

What is a 2 letter word with C?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Two-letter words are usually abbreviations of some sort.

CA is California or circa.

CB is a type of radio.

CC is cubic centimeter.

CD is compact disc or certificate of deposit.

CE means Christian Era or Common Era or Current Era

CF means "comes from."

CG is a programming language.

CH means channel.

CI means confidential informant.

CJ is a type of Jeep.

CK means check.

CL is a Korean rap singer.

CM means centimeter.

CN is the Cartoon Network.

CO means company.

CP is a Unix command.

CQ is a code used by wireless operators.

CR means credit.

CS stands for Counter-Strike, a video game.

CT means Connecticut, count, court, or a type of scan.

CU means copper.

CV means curriculum vitae.

CW means Country/Western.

CX is a noise reduction system for laser discs.

CY means Cyrus.

CZ stands for Cubic Zirconia.

There are other possibilities for most of these.

This doesn't take into account AC, BC, DC, etc.

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