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Chilli dogs.

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cooked hedgehog

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Q: What is Sonic the Hedgehog's least favorite food?
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What is scourge the hedgehogs favorite food?

hot green peppers

Does sonic hate chilli dogs?

NO! that's his favorite food!

What is Hinata's least favorite food?

crab and eel

Who is Sonic's favorite food?

CHILI DOGS,of course.

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Jewish food

What is silver the hedgehogs favorite food?

marshmallows all the time every time!

What is sonic's favorite food?

sonic's favorite food is chilli dogs P.S the dude that wrote the other one IS 100% WRONG!

What is Taylor Lautner's least favorite food?

His favorite food is steak... so the opposite of steak?

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What is Amy Lee's least favorite food?

I'm not so sure about what exactly IS her least favorite food but she is deathly allergic to Lobster if she eats it she will go into a coma.