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Q: What is a 3 letter word for kangaroo pouch?
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What is a 3 letter word for animal pouch?

One possibility is the word sac.

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How do giant kangaroo rats take care of their young?

Baby joeys are born about 2cm long. They have to get to the mother's pouch, so the mother licks a path from the birth canal to the pouch. Once there, the young joey attaches to a nipple, which swells in its mouth, securing it in place while it continues its development in the mother's pouch. The joey spends about 6-8 months in the mother's pouch being nursed. In the initial stages, the joey stays attached to the teat until it is ready to begin being independent. A mother kangaroo is capable of having more than one joey of different ages in the pouch at the same time, feeding on different types of milk.

How many syllables are in kangaroo?

There are three syllables in the word "kangaroo." The word is typically pronounced as "kan-ga-roo."

What are the stages of a kangaroo?

fetusnew-born immature = still in embryonic form but able to sit in its mother's pouch and nurseimmature joey - still in pouch but starting to eat predigested eucalyptus leaves in addition to nursingmaturing joey - leaving pouch for short periods of time but still nursing - eating more eucalyptusmature joey - out of pouch but riding on its mother's back and occasionally nursing - about 9 months to 1 year old.adolescent - separated from mother and independent = hits this at about 1 year - about 3 years for females and 4 years for females

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Another 3 letter word for respect is awe.

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A 3 letter word meaning pallid is wan.

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A 3 letter word for AARP members is Boa.

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What is the 3 letter word for a group of kangaroos?

The 3 letter word for a group of kangaroos is mob.