A five letter word meaning sorceress is witch.
Another 3 letter word for respect is awe.
3 letter word for old oldsmobile
Hag is another name for witch.
giant, witch, fairy
Witch word is misspelled? witch is misspelled, this kind of witch is a person. It should be which. Which word is misspelled?
zebanon witch means the war is over
The word 'which' is an interrogative adjective or pronoun. Pronounced correctly, it begins with an aspirated 'w'. The word 'witch' is a noun. The word begins with a 'w', but the letter is pronounced without aspiration. Over time, the words 'which' and 'witch' sound the same because of the tendency not to aspirate the initial sound.
A 3 letter word for AARP members is Boa.
the 3 letter word is BDY
bi*ch beach leach reach teach witch
How can a 6 letter word be "short" for a 3 letter word.
There is no 3 letter word for a cash machine. There is an abbreviation for automatic teller machines which is ATM, but no word....
Which witch are you talking about or witch and wiccan?