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Colluvial soil is the loose soil particles that derived from rocks and accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of steep slopes or cliffs.

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Wilburn Stoltenberg

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Q: What is Colluvial?
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What are 9 letter words that end with l?

abdominal, accentual, acidophil, acquittal, acropetal, acrosomal, actuarial, adenoidal, adverbial, algicidal, altricial, ambrosial, ancestral, anecdotal, angelical, antenatal, antidotal, antinodal, antinovel, antipapal, antipodal, antiviral, appraisal, archangel, archducal, armigeral, arsenical, artisanal, ascetical, aspectual, atemporal, auctorial, authorial, autosomal, avifaunal, azimuthal, bacchanal, backpedal, bacterial, baptismal, baritonal, barrelful, basipetal, basketful, beautiful, betrothal, bicameral, bicipital, bicoastal, bigeminal, bilateral, bilingual, biosocial, blackball, blackmail, blackpoll, blacktail, blastemal, bombshell, bookstall, botanical, bottleful, botulinal, bountiful, branchial, bridewell, broadtail, bronchial, broomball, bucketful, buckyball, cacuminal, cadastral, cadential, calcaneal, canonical, cantorial, captopril, carbachol, carrousel, cartwheel, carvacrol, catarrhal, catchpoll, caterwaul, cathedral, celestial, censorial, cercarial, chanceful, changeful, chaparral, charbroil, choroidal, circuital, cisternal, cladodial, clamshell, classical, claustral, cloistral, closetful, coccygeal, cochineal, cockatiel, cocounsel, coeternal, coitional, collegial, colloidal, colluvial, colostral, commensal, committal, conferral, conformal, congenial, connubial, continual, convivial, corporeal, creatural, crossbill, cursorial, curveball, custodial, cycloidal, dandiacal, daredevil, deceitful, decennial, decontrol, deistical, demential, demonical, denominal, dialectal, diametral, diarrheal, dictional, dicumarol, dipperful, disavowal, discoidal, disentail, dismissal, dispersal, dissocial, doctrinal, dodgeball, dominical, drawerful, dropsical, druidical, dynamical, ecclesial, editorial, effectual, effortful, electoral, elegiacal, elemental, embryonal, emotional, empirical, endosteal, ensorcell, ephemeral, epidermal, epifaunal, episcopal, epitaxial, equivocal, eristical, erosional, erratical, essential, estradiol, estuarial, ethmoidal, factional, factorial, faldstool, fanatical, fatidical, fenestral, fiberfill, fibrefill, fictional, financial, fissional, flavorful, flowerful, fluxional, footstool, foraminal, forestall, forestial, forgetful, fossorial, fraternal, freewheel, frightful, galenical, gardenful, gearwheel, genetical, genitival, genocidal, graphical, greenmail, gristmill, groundsel, guardrail, guildhall, handwheel, harborful, hawksbill, headstall, healthful, heretical, hexagonal, homicidal, horizonal, horsetail, housecarl, hydrofoil, hypnoidal, hypocotyl, identical, idiotical, illiberal, illogical, impartial, inaugural, indexical, intercell, intertill, isohyetal, isophotal, isopropyl, ivorybill, junctural, juridical, khedivial, lachrymal, lampshell, laryngeal, lemniscal, libidinal, liposomal, lognormal, lysosomal, magistral, marmoreal, marsupial, masterful, matutinal, mediaeval, medicinal, meningeal, menstrual, mercurial, mesophyll, mestranol, microbial, middorsal, miliarial, minoxidil, misenroll, miticidal, monarchal, monodical, monsoonal, multicell, multihull, multiwall, municipal, myofibril, myoneural, myxoviral, nightfall, nocturnal, nonanimal, noncasual, noncausal, noncoital, nonformal, nonfossil, nonlethal, nonlineal, nonmanual, nonmental, nonpareil, nonracial, nonschool, nonsexual, nonsocial, nonverbal, nonvisual, nosewheel, numbskull, numerical, occipital, octagonal, officinal, orificial, overchill, overpedal, overspill, oviductal, palpebral, pansexual, paradisal, paralegal, parochial, passional, pennoncel, penumbral, perennial, perinatal, perpetual, personnel, petechial, photocell, pictorial, piecemeal, pimpernel, piperonal, piratical