It doesn't really have a meaning, but it is short for Pocket Monsters in Japanese.
the definition of Pokemon is "pocket monster" It has no meaning. It's a game. Answer ilikepie
The word pine can have that meaning.
Advanced Generation
a word meaning complete and utter failure
Pokemon is Pokemon because poke is short for pocket and mon is short for monsters ~ Actually, Pokemon is the japanese word for Pocket Monsters.
its not that the word mankey has a meaning, it's just a slight variation to "monkey". because mankey is a monkey like Pokemon its not that the word mankey has a meaning, it's just a slight variation to "monkey". because mankey is a monkey like Pokemon
Pokemon is a word
the definition of Pokemon is "pocket monster" It has no meaning. It's a game. Answer ilikepie
'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning
The word is formed from 'snore', a sound made while sleeping, plus 'lax', a word meaning idle. Snorlax is a lazy Pokemon that sleeps most of the time.
The meaning of a word is its "definition."
it has none
what is the meaning of word merin
If you're meaning to say how many Pokemon there are in the National Dex, there are now 694 Pokemon total, but if you're meaning the Isshu Dex, that would be 156, I believe, new Pokemon to the already overloaded Pokedex. :/
The word with the closest meaning is pleasing.
The Japanese word meaning Pikachu is Pikachuu. The word was made-up for Pokemon and has no other meaning. With it being so iconic for the Brand it remained practically the same when brought to the English language.