In FireRed, Giovanni has a strong team of poke'mon. In his team, there is a level 45 and 50 Rhyhorn, level 42 Dugtrio, level 44 Nidoqueen and a level 45 Nidoking, all with ground elemental attacks. All of the poke'mon have the move Earthquake. It is strongly recommended not to use electric type poke'mon, as ground type poke'mon are immune to electric attacks.
you must of beaten the Pokemon league to get them.the ruby isthrough the cave in isle 1 (to the right as soon as you enter the v olcano)behind the team rocket guys. the sapphire is in dotted hole on isle 7
You can find the Lift Key in the Team Rocket Hideout on Pokemon FireRed. It is dropped by a Grunt on basement floor 4 after defeating him.
The team rocket game centre (it costs 3,500 coins)
red blue yellow silver gold ruby Sapphire emerald firered leafgreen platimum diamond pearl black white heartgold soulsilver Pokemon colliseum pokmonxd:gale of darkness red rescue team blue rescue team shadows of almia Pokemon troizei Pokemon dash battle revolution and some more Pokemon rescue games I.E. all of the games spread over multiple game systems
Groudon, Kyogre from sapphire, Rayquaza, Mewtwo from firered or leafgreen, Zapdos and Articuno again from firered and leafgreen.
The best team to beat elite 4 in Pokemon firered and leafgreen are the first six Pokemon you caught and trained
Team rocket will go to the dotted hole after five island in leafgreen, but I'm not sure about firered.
Pokemon with high levels and good stats people that say legendarys dont know what their talking about:)
Bulbasaur can learn any move he can learn in Pokemon leafgreen/ firered.
Giovanni is the leader of team rocket and the 8th gym leader in fire red and leaf green.
To get to the Pokemon League in Firered/Leafgreen. You must have all 8 gym badges, have a team that knows all HM's(you'll need them), and a strong team to get past the trainers. Best of luck. Pokemon Master Chewie.
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
you get it at team rockets hide out
team rocket boss