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Pokemon Creepy Black Version is a hacked game of Pokemon Red Version, originally named Pokemon Black Version (note that this was before the official Pokemon Black and White were released). This game was hacked to be a creepy Pokemon game.

Some differences included being able to select "GHOST" as a starter, along with the traditional Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. Ghost was level 1 when obtained and had only the move curse (also note the move curse did not exist in Gen 1). Defending Pokemon would be "too scared to move" to attack Ghost. When curse was used the screen would go black and the defending Pokemon's call could be heard in a lower pitch. When returning to battle the Pokemon would be gone. If used in a trainer battle (with Pokeballs showing how many Pokemon they had) it would be one fewer. After the battle ended you could use curse and the trainer's Sprite would be replaced with a tombstone. The move curse would not work on ghost Pokemon or trainers you had to face again, however.

After you beat the elite 4 the screen cut to black and a box appeared saying "Many years later..." You are in Lavender Town and your character is an old man. You did not have Ghost or any Pokemon anymore, and there weren't any people, but the tombstones were still there. Lavender Town music will play on loop wherever you go, and you can return to Pallet Town). Upon going to your house and on the tile you started on the screen went to black and all the trainers and Pokemon you used curse on flashed through the screen. While this goes on the pitch of the Lavender Town music decreases. After this your trainer will have to fight an old man who has since gotten Ghost. You can only struggle and chip your HP. When you are about to die, Ghost finally uses Curse. It then cuts to a black screen and when you restart, the save file is erased.

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