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Kadabra is a Psychic-type Pokemon and the teenage form of Abra (child) and Alakazam (adult). It is human like with limbs, a large tail, a large moustache, and a red star on its forehead. It also has a visible penis below its pelvis. It steals spoons from humans to use as a focus point its telekinetic power (by using kinesis to bend the spoon).

Kadabra and Alakazam were considered the most powerful Psychic type Pokemon before Espeon and Gardevoir came along.

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Where can you get a kadabra?

we cannot get kadabra we have to envolve Abra

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What level does kadabra evolved?

Kadabra evolves ONLY when you trade itIt doesn't. To get a Kadabra to turn into an Alakazam, you have to trade it.

Where do you catch a kadabra at?

You cant catch a Kadabra. You have to train Abra to level 16 to get Kadabra. Hope i helped :)

What level will Kadabra evolve in heart gold?

Kadabra only evolves by trading it (Kadabra evolves into Alakazam).

What level does Abra evhow does kadabra evolveolve at Pokemon yellow?

Abra evolves into a Kadabra at level 16, but the only way that a Kadabra can evolve into an Alakazam is by trading the Kadabra. Once it is traded, the receiver of the Kadabra will see it begin to evolve into an Alakazam.

What level does kadabra evlove?

kadabra only evoles when you trade it

When did kadabra evolve to alakazam?

Kadabra evolved into Alakazam when it was traded.

When does kadabra evolve?

Kadabra evolves through a trade, into Alakazam.

How do you evolve kadabra in soul silver?

trade it for another kadabra

Does kadabra evolve in hearthome?

Kadabra is a trade only evolution so no.

What level does kadabra evoleve at on Pokemon?

Kadabra evolves to Alakazam when traded