, placental, plaintful, plasmagel, plasmasol, plastisol, platesful, plentiful, pocketful, polemical, political, polygonal, polytonal, polyvinyl, popliteal, portrayal, postaxial, postcaval, postnatal, posttrial, potential, practical, prayerful, prebendal, precancel, precocial, precoital, prefeudal, preputial, preschool, presidial, pretravel, preverbal, primatial, principal, proconsul, prodromal, protozoal, psychical, puerperal, punchball, pycnidial, pyramidal, pyridoxal, quizzical, raptorial, razorbill, rearousal, rechannel, rectorial, redistill, regardful, regicidal, regretful, rehearsal, reinstall, remindful, reposeful, reprieval, resentful, resultful, retrieval, revictual, rhizobial, rhizoidal, ribosomal, salesgirl, sartorial, satirical, sceptical, schlemiel, schnitzel, schnorkel, sciential, scoopsful, scoundrel, screwball, sectional, sectorial, segmental, semestral, semifinal, semimetal, semirural, semitonal, semivowel, seneschal, sensorial, serotinal, sessional, shavetail, shirttail, shlemiehl, shortfall, shovelful, sigmoidal, singspiel, sinistral, skeptical, slimeball, softshell, sorrowful, speedball, speedwell, spherical, spiritual, spirituel, spleenful, spoonbill, spoonsful, spritsail, squamosal, stairwell, stapedial, stational, steamroll, stenchful, steroidal, stickball, stomodeal, stonewall, stoopball, stressful, subaerial, subapical, subdermal, subfossil, sublethal, submittal, subnormal, subsocial, subvassal, subvisual, suctional, suctorial, supercoil, supercool, superreal, supersell, surficial, surprisal, swordtail, sympodial, synagogal, synclinal, syncytial, synodical, tablesful, teacupful, technical, tegmental, tensional, terpineol, theriacal, thesaural, thrustful, thumbnail, thyroidal, toadstool, tonsorial, tormentil, torsional, trackball, traversal, treadmill, trichinal, triennial, trihedral, trinomial, triumphal, tuitional, ultracool, umbilical, uncynical, undercool, undersell, underwool, undutiful, unethical, ungenteel, unhelpful, unhopeful, unilineal, unisexual, universal, unlyrical, unmindful, unmusical, unnatural, unrestful, untactful, untypical, uredinial, vaccinial, vasovagal, vaticinal, vectorial, verapamil, veridical, versional, vertebral, vestigial, vicennial, viceregal, vigesimal, viricidal, virucidal, vizierial, waterfall, waterfowl, whimsical, whirlpool, whitetail, whitewall, windchill, wonderful, zinfandel, zoosterol547 words

What words have the letter l as the third letter of a nine letter word?

ablations, ablatives, ablegates, ablutions, aflatoxin, aglycones, ailanthus, allanites, allantoic, allantoin, allantois, allegedly, allegiant, allelisms, alleluias, allemande, allergens, allergies, allergins, allergist, allethrin, alleviate, alleyways, alliances, alligator, allocable, allocated, allocates, allocator, allogenic, allograft, allograph, allometry, allomorph, allopaths, allopatry, allophane, allophone, allostery, allotment, allotrope, allotropy, allottees, allotters, allotting, allotypes, allotypic, allowable, allowably, allowance, allowedly, allspices, allusions, alluvials, alluvions, alluviums, aplanatic, axletrees, balaclava, balalaika, balancers, balancing, balconied, balconies, baldachin, baldheads, baldpates, baldricks, balefires, balefully, balisaurs, balkanize, balkiness, balklines, balladeer, balladist, ballasted, ballerina, ballgames, ballhawks, ballistae, ballistic, ballonets, ballonnes, ballooned, balloters, balloting, ballparks, ballpoint, ballrooms, ballyhoos, ballyrags, balmacaan, balminess, balmorals, balsaming, balusters, belabored, belabours, beladying, belatedly, belauding, beleaguer, beleaping, belemnite, believers, believing, beliquors, belittled, belittler, belittles, bellbirds, bellicose, bellowers, bellowing, bellpulls, bellworts, bellyache, bellyband, bellyfuls, belonging, beltlines, belvedere, bilabials, bilabiate, bilanders, bilateral, bilharzia, bilingual, biliously, bilirubin, billabong, billboard, billeters, billeting, billfolds, billheads, billhooks, billiards, billionth, billowier, billowing, billycans, billycock, boldfaced, boldfaces, boletuses, bolivares, boliviano, bollixing, bolloxing, bollworms, bolometer, bolstered, bolsterer, boltheads, boltholes, boltonias, boltropes, bulbously, bulkheads, bulkiness, bulldozed, bulldozer, bulldozes, bulleting, bulletins, bullfight, bullfinch, bullfrogs, bullheads, bullhorns, bullishly, bullnecks, bullnoses, bullpouts, bullrings, bullshots, bullweeds, bullwhips, bullyboys, bullyrags, bulrushes, bulwarked, calaboose, caladiums, calamaris, calamined, calamines, calamints, calamites, calcaneal, calcaneum, calcaneus, calcicole, calcified, calcifies, calcifuge, calcimine, calcining, calcspars, calctufas, calctuffs, calculate, calculous, caldarium, calendars, calenders, calendric, calendula, calenture, calfskins, calibrate, califates, calipered, caliphate, calisayas, callaloos, callbacks, calliopes, callipees, callipers, callosity, calloused, callouses, callously, callowest, callusing, calmative, calorific, calorized, calorizes, calotypes, calthrops, calumnies, calutrons, calvarias, calvaries, calvarium, calyculus, calypsoes, calypters, calyptras, celandine, celebrant, celebrate, celebrity, celeriacs, celestial, celestite, celibates, cellarage, cellarers, cellarets, cellaring, cellmates, celloidin, cellulase, cellulite, celluloid, cellulose, celotexes, chlamydes, chlamydia, chlamyses, chloracne, chlorates, chlordane, chlordans, chlorella, chlorides, chlorines, chlorites, chloritic, chloroses, chlorosis, chlorotic, cilantros, ciliation, colanders, colcannon, colchicum, coldblood, coldcocks, coleaders, coleading, coleseeds, coleslaws, colessees, colessors, coleworts, colicines, colickier, colicroot, coliforms, coliphage, coliseums, colistins, colitises, collagens, collaging, collagist, collapsed, collapses, collarets, collaring, collating, collation, collators, colleague, collected, collector, collegers, collegial, collegian, collegium, colleting, colliders, colliding, colligate, collimate, collinear, collinses, collision, collocate, collodion, collogued, collogues, colloidal, colloquia, collotype, colluders, colluding, collusion, collusive, colluvial, colluvium, collyrium, colocated, colocates, colocynth, colonelcy, colonials, colonised, colonises, colonists, colonized, colonizer, colonizes, colonnade, colophons, colophony, colorable, colorably, colorants, colorbred, colorfast, colorific, colorings, colorisms, colorists, colorized, colorizes, colorless, colosseum, colostomy, colostral, colostrum, colourers, colouring, coltishly, coltsfoot, colubrids, colubrine, columbine, columbite, columbium, columella, columnist, culicines, cullender, culminant, culminate, cultigens, cultishly, cultivars, cultivate, culturati, culturing, culverins, cylinders, cylindric, dalliance, dalmatian, dalmatics, delations, deleading, deleaving, delegable, delegated, delegatee, delegates, delegator, deletions, delftware, delicates, delicious, delighted, delighter, delimited, delimiter, delineate, delirious, deliriums, delisting, delivered, deliverer, delousers, delousing, deltoidei, delusions, delusters, dilatable, dilatancy, dilatants, dilations, diligence, dilutions, diluvions, diluviums, dolefully, dolerites, doleritic, dollhouse, dollishly, dolloping, dolomites, dolomitic, doltishly, dulcianas, dulcified, dulcifies, dulcimers, dulcimore, dulcineas, dullishly, dulnesses, ealdorman, ealdormen, eclampsia, eclamptic, eclectics, eclipsing, ecliptics, eclogites, eclosions, eglantine, eglateres, ellipsoid, enlargers, enlarging, enlighten, enlistees, enlisters, enlisting, enlivened, eolipiles, eolopiles, eulachans, eulachons, eulogised, eulogises, eulogists, eulogiums, eulogized, eulogizer, eulogizes, falchions, falciform, falconers, falconets, falconine, falderals, falderols, faldstool, fallacies, fallalery, fallaways, fallbacks, fallowing, falsehood, falseness, falsettos, falsework, falsified, falsifier, falsifies, falsities, faltboats, falterers, faltering, feldshers, feldspars, felicific, fellaheen, fellating, fellation, fellatios, fellators, fellowing, fellowman, fellowmen, felonious, felonries, felstones, filagreed, filagrees