The Pokémon that is Number 494 in the National PokéDex is Victini.
Tsutarja, the grass starter on the upcoming black and white game is allegedly going to be 494 on the national dex. No the 494 Pokemon for the first time isn't the grass starter. It's Victini.
Well I know for a fact (I work for Nintendo (C) ) That there will be more Pokemon games after heart gold and soul silver versions(there names are opal and quartz) I can't tell you the name of the Pokemon #494 but I will give you some hints: It is not arnaca. It starts with a (S) and ends with a (L). It is a leaf Pokemon like all of the first starters. And finally this new Pokemon evolves three times instead of twice. _________________ This is my guess... Soleaf... :lol: no its not it is tsutaja and it is from Pokemon black and white if u have any Pokemon q's serebii will answer them check back every day for updates
For which game? Pokemon Red Pokemon Blue Pokemon Yellow Pokemon Gold Pokemon Silver Pokemon Crystal Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
All of the Pokemon games in the world are: Pokemon Red,Pokemon yellow pikachu edition and Pokemon blue, Pokemon Pinball, vpokemon pinball ruby and Sapphire edition, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon stadium 2, Pokemon Trading card game, Pokemon Puzzle League, Pokemon Puzzle Challange, Hey you Pikachu!, Pokemon gold and Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon emerald ,Pokemon Channel, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen, Pokemon Dash, Pokemon red rescue team, Pokemon blue rescue team, Pokemon explorers of time, Pokemon explorers of darkness, Pokemon ranger shadows of almia, and Pokemon black and white
Currently, there is no #494 Pokemon. The last Pokemon is Arceus who is #493.
there is no released Pokemon with that number
494 = Egg 495 = Bad Egg 32768-33261 = Hybrids You can't catch these Pokemon, because it wants to display the pokedex entry afterward and glitch Pokemon don't have pokedex entrys.
Tsutarja, the grass starter on the upcoming black and white game is allegedly going to be 494 on the national dex. No the 494 Pokemon for the first time isn't the grass starter. It's Victini.
Whatever the first form of the Grass Type starter in generation 5 will be.
there is a 494 but you need the bad egg whitch you can get from an action replay.(im wondoring if its on an i-cheat and if you get it tell me its name so i can do it on my i-cheat.) do not get that bad egg!!!!!! when i got mine it crashed my whole game dood
No, there will be more. We already have 493 Pokemon on the National Pokedex.
494-219 = 275
A fifth generation Pokemon is any Pokemon introduced as of the fifth generation of Pokemon games titled Black and White. The Pokemon considered to be generation five are Victini #494 to Genesect #649 any Pokemon between these two is a fifth generation Pokemon.
The factors of 494 are: 1 2 13 19 26 38 247 494
25 percent of 494 is 123.5
The LCM of 494, 4558 is 1,125,826.