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Q: What is a 4 letter word for something you put flowers in?
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What 3 letter word means to place something?

Put or set

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What is a 5 letter word for something you put on your bed? Sheet

What is a 8 letter word for put under stress?

An eight letter word for put under stress is "strained."

What is a sentence using the word windowsill?

Please put the flowers on the kitchen windowsill.

What are suffixes and prefixes?

A suffix is something you put at the beginning of a word and a suffix is something you put at the end of a word.

Is put a verb?

Yes, the word 'put' is both a verb and a noun.The word 'put' is an action verb, meaning:to place something;to express or state something;to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation or state.The noun 'put' is a word for the throw of the shot or weight; a word for a thing.

What does a vase hold inside?

People traditionally put flowers in a vase with some water to keep them alive. A vase is to display something such as a bunch of flowers.

What do people use on their photos for facebook?

put picture of you, or if you don't want your picture on there, put something else from google like flowers, hearts or something like that but make it appropriate :)

What 1 letter can you put before attend to make a word?

The letter "I" makes the word "I" and can be put before "attend" to make the sentence "I attend".

What has four letters and you can put flowers in it?

You can put flowers in a vase.

Do you put an in front of the letter f?

if your using something like "if an," or something else.