Pail is something children play with.
A child would play with a doll.
A child plays with a doll.
j alland thourght his children wanted something to play on so he manged to make the box
I know many children play chess in France
Pail is something children play with.
A child would play with a doll.
A word for something that children play with is toy.
something children play with is a doll
It is a doll
People play with an accordion, airplane and an animal. They begin with the letter a.
they should play because it will give them something to talk about at school
It is known as a dreidle; each of four faces has one Hebrew letter written on it, so that when you spin it, the result is something like rolling dice, in that you get a random result of one letter facing up.
It was developed in Denmark for little children to have something to play with.
The jug is a musical instrument.
yes, children play music all around the world. They would play during the Civil war because it gave them something to do, and it made them fewel happy.