reject, my friend. I'm 12 so its the best Ive got!
Two options are overturn and repeal.
Legal or judicial.
allow, below, endow, in-law, straw, strew, throw, threw, widow
The longest word that can be spelled with these letters is the 5 letter word twang. The letters also can be used to spell ant, law, lawn, tag, tan and want.
throw, shrew, arrow, below, endow, in-law, pshaw, renew, strew, straw, threw
Two options are overturn and repeal.
chancellor, churchgoer, chevalier
That's right, to repeal a law is to cancel or revoke it.
To cancel a law if may be NULLIFIED or REPEALED.
Repeal is to take back, or to cancel, a law
A word that means to pass a bill into law is "enact".
The word jurisdiction (authority) is from the Latin juris(jura, plural of jus) meaning "law".
what is the word meaning "thing", in law
Legal or judicial.