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Q: What is a 5 letter word meaning equal in position?
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Usual or basic

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The 5 letter word for equal is 'alike'.

What is the meaning for

SONI. Write all the digits before the decimal in words,now check the letter position which is after the decimal,for Eg: 6.1, SIX the letter at position one is S2.3 TWO letter at 3rd position is O,1.2 ONE letter at 2nd position is N and finally 5.2 FIVE letter at 2nd position is I.SONI is the word.

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A ten letter word that means equal to is equivalent.

What i really need from you is some sympathy in this sentence what letter represents the position of the word what?

The letter "t" represents the position of the word "what."

Five letter word meaning fake?

False is a five letter word meaning fake.

What is a four letter word meaning not kosher?

A four letter word meaning not kosher is: tref

What is the five letter word meaning wealthy?

Flush is a five letter word meaning wealthy.

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A five letter word meaning peace is quiet or amity.

What is a six letter word meaning not attractive?

a six letter word meaning not attractive: SO UGLY!