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copying files over a network?

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Q: What is Coping files from a remote computer to a local computer called?
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Is it possible to download Roblox straight to your flashdrive without it downloading onto your computer?

No, it is not possible to download Roblox to a flash drive. Roblox automatically installs itself on your computer, so you cannot choose where to put it. Finding the roblox files and coping them to your flash drive could work, but probably not.

How do you delete files in your psp common without using a computer?

Then you have to run custom firmware. There's a app for the PSP that's called: Explora Run that on your PSP, and you can delete, copy, open files in all folders on your PSP. Hope this helps

what is the main benefit of offline backup?

The main benefit of offline backup is the security of a persons computer files. Having security backups for computer files can save someone from awful lot of trouble if the computer is lost or stolen or broken somehow.

Do computer games harm your computer?

No, they just take up memory and space, if there is something wrong with your computer you should message me. However, some games end up ruining the hard disc if they have huge system requirements. This is how it works; These games use up many computer resources in fetching files from their folders in the system files. This action of fetching huge graphics files and stuff brings about the issue of sectors being worked up... I think! Google more about that, maen!

Can you put music on the sharp fx cell phone without sd card?

Yes, there are two ways. First way: The wire that connects from your phone to the charging adapter can be connected to the computer USB port. Transfer the music files from there. Second way: If your computer has bluetooth, turn on the bluetooth and visibility on your computer and the FX. Pair them, then send the files from your computer to the phone.

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What is coping files from CPU to CD called?


How do you recover archives files from you computer?

when you are recovering a computer it will ask you if u want to recover ur computer files or u could do it before recovering a computer by coping the files on a flash drive or cds

What is the transfer of files or software frin remote computer to your computer?


Can you define a server?

A server is nothing more than a computer that that is being used to distribute computer files (or other types of information) on demand to other computers. Once a server is enabled (which can be done on most computers if they have the requisite software) the computer waits for requests from remote computers (called clients), finds the requested files or data in its system, processes it if necessary, and then sends it to the remote computer.

What is an example of cloud computer?

email on the go, can store files in a remote location, upload files for peers to comment, you can work in a virtual office and you can use a remote server for your server needs.

What is the process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called?

I believe the term you are looking for is uploading but I'm not 100% sure

What does remote anywhere refer to in the world of computers?

Computer Remote refers to logging into home computer from any machine in the world with web access to access files, schedule downloads, and tons more.

What is the process of downloading?

Downloading is the process of bringing a file or files from a remote computer onto a local one.

When coping files the drive to which files are being copied is called what?

It depends what you are copying them to. If you are copying them to another hard drive, it will have a different drive letter. it is the same with USB drives.

What is virus on computer?

A virus is a program that is designed to make other programs less functional, to copy files to remote locations, or to render a computer unusable.

Does PCNow software allow remote access to files?

Yes. PCNow is a web based service that allows you to reach your computer from almost anywhere in the world. You can access your files miles away without bringing your computer with you!

What is an online file storage system?

A service that stores all of your files and documents in a remote location in case something happens to your computer and you lose all of your data & files.