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Metal Sonic doesn't get a story in Sonic Adventure however you can play him in trial mode to unlock him get all the emblems you can go to every level Sonic goes to as Metal Sonic you can even fight the bosses and play the minigames.

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Q: What is Metal Sonic's story in Sonic Adventure?
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Does metal Sonic have a story in Sonic adventure dx?

yes, my brother has completed the whole game. To get metal sonic you have to get every single emblem and finsh all the other story modes

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finish all other characters story then you will unlock super sonics story.

Can you play as super Sonic in Sonic's story in DX?

Not in Sonic's Story, but if you finish all of the storys, you get a new story to finish called 'Supersonic Story" where you fight Perfect Chaos, the strongest form of the evil creature in Sonic Adventure DX called Chaos.

What is sonic adventure 3 about?

It doesn't exist but from adventure 2 the story goes sonic heroes shadow the hedgehog sonic 06 sonic unleashed (the storybook collection follows a different storyline eg, secret rings, black knight)

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to fight metal sonic in sonic heroes, you have to beat all of the other team's stories, and once that is done, in story select (when you choose the team you want to play as in story mode) keep on going right and you'll see a team called LAST with metal sonic on it. (this is kinda hard.)

Is Sonic X based on The Sonic Advance series or the Sonic Adventure series?

Sonic X's first season sports an original storyline, and the second is mostly based on the Sonic Adventure games and Sonic Battle. Sonic X doesn't follow the story of Sonic Advance games, though it does feature Cream and Cheese from the Sonic Advance series.

What is Rouge's story in Sonic Adventure 2?

In her story she is basically after the master and chaos emeralds~ When you play as her in the game, you have to hunt for the emeralds.

Can you be super sonic in sonic generations?

Yes. You will collect Chaos Emeralds throughout story mode from bosses, and rival bosses. You will then fight the final boss as both super sonics, and after you beat it, you will get a skill called Super Sonic, where you can play as Modern or Classic Super Sonic in any main level.

Is there a game where Mario and sonic are on an adventure?

well kinda. there is sonic and Mario at the winter olyimpics for the DS ( and only for the DS) where there is a story mode selection

Is there a way to change sonic's color in sonic adventure DX?

you need a program called PVMEdit then go to your sonic adventure dx folder then go to system then get SONIC.PVM copy it to PVMEdit then open PVMEdit and click on open then choose SONIC.PVM then do whatever u want then click on save a message will come click on no then change the other SONIC.PVM to any other name then copy the other PVM in the PVMEdit folder to the sonic adventure dx folder in system