, filaments, filariids, filatures, filiating, filiation, filicides, filigreed, filigrees, filisters, filleting, filliping, filmcards, filmgoers, filminess, filmlands, filmmaker, filmstrip, filterers, filtering, filthiest, filtrable, filtrated, filtrates, foldboats, folderols, foliating, foliation, folklives, folklores, folkloric, folkmoots, folkmotes, folksiest, folktales, follicles, followers, following, fulfilled, fulfiller, fulgently, fulgurant, fulgurate, fulgurite, fulgurous, fullbacks, fullerene, fulleries, fullering, fullfaces, fulminant, fulminate, fulmining, fulnesses, fulsomely, galabiehs, galabiyas, galactose, galangals, galantine, galavants, galbanums, galenical, galenites, galingale, galivants, gallamine, gallanted, gallantly, gallantry, gallerias, galleried, galleries, galleting, gallflies, galliards, gallicism, gallicize, gallingly, gallinule, gallipots, gallivant, gallonage, gallopade, gallopers, galloping, gallowses, gallstone, galopades, galumphed, galvanise, galvanism, galvanize, gelatines, gelations, gelignite, gelsemium, gildhalls, giltheads, golcondas, goldbrick, goldenest, goldeneye, goldenrod, goldfield, goldfinch, goldsmith, goldstone, golgothas, goliardic, golliwogg, golliwogs, gollywogs, gulfweeds, halakists, halations, halazones, halfbacks, halfbeaks, halflives, halfpence, halfpenny, halftimes, halftones, halidomes, halitoses, halitosis, halituses, halliards, hallmarks, halloaing, hallooing, hallowers, hallowing, halocline, halogeton, halophile, halophyte, halothane, haltering, haltingly, helically, helicoids, helicopts, helilifts, heliostat, heliozoan, heliports, helistops, hellboxes, hellbroth, hellebore, hellenize, helleries, hellfires, hellholes, hellhound, hellishly, hellkites, helmeting, helminths, helotages, helotisms, helotries, helpfully, helpmates, helpmeets, hilarious, hillbilly, hillcrest, hilloaing, hillsides, holandric, holdbacks, holdfasts, holdovers, holidayed, holidayer, hollering, holloaing, hollooing, holloware, hollowest, hollowing, hollyhock, holocaust, holocrine, holograms, holograph, holotypes, holotypic, holsteins, holystone, holytides, hulloaing, hylozoism, hylozoist, illations, illatives, illegally, illegible, illegibly, illiberal, illicitly, illiniums, illnesses, illogical, illumined, illumines, illusions, illuviums, inlanders, inletting, islanders, islanding, jalapenos, jaloppies, jalousies, jellified, jellifies, jellyfish, jellylike, jelutongs, jollified, jollifies, jollities, julienned, juliennes, kalanchoe, kalewives, kaleyards, kalifates, kallidins, kalyptras, kilderkin, killdeers, killifish, killingly, kilobases, kilobauds, kilobytes, kilocycle, kilogauss, kilograms, kilohertz, kilojoule, kiloliter, kilometer, kilomoles, kilovolts, kilowatts, kolbassis, kolkhoses, kolkhozes, lallygags, lilangeni, lilliputs, liltingly, lollipops, lolloping, lollygags, lollypops, lullabied, lullabies, malachite, maladroit, malaguena, malamutes, malaperts, malaprops, malarious, malarkeys, malarkies, malaromas, malathion, maledicts, malemiuts, malemutes, malformed, malicious, malignant, maligners, maligning, malignity, malihinis, malingers, malleable, malleolus, maltreats, maltsters, malvasias, melamines, melanisms, melanists, melanites, melanitic, melanized, melanizes, melanoids, melanomas, melanotic, melatonin, melilites, melinites, meliorate, meliorism, meliorist, melismata, mellotron, mellowest, mellowing, melodeons, melodicas, melodious, melodised, melodises, melodists, melodized, melodizer, melodizes, melodrama, melphalan, meltdowns, meltingly, meltwater, mildening, mildewing, mileposts, milesimos, milestone, miliarial, miliarias, militance, militancy, militants, militaria, militated, militates, milkiness, milkmaids, milksheds, milkweeds, milkwoods, milkworts, millcakes, millenary, millennia, millepeds, millerite, milliards, milliares, millibars, milliemes, milligals, milligram, millimhos, millimole, milliners, millinery, milliohms, millionth, millipede, millipeds, millirems, millivolt, milliwatt, millponds, millraces, millstone, millworks, moldboard, moldering