Cape Verde, Mauritius and Swaziland are countries in Africa. Their name contains 9 letters.
There are no countries in Africa that start with the letter Y.
Uganda is a country located in east Africa.
Only one country in Africa starts with the letter K. Kenya is a country in Africa.
Macedonia and Mauritius are countries. They are the only 9 letter countries that start with the letter M.
The African country with a population of 9 million that starts with the letter C is the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Rwanda.Rwanda is the only African country that starts with the letter R.Republic of Congo, Rwanda
The country is Algeria.
No country in the world starts with the letter X.
Zimbabwe is an African country.
There are no countries in Africa that start with the letter Y.
Uganda is a country located in east Africa.
Only one country in Africa starts with the letter K. Kenya is a country in Africa.
A letter, parcel or trade goods can be sent from an African country to and American country.