAXto assess with an extra tax [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SURTAXEDSURTAX, to assess with an extra tax [v] SURTAXESSURTAX, to assess with an extra tax [v] SURTAXINGSURTAX, to assess with an extra tax [v] SWEATBOXa small enclosure in which one is made to sweat [n -ES] SWEATBOXESSWEATBOX, a small enclosure in which one is made to sweat [n] SWINEPOXa disease of swine [n -ES] SWINEPOXESSWINEPOX, a disease of swine [n] SYNTAXthe way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences [n -ES] SYNTAXESSYNTAX, the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences [n] SYRINXthe vocal organ of a bird [n -INGES or -INXES] SYRINXESSYRINX, the vocal organ of a bird [n] TABLEAUXTABLEAU, a picture [n] TAMOXIFEN[n -S] TAMOXIFENSTAMOXIFEN [n] TAXto place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v -ED, -ING, -ES] TAXATAXON, a unit of scientific classification [n] TAXABLEsubject to tax [adj] : TAXABLY ~adv / a taxable item [n -S] TAXABLESTAXABLE, a taxable item [n] TAXABLYTAXABLE, subject to tax [adv] TAXATIONthe process of taxing [n -S] TAXATIONSTAXATION, the process of taxing [n] TAXEDTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] TAXEMEa minimum grammatical feature of selection [n -S] : TAXEMIC ~adj TAXEMESTAXEME, a minimum grammatical feature of selection [n] TAXEMICTAXEME, a minimum grammatical feature of selection [adj] TAXERone that taxes (to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on) [n -S] TAXERSTAXER, one that taxes (to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on) [n] TAXESTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] TAXIto travel in a taxicab [v TAXIED, TAXIING or TAXYING, TAXIS or TAXIES] TAXICABan automobile for hire [n -S] TAXICABSTAXICAB, an automobile for hire [n] TAXIDERMIC[adj] TAXIDERMIESTAXIDERMY [n] TAXIDERMIST[n -S] TAXIDERMISTSTAXIDERMIST [n] TAXIDERMY[n -MIES] TAXIEDTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXIESTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXIINGTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXIMANthe operator of a taxicab [n TAXIMEN] TAXIMENTAXIMAN, the operator of a taxicab [n] TAXIMETER[n -S] TAXIMETERSTAXIMETER [n] TAXINGTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] TAXINGLYin an onerous manner [adv] TAXISTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXITEa volcanic rock [n -S] : TAXITIC ~adj TAXITESTAXITE, a volcanic rock [n] TAXITICTAXITE, a volcanic rock [adj] TAXIWAYa paved strip at an airport [n -WAYS] TAXIWAYSTAXIWAY, a paved strip at an airport [n] TAXLESSfree from taxation [adj] TAXMANone who collects taxes [n TAXMEN] TAXMENTAXMAN, one who collects taxes [n] TAXOLa medicinal substance from a yew tree [n -S] TAXOLSTAXOL, a medicinal substance from a yew tree [n] TAXONa unit of scientific classification [n TAXA or TAXONS] TAXONOMIC[adj] TAXONOMICALLY[adv] TAXONOMIESTAXONOMY, the study of scientific classification [n] TAXONOMIST[n -S] TAXONOMISTSTAXONOMIST [n] TAXONOMYthe study of scientific classification [n -MIES] TAXONSTAXON, a unit of scientific classification [n] TAXPAIDpaid for by taxes [adj] TAXPAYERone that pays taxes [n -S] TAXPAYERSTAXPAYER, one that pays taxes [n] TAXPAYING[n -S] TAXPAYINGSTAXPAYING [n] TAXUSan evergreen tree or shrub [n TAXUS] TAXWISEpertaining to taxes [adj] TAXYINGTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TEABOXa box for tea leaves [n -ES] TEABOXESTEABOX, a box for tea leaves [n] TECTRIXa small feather of a bird's wing [n -TRICES] TELEFAXa system for transmitting graphic material over telephone lines [n -ES] TELEFAXESTELEFAX, a system for transmitting graphic material over telephone lines [n] TELETEXTa communications system in which printed matter is telecast to subscribers [n -S] TELETEXTSTELETEXT, a communications system in which printed matter is telecast to subscribers [n] TELEXto send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v -ED, -ING, -ES] TELEXEDTELEX, to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v] TELEXESTELEX, to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v] TELEXINGTELEX, to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v] TELOTAXESTELOTAXIS [n] TELOTAXIS[n -TAXES] TESTATRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] TESTATRIXESTESTATRIX [n] TETRODOTOXIN[n -S] TETRODOTOXINSTETRODOTOXIN [n] TETROXIDa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] TETROXIDE[n -S] TETROXIDESTETROXIDE [n] TETROXIDSTETROXID, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] TEXASthe uppermost structure on a steamboat [n -ES] TEXASESTEXAS, the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n] TEXTthe main body of a written or printed work [n -S] TEXTBOOKa book used in the study of a subject [n -S] TEXTBOOKISH[adj] TEXTBOOKSTEXTBOOK, a book used in the study of a subject [n] TEXTILEa woven fabric [n -S] TEXTILESTEXTILE, a woven fabric [n] TEXTLESShaving no text [adj] TEXTSTEXT, the main body of a written or printed work [n] TEXTUALpertaining to a text (the main body of a written or printed work) [adj] TEXTUALLY[adv] TEXTUARIESTEXTUARY, a specialist in the study of the Scriptures [n] TEXTUARYa specialist in the study of the Scriptures [n -ARIES] TEXTURALpertaining to the surface characteristics of something [adj] TEXTURALLY[adv] TEXTUREto make by weaving [v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES] TEXTUREDTEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] TEXTURELESS[adj] TEXTURESTEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] TEXTURINGTEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] TEXTURIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] TEXTURIZEDTEXTURIZE [v] TEXTURIZESTEXTURIZE [v] TEXTURIZINGTEXTURIZE [v] THERMOTAXESTHERMOTAXIS [n] THERMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] THIGMOTAXESTHIGMOTAXIS [n] THIGMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] THIXOTROPIC[adj] THIXOTROPIESTHIXOTROPY [n] THIXOTROPY[n -PIES] THORAXthe part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n -RACES or -RAXES] : THORACAL, THORACIC ~adj THORAXESTHORAX, the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n] THROMBOXANE[n -S] THROMBOXANESTHROMBOXANE [n] THYROTOXICOSESTHYROTOXICOSIS [n] THYROTOXICOSIS[n -COSES] THYROXINan amino acid [n -S] THYROXINE[n -S] THYROXINESTHYROXINE [n] THYROXINSTHYROXIN, an amino acid [n] TINDERBOX[n -ES] TINDERBOXESTINDERBOX [n] TOADFLAXa perennial herb [n -ES] TOADFLAXESTOADFLAX, a perennial herb [n] TONNEAUXTONNEAU, the rear seating compartment of an automobile [n] TOOLBOXa box for tools [n -ES] TOOLBOXESTOOLBOX, a box for tools [n] TORTRIXa small moth (a winged insect) [n -ES] TORTRIXESTORTRIX, a small moth (a winged insect) [n] TOXAEMIAtoxemia (the condition of having toxins in the blood) [n -S] : TOXAEMIC ~adj TOXAEMIASTOXAEMIA, toxemia (the condition of having toxins in the blood) [n] TOXAEMICTOXAEMIA, toxemia (the condition of having toxins in the blood) [adj] TOXAPHENE[n -S] TOXAPHENESTOXAPHENE [n] TOXEMIAthe condition of having toxins in the blood [n -S] : TOXEMIC ~adj TOXEMIASTOXEMIA, the condition of having toxins in the blood [n] TOXEMICTOXEMIA, the condition of having toxins in the blood [adj] TOXICtoxin (a poisonous substance) [n -S] : TOXICAL ~adj TOXICALTOXIC, toxin (a poisonous substance) [adj] TOXICALLY[adv] TOXICANTa poisonous substance [n -S] TOXICANTSTOXICANT, a poisonous substance [n] TOXICITIESTOXICITY, the quality of being poisonous [n] TOXICITYthe quality of being poisonous [n -TIES] TOXICOLOGIC[adj] TOXICOLOGICAL[adj] TOXICOLOGICALLY[adv] TOXICOLOGIESTOXICOLOGY [n] TOXICOLOGIST[n -S] TOXICOLOGISTSTOXICOLOGIST [n] TOXICOLOGY[n -GIES] TOXICOSESTOXICOSIS [n] TOXICOSIS[n -COSES] TOXICSTOXIC, toxin (a poisonous substance) [n] TOXIGENIC[adj] TOXIGENICITIESTOXIGENICITY [n] TOXIGENICITY[n -TIES] TOXINa poisonous substance [n -S] TOXINEtoxin (a poisonous substance) [n -S] TOXINESTOXINE, toxin (a poisonous substance) [n] TOXINSTOXIN, a poisonous substance [n] TOXOIDa type of toxin (a poisonous substance) [n -S] TOXOIDSTOXOID, a type of toxin (a poisonous substance) [n] TOXOPHILIESTOXOPHILY [n] TOXOPHILITE[n -S] TOXOPHILITESTOXOPHILITE [n] TOXOPHILY[n -LIES] TOXOPLASMA[n -S] TOXOPLASMASTOXOPLASMA [n] TOXOPLASMIC[adj] TOXOPLASMOSESTOXOPLASMOSIS [n] TOXOPLASMOSIS[n -MOSES] TRANSAXLE[n -S] TRANSAXLESTRANSAXLE [n] TRANSFIXto impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES] TRANSFIXEDTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSFIXESTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSFIXINGTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSFIXION[n -S] TRANSFIXIONSTRANSFIXION [n] TRANSFIXTTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSSEXUAL[n -S] TRANSSEXUALISM[n -S] TRANSSEXUALISMSTRANSSEXUALISM [n] TRANSSEXUALITY[n -TIES] TRANSSEXUALSTRANSSEXUAL [n] TRIAXIALhaving three axes [adj] TRIAXIALITIESTRIAXIALITY [n] TRIAXIALITY[n -TIES] TRICARBOXYLIC[adj] TRIHYDROXY[adj] TRIOXIDtrioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n -S] TRIOXIDEa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] TRIOXIDESTRIOXIDE, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] TRIOXIDSTRIOXID, trioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n] TRIPLEXan apartment having three floors [n -ES] TRIPLEXESTRIPLEX, an apartment having three floors [n] TROPHALLAXESTROPHALLAXIS [n] TROPHALLAXIS[n -LAXES] TROPOTAXESTROPOTAXIS [n] TROPOTAXIS[n -TAXES] TROUSSEAUXTROUSSEAU [n] TRUMEAUXTRUMEAU, a column supporting part of a doorway [n] TUBIFEXan aquatic worm [n -ES] TUBIFEXESTUBIFEX, an aquatic worm [n] TUXa tuxedo (a man's semiformal dinner coat) [n -ES] TUXEDOa man's semiformal dinner coat [n -DOES or -DOS] : TUXEDOED ~adj TUXEDOEDTUXEDO, a man's semiformal dinner coat [adj] TUXEDOESTUXEDO, a man's semiformal dinner coat [n] TUXEDOSTUXEDO, a man's semiformal dinner coat [n] TUXESTUX, a tuxedo (a man's semiformal dinner coat) [n] TWIXTbetween (in the space that separates) [prep] ULEXITEa mineral [n -S] ULEXITESULEXITE, a mineral [n] ULTRAEXCLUSIVE[adj] ULTRAORTHODOX[adj] UNANNEXEDANNEX, to add or attach [adj] UNAXEDAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [adj] UNBOXto remove from a box [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNBOXEDUNBOX, to remove from a box [v] UNBOXESUNBOX, to remove from a box [v] UNBOXINGUNBOX, to remove from a box [v] UNDEREXPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] UNDEREXPOSEDUNDEREXPOSE [v] UNDEREXPOSESUNDEREXPOSE [v] UNDEREXPOSINGUNDEREXPOSE [v] UNDEREXPOSURE[n -S] UNDEREXPOSURESUNDEREXPOSURE [n] UNDERSEXED[adj] UNDERTAXto tax less than the usual amount [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNDERTAXEDUNDERTAX, to tax less than the usual amount [v] UNDERTAXESUNDERTAX, to tax less than the usual amount [v] UNDERTAXINGUNDERTAX, to tax less than the usual amount [v] UNEXALTEDEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [adj] UNEXAMINEDEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [adj] UNEXAMPLEDEXAMPLE, to show by representation [adj] UNEXCELLEDEXCEL, to surpass others [adj] UNEXCEPTIONABLEEXCEPTIONABLE [adj] UNEXCEPTIONABLYEXCEPTIONABLY [adv] UNEXCEPTIONALEXCEPTIONAL [adj] UNEXCITABLEEXCITABLE [adj] UNEXCITEDEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [adj] UNEXCITINGEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [adj] UNEXCUSEDEXCUSE, to apologize for [adj] UNEXERCISEDEXERCISE, to make use of [adj] UNEXOTICnot exotic [adj] UNEXPECTEDEXPECT, to anticipate [adj] UNEXPECTEDLYEXPECTEDLY [adv] UNEXPECTEDNESSEXPECTEDNESS [n -ES] UNEXPENDEDEXPEND, to use up [adj] UNEXPERTnot expert [adj] UNEXPIREDEXPIRE, to come to an end [adj] UNEXPLAINABLEEXPLAINABLE [adj] UNEXPLAINEDEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [adj] UNEXPLODEDEXPLODE, to blow up [adj] UNEXPLOITEDEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [adj] UNEXPLOREDEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [adj] UNEXPOSEDEXPOSE, to lay open to view [adj] UNEXPRESSEDEXPRESS, to set forth in words [adj] UNEXPRESSIVEEXPRESSIVE [adj] UNEXPURGATEDEXPURGATE [adj] UNEXTRAORDINARYEXTRAORDINARY [adj] UNFIXto unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES] UNFIXEDUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFIXESUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFIXINGUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFIXTUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFLEXEDFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [adj] UNIAXIALhaving one axis [adj] UNINDEXEDINDEX, to provide with an index [adj] UNISEXthe condition of not being distinguishable as to sex [n -ES] UNISEXESUNISEX, the condition of not being distinguishable as to sex [n] UNISEXUAL[adj] UNISEXUALITIESUNISEXUALITY [n] UNISEXUALITY[n -TIES] UNMIXto separate from a mixture [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] UNMIXABLEMIXABLE, MIX, to put together into one mass [adj] UNMIXEDMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] UNMIXEDLYMIXEDLY, MIX, to put together into one mass [adv] UNMIXESUNMIX, to separate from a mixture [v] UNMIXINGUNMIX, to separate from a mixture [v] UNMIXTMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] UNNILHEXIUM[n -S] UNNILHEXIUMSUNNILHEXIUM [n] UNORTHODOXnot orthodox [adj] UNORTHODOXIESUNORTHODOXY, ORTHODOXY [n] UNORTHODOXLYORTHODOXLY [adv] UNORTHODOXYORTHODOXY [n -DOXIES] UNOXYGENATEDOXYGENATE [adj] UNRELAXEDRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [adj] UNSEXto deprive of sexual power [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNSEXEDUNSEX, to deprive of sexual power [v] UNSEXESUNSEX, to deprive of sexual power [v] UNSEXINGUNSEX, to deprive of sexual power [v] UNSEXUALSEXUAL, pertaining to sex [adj] UNSEXYSEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj] UNTAXEDTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [adj] UNVEXEDVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [adj] UNVEXTVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [adj] UNWAXEDWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [adj] URTEXTthe original text [n -S] URTEXTSURTEXT, the original text [n] UXORIALpertaining to a wife (a woman married to a man) [adj] UXORIALLY[adv] UXORICIDE[n -S] UXORICIDESUXORICIDE [n] UXORIOUSexcessively submissive or devoted to one's wife [adj] UXORIOUSLY[adv] UXORIOUSNESS[n -ES] UXORIOUSNESSESUXORIOUSNESS [n] VARIXa varicose vein [n VARICES] VERNIXa fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus [n -ES] VERNIXESVERNIX, a fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus [n] VERTEXthe highest point of something [n -TEXES or -TICES] VERTEXESVERTEX, the highest point of something [n] VEXto annoy (to be troublesome to) [v VEXED or VEXT, VEXING, VEXES] VEXATIONa cause of trouble [n -S] VEXATIONSVEXATION, a cause of trouble [n] VEXATIOUS[adj] VEXATIOUSLY[adv] VEXATIOUSNESS[n -ES] VEXATIOUSNESSESVEXATIOUSNESS [n] VEXEDVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VEXEDLYin a vexed manner [adv] VEXEDNESS[n -ES] VEXEDNESSESVEXEDNESS [n] VEXERone that vexes (to annoy (to be troublesome to)) [n -S] VEXERSVEXER, one that vexes (to annoy (to be troublesome to)) [n] VEXESVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VEXILvexillum (the web or vane of a feather) [n -S] VEXILLAVEXILLUM, the web or vane of a feather [n] VEXILLARVEXILLUM, the web or vane of a feather [adj] VEXILLARIESVEXILLARY [n] VEXILLARY[n -RIES] VEXILLATE[adj] VEXILLOLOGIC[adj] VEXILLOLOGICAL[adj] VEXILLOLOGIESVEXILLOLOGY [n] VEXILLOLOGIST[n -S] VEXILLOLOGISTSVEXILLOLOGIST [n] VEXILLOLOGY[n -GIES] VEXILLUMthe web or vane of a feather [n -LA] : VEXILLAR ~adj VEXILSVEXIL, vexillum (the web or vane of a feather) [n] VEXINGVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VEXINGLYin a vexing manner [adv] VEXTVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VIDEOTEXan electronic system for transmitting data to a subscriber's video screen [n -ES] VIDEOTEXESVIDEOTEX, an electronic system for transmitting data to a subscriber's video screen [n] VIDEOTEXT[n -S] VIDEOTEXTSVIDEOTEXT [n] VIXENa shrewish woman [n -S] : VIXENISH, VIXENLY ~adj VIXENISHVIXEN, a shrewish woman [adj] VIXENLYVIXEN, a shrewish woman [adj] VIXENSVIXEN, a shrewish woman [n] VOLVOXany of a genus of freshwater protozoa [n -ES] VOLVOXESVOLVOX, any of a genus of freshwater protozoa [n] VORTEXa whirling mass of fluid [n -TEXES or -TICES] : VORTICAL ~adj VORTEXESVORTEX, a whirling mass of fluid [n] VOXvoice [n VOCES] WAXto coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : WAXABLE ~adj WAXABLEWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [adj] WAXBERRIESWAXBERRY, a berry with a waxy coating [n] WAXBERRYa berry with a waxy coating [n -RIES] WAXBILLa tropical bird [n -S] WAXBILLSWAXBILL, a tropical bird [n] WAXEDWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] WAXENcovered with wax [adj] WAXERone that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n -S] WAXERSWAXER, one that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n] WAXESWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] WAXIERWAXY, resembling wax [adj] WAXIESTWAXY, resembling wax [adj] WAXILYin a waxy manner [adv] WAXINESSthe quality of being waxy [n -ES] WAXINESSESWAXINESS, the quality of being waxy [n] WAXINGthe act of one that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n -S] WAXINGSWAXING, the act of one that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n] WAXLIKEresembling wax [adj] WAXPLANTa tropical plant [n -S] WAXPLANTSWAXPLANT, a tropical plant [n] WAXWEEDan annual herb [n -S] WAXWEEDSWAXWEED, an annual herb [n] WAXWINGa type of passerine bird [n -S] WAXWINGSWAXWING, a type of passerine bird [n] WAXWORKan effigy made of wax [n -S] WAXWORKER[n -S] WAXWORKERSWAXWORKER [n] WAXWORKSWAXWORK, an effigy made of wax [n] WAXWORMa moth that infests beehives [n -S] WAXWORMSWAXWORM, a moth that infests beehives [n] WAXYresembling wax [adj WAXIER, WAXIEST] WOADWAXan ornamental shrub [n -ES] WOADWAXEN[n -S] WOADWAXENSWOADWAXEN [n] WOADWAXESWOADWAX, an ornamental shrub [n] WOODBOXa woodbin (a bin for holding firewood) [n -ES] WOODBOXESWOODBOX, a woodbin (a bin for holding firewood) [n] WOODWAXwoadwax (an ornamental shrub) [n -ES] WOODWAXEN[n -S] WOODWAXENSWOODWAXEN [n] WOODWAXESWOODWAX, woadwax (an ornamental shrub) [n] WORKBOXa box for holding work instruments and materials [n -ES] WORKBOXESWORKBOX, a box for holding work instruments and materials [n] XANTHANa gum produced by bacterial fermentation [n -S] XANTHANSXANTHAN, a gum produced by bacterial fermentation [n] XANTHATEa chemical salt [n -S] XANTHATESXANTHATE, a chemical salt [n] XANTHEINthe water-soluble part of the coloring matter in yellow flowers [n -S] XANTHEINSXANTHEIN, the water-soluble part of the coloring matter in yellow flowers [n] XANTHENEa chemical compound [n -S] XANTHENESXANTHENE, a chemical compound [n] XANTHICtending to have a yellow color [adj] XANTHINa yellow pigment [n -S] XANTHINEa chemical compound [n -S] XANTHINESXANTHINE, a chemical compound [n] XANTHINSXANTHIN, a yellow pigment [n] XANTHOMAa skin disease [n -MAS or -MATA] XANTHOMASXANTHOMA, a skin disease [n] XANTHOMATAXANTHOMA, a skin disease [n] XANTHONEa chemical compound [n -S] XANTHONESXANTHONE, a chemical compound [n] XANTHOPHYLL[n -S] XANTHOPHYLLSXANTHOPHYLL [n] XANTHOUSyellow (of a bright color like that of ripe lemons) [adj] XEBECa Mediterranean sailing vessel [n -S] XEBECSXEBEC, a Mediterranean sailing vessel [n] XENIAthe effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n -S] : XENIAL ~adj XENIALXENIA, the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [adj] XENIASXENIA, the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n] XENICpertaining to a type of culture medium [adj] XENOBIOTIC[n -S] XENOBIOTICSXENOBIOTIC [n] XENOBLAST[n -S] XENOBLASTSXENOBLAST [n] XENOCRYST[n -S] XENOCRYSTSXENOCRYST [n] XENODIAGNOSESXENODIAGNOSIS [n] XENODIAGNOSIS[n -NOSES] XENODIAGNOSTIC[adj] XENOGAMIESXENOGAMY, the transfer of pollen from one plant to another [n] XENOGAMYthe transfer of pollen from one plant to another [n -MIES] XENOGENEIC[adj] XENOGENIC[adj] XENOGENIESXENOGENY, the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parent [n] XENOGENYthe supposed production of offspring totally different from the parent [n -NIES] XENOGRAFT[n -S] XENOGRAFTSXENOGRAFT [n] XENOLITHa rock fragment included in another rock [n -S] XENOLITHIC[adj] XENOLITHSXENOLITH, a rock fragment included in another rock [n] XENONa gaseous element [n -S] XENONSXENON, a gaseous element [n] XENOPHILE[n -S] XENOPHILESXENOPHILE [n] XENOPHOBE[n -S] XENOPHOBESXENOPHOBE [n] XENOPHOBIA[n -S] XENOPHOBIASXENOPHOBIA [n] XENOPHOBIC[adj] XENOPHOBICALLY[adv] XENOPUSa frog native to southern Africa [n -PUSES] XENOPUSESXENOPUS, a frog native to southern Africa [n] XENOTROPIC[adj] XERARCHdeveloping in a dry area [adj] XERICrequiring only a small amount of moisture [adj] XERICALLY[adv] XERISCAPE[n -S] XERISCAPESXERISCAPE [n] XERODERMA[n -MAE or -MAS] XERODERMAEXERODERMA [n] XERODERMASXERODERMA [n] XEROGRAPHIC[adj] XEROGRAPHICALLY[adv] XEROGRAPHIESXEROGRAPHY [n] XEROGRAPHY[n -PHIES] XEROPHILE[adj] XEROPHILIESXEROPHILY [n] XEROPHILOUS[adj] XEROPHILY[n -LIES] XEROPHTHALMIA[n -S] XEROPHTHALMIASXEROPHTHALMIA [n] XEROPHTHALMIC[adj] XEROPHYTE[n -S] XEROPHYTESXEROPHYTE [n] XEROPHYTIC[adj] XEROPHYTISM[n -S] XEROPHYTISMSXEROPHYTISM [n] XERORADIOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] XEROSEREa dry-land sere [n -S] XEROSERESXEROSERE, a dry-land sere [n] XEROSESXEROSIS, abnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [n] XEROSISabnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [n -ROSES] : XEROTIC ~adj XEROTHERMIC[adj] XEROTICXEROSIS, abnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [adj] XEROXto copy on a xerographic copier [v -ED, -ING, -ES] XEROXEDXEROX, to copy on a xerographic copier [v] XEROXESXEROX, to copy on a xerographic copier [v] XEROXINGXEROX, to copy on a xerographic copier [v] XERUSan African ground squirrel [n -ES] XERUSESXERUS, an African ground squirrel [n] XIa Greek letter [n -S] XIPHISTERNAXIPHISTERNUM [n] XIPHISTERNUM[n -NA] XIPHOIDa part of the sternum [n -S] XIPHOIDSXIPHOID, a part of the sternum [n] XISXI, a Greek letter [n] XUa monetary unit of Vietnam [n XU] XYLANa substance found in cell walls of plants [n -S] XYLANSXYLAN, a substance found in cell walls of plants [n] XYLEMa complex plant tissue [n -S] XYLEMSXYLEM, a complex plant tissue [n] XYLENEa flammable hydrocarbon [n -S] XYLENESXYLENE, a flammable hydrocarbon [n] XYLIDINxylidine (a chemical compound) [n -S] XYLIDINEa chemical compound [n -S] XYLIDINESXYLIDINE, a chemical compound [n] XYLIDINSXYLIDIN, xylidine (a chemical compound) [n] XYLITOLan alcohol (a flammable liquid) [n -S] XYLITOLSXYLITOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid) [n] XYLOCARPa hard, woody fruit [n -S] XYLOCARPSXYLOCARP, a hard, woody fruit [n] XYLOGRAPH[v -ED, -ING, -S] XYLOGRAPHEDXYLOGRAPH [v] XYLOGRAPHER[n -S] XYLOGRAPHERSXYLOGRAPHER [n] XYLOGRAPHIC[adj] XYLOGRAPHICAL[adj] XYLOGRAPHIESXYLOGRAPHY [n] XYLOGRAPHINGXYLOGRAPH [v] XYLOGRAPHSXYLOGRAPH [v] XYLOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] XYLOIDresembling wood [adj] XYLOLxylene (a flammable hydrocarbon) [n -S] XYLOLSXYLOL, xylene (a flammable hydrocarbon) [n] XYLOPHAGE[n -S] XYLOPHAGESXYLOPHAGE [n] XYLOPHAGOUS[adj] XYLOPHONE[n -S] XYLOPHONESXYLOPHONE [n] XYLOPHONIST[n -S] XYLOPHONISTSXYLOPHONIST [n] XYLOSEa type of sugar [n -S] XYLOSESXYLOSE, a type of sugar [n] XYLOTOMIESXYLOTOMY, the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination [n] XYLOTOMYthe preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination [n -MIES] XYLYLa univalent radical [n -S] XYLYLSXYLYL, a univalent radical [n] XYSTxystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n -S] XYSTERa surgical instrument for scraping bones [n -S] XYSTERSXYSTER, a surgical instrument for scraping bones [n] XYSTIXYSTUS, a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece [n] XYSTOIXYSTOS, xystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n] XYSTOSxystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n -TOI] XYSTSXYST, xystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n] XYSTUSa roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece [n -TI] ZAXa tool for cutting roof slates [n -ES] ZAXESZAX, a tool for cutting roof slates [n] ZOOXANTHELLA[n ZOOXANTHELLAE] ZOOXANTHELLAEZOOXANTHELLA [n]