, moldiness, moldwarps, molecular, molecules, molehills, moleskins, molesters, molesting, mollified, mollifies, molluscan, molluskan, molybdate, mulattoes, muleteers, mullahism, mulligans, mullioned, multiatom, multiband, multibank, multicell, multicity, multicopy, multidrug, multifold, multiform, multigerm, multigrid, multihued, multihull, multilane, multiline, multimode, multipage, multipart, multipath, multipeds, multipion, multiples, multiplet, multiplex, multipole, multiroom, multisite, multisize, multistep, multitone, multitude, multiunit, multiuser, multiwall, multiyear, mylonites, naloxones, nilpotent, nullified, nullifier, nullifies, nullities, oblations, obligated, obligates, obligatos, obliquely, obliquing, obliquity, oblivions, oblivious, obloquies, oilcloths, oilpapers, oilstones, onlookers, onlooking, oolachans, oologists, palaestra, palanquin, palatable, palatably, palatally, palatines, palavered, palefaces, paleosols, palestrae, palestras, palinodes, palisaded, palisades, palladium, palladous, palletise, palletize, pallettes, palliasse, palliated, palliates, palliator, palmately, palmation, palmettes, palmettos, palmistry, palmitate, palmitins, palominos, paloverde, palpating, palpation, palpators, palpebrae, palpebral, palpitant, palpitate, palsgrave, palterers, paltering, paltriest, paludisms, pelecypod, pelerines, pellagras, pellagrin, pelleting, pelletise, pelletize, pellicles, pellitory, pellmells, peloruses, peltering, phlebitis, phlegmier, pilasters, pilchards, pileworts, pilferage, pilferers, pilfering, pilgarlic, pillagers, pillaging, pillaring, pillboxes, pilloried, pillories, pillowing, pilotages, pilotings, pilotless, pilseners, polarised, polarises, polarized, polarizes, poleaxing, polemical, polemists, polemized, polemizes, polestars, policeman, policemen, polishers, polishing, politburo, politesse, political, politicks, politicos, pollarded, pollening, pollinate, pollinium, polliwogs, pollsters, pollutant, polluters, polluting, pollution, pollutive, pollywogs, polonaise, poloniums, poltroons, polyamide, polyamine, polyandry, polyantha, polyanthi, polybrids, polyester, polygalas, polygamic, polygenes, polygenic, polyglots, polygonal, polygonum, polygraph, polyhedra, polymaths, polymathy, polymeric, polymorph, polymyxin, polyphagy, polyphase, polyphone, polyphony, polypides, polyploid, polypneas, polypores, polyptych, polypuses, polysomes, polythene, polytonal, polytypes, polytypic, polyurias, polyvinyl, polywater, polyzoans, pulicides, pullbacks, pullovers, pullulate, pulmonary, pulmonate, pulmotors, pulpiness, pulpwoods, pulsatile, pulsating, pulsation, pulsators, pulsejets, pulsojets, pulverise, pulverize, pulvillus, pyloruses, rallyings, rallyists, relabeled, relacquer, relapsers, relapsing, relatable, relatedly, relations, relatives, relaxants, relaxedly, relearned, releasers, releasing, relegated, relegates, relending, relenting, reletters, reletting, relevance, relevancy, reliables, reliances, reliantly, relicense, reliction, relievers, relieving, relighted, religions, religiose, religious, relinking, reliquary, reliquefy, reliquiae, relishing, relisting, reloaders, reloading, reloaning, relocated, relocatee, relocates, relocking, relooking, reluctant, reluctate, relucting, relumined, relumines, rillettes, rolamites, rollbacks, rollicked, rollovers, rulership, salaaming, salacious, saladangs, salariats, salarying, salaryman, salarymen, saleratus, salerooms, salesgirl, saleslady, salesroom, salicines, saliences, saliently, salifying, salinized, salinizes, salivated, salivates, salivator, sallowest, sallowing, sallowish, salmonids, salmonoid, salometer, salpinges, salsifies, salsillas, saltation, saltatory, saltboxes, saltiness, saltpeter, saltwater, saltworks, saltworts, salubrity, salvagees, salvagers, salvaging, salvarsan, salvation, sclaffers, sclaffing, sclereids, sclerites, sclerosed, scleroses, sclerosis, sclerotia, sclerotic, sclerotin, selachian, seladangs, selamliks, selectees, selecting, selection, selective, selectman, selectmen, selectors, selenates, selenides, selenites, seleniums, selfheals, selfhoods, selfishly, selvedged, selvedges, shlemiehl, shlemiels, shlepping, shlumping, silencers, silencing, silentest, silicates, siliceous, silicides, silicious, siliciums, silicones, silicoses, silicosis, silicotic, siliculae, silkaline, silkiness, silkoline, silkweeds, silkworms, sillabubs, sillibubs, silliness, siloxanes, siltation, siltstone, siluroids, silverers, silvering, sklenting, solanders, solanines, solarised, solarises, solarisms, solariums, solarized, solarizes, solations, solderers, soldering, soldiered, soldierly, solecised, solecises, solecisms, solecists, solecized, solecizes, solemnest, solemnify, solemnity, solemnize, solenoids, soleplate, solfatara, solfeggio, solicited, solicitor, solidagos, solidness, soliloquy, solipsism, solipsist, soliquids, solitaire, solitudes, sollerets, solonchak, solstices, solutions, solvating, solvation, solvently, splashers, splashier, splashily, splashing, splatters, splatting, splayfeet, splayfoot, spleenful, spleenier, splendent, splendors, splendour, splenetic, spleuchan, splinters, splintery, splinting, splitters, splitting, splodging, sploshing, splotched, splotches, splurgers, splurgier, splurging, splutters, spluttery, sulfatase, sulfating, sulfinyls, sulfonate, sulfonium, sulfonyls, sulfoxide, sulfurets, sulfuring, sulfurize, sulfurous, sulfuryls, sulkiness, sullenest, sulphated, sulphates, sulphides, sulphites, sulphones, sulphured, sultanate, sultaness, sultriest, syllabary, syllabics, syllabify, syllabled, syllables, syllabubs, syllepses, syllepsis, sylleptic, syllogism, syllogist, syllogize, sylphlike, sylvanite, talapoins, talismans, talkathon, talkative, talkiness, tallaging, tallaisim, tallithes, tallithim, tallitoth, tallowing, tallyhoed, talmudism, telamones, telecasts, telefilms, telegenic, telegrams, telegraph, telemarks, telemeter, telemetry, teleology, teleonomy, telepaths, telepathy, telephone, telephony, telephoto, teleplays, teleports, telescope, telestics, teletexts, telethons, televiews, televised, televises, telfering, telically, tellingly, telltales, telluride, tellurium, telomeres, telophase, telotaxes, telotaxis, telphered, tilburies, tillering, tillerman, tillermen, tiltmeter, tiltyards, tolbooths, tolerable, tolerably, tolerance, tolerated, tolerates, tolerator, tolidines, tollbooth, tollgates, tollhouse, toluidine, toluidins, tularemia, tularemic, tulipwood, tullibees, uglifiers, uglifying, umlauting, unlabeled, unlashing, unlatched, unlatches, unleading, unlearned, unleashed, unleashes, unleveled, unlikable, unlimbers, unlimited, unlinking, unlivable, unloaders, unloading, unlocking, unloosens, unloosing, unlovable, unluckier, unluckily, unlyrical, uplanders, upleaping, uplifters, uplifting, uplighted, uploading, valancing, valencias, valencies, valentine, valerates, valerians, valiances, valiantly, validated, validates, valkyries, vallecula, valorised, valorises, valorized, valorizes, valuables, valuating, valuation, valuators, valueless, valveless, valvelets, velarized, velarizes, velodrome, velverets, velveteen, vilifiers, vilifying, vilipends, villadoms, villagers, villagery, villenage, villiform, villosity, volatiles, volcanics, volcanism, volcanoes, volitions, volkslied, volleyers, volleying, volplaned, volplanes, voltaisms, voltmeter, volumeter, voluntary, volunteer, volutions, vulcanian, vulcanise, vulcanism, vulcanize, vulgarest, vulgarian, vulgarise, vulgarism, vulgarity, vulgarize, vulnerary, vulturine, vulturish, vulturous, walkabout, walkathon, walkaways, walkovers, walkyries, wallabies, wallaroos, wallboard, wallopers, walloping, wallowers, wallowing, wallpaper, welcomely, welcomers, welcoming, weldments, welfarism, welfarist, welladays, wellaways, wellcurbs, welldoers, wellheads, wellholes, wellsites, weltering, wildering, wildfires, wildfowls, wildlands, wildlings, wildwoods, willemite, willfully, willinger, willingly, williwaus, williwaws, willowers, willowier, willowing, willpower, willywaws, wolfberry, wolfhound, wolfishly, wolfsbane, wolverine, wulfenite, wyