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Q: What is a 9 letter word that has the long vowel sound e and is time of no war?
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Is him a long vowel sound?

No, the vowel sound in him is a short i sound. An example of a word with a long i sound is time.

Does tire have a long or short vowel sound?

It has a long E vowel sound, as in time and fire.

Where is the long vowel in baby?

The "A" for sure. In the first syllable, you have "BA" (rhymes with day). You know you have a long vowel because it says its name. In this case, the letter A in "baby" is a long vowel sound. (If it were a short vowel sound, it would not be pronounced like its name-- bat, for example, has a short vowel sound.) Sometimes, a letter like Y will have a vowel sound (in this case, it sounds like the E in the word "me"), but usually, a long vowel refers to the sound made by the letters A, E, I, O, and U. Here are examples of long vowels: Bake (long a); Me (long E); Time (long I); Joke (long O); and Tune (long U).

What is the long vowel sound in time?

The I has a long I sound, and the E is silent.

Is crime a short vowel?

No. The I has a long I vowel sound as in lime and time. The E is silent.

Does time have a short vowel sound?

No. The I in time is a long I sound, as in crime and lime. The E is silent.

Is crime a short vowel word?

Yes, "crime" is a short vowel word because the letter "i" in crime makes the short sound /ɪ/.

Does time have a short or long vowel?

It has a long I sound, created by the silent E.

What is a 7 letter word for Time of no war that has a long E vowel sound?

The only 7-letter synonym for peace (the answer to this question) may be harmony. But it does not represent an actual period of time as peace does.

Is swim a long vowel word?

Yes, "swim" does have a long vowel sound. The "i" in "swim" is pronounced as a long "i" sound, as in "ice" or "time."

Is have a short vowel?

I use this rule for deciding between long and short vowels. If I can hear the name of the letter when I say the word out loud, like the a in cake or the o in ocean, then it is a long vowel. A lot of the time, the word has an e at the end of it, like in the words ice, cake, smoke, state. If the vowel in the word sounds like the description of the sound the letter makes, like ahhhh in cat or ehhh in net, then it is a short vowel sound. A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are vowels and if you can hear the letter, then it's a long vowel. If not, then its short.

Is y a vowel in the word tiny?

Yes. It is a vowel with the sound of a long E.The only time a Y is a consonant is when it makes the "yuh" sound as in yawn and yellow.