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Q: What is a 12 letter word that means to treat someone unfairly?
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Mistreat means to treat a person or animal badly, cruelly, or unfairly.

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nazi started to treat people unfairly before ww2 but they started their punishment during the war in the concentration camps

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What is Lionize?

If you lionize a person it means that you treat them as if they were someone important.

The tendency to put down and treat other groups unfairly is called?

Out-group derogation

What is an 8 letter word starting with V and with P as the 5th letter that means treating with contempt?

The word is vilipend.It is defined as "to disparage or to treat someone with contempt.You would pronounce it as VIL-ah-pend.

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It means to be a bully - a little bossy with someone.

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Out-group derogation - apex

I just take as much as you can throw means?

Answer This answer comes in two parts. One is that when you can take as much as someone can throw, it means go ahead, treat me like a rotten piece of meat, I can take it and secondly it means that this is not a good relationship for you to be in. You need someone you can relate to an someone who will treat you as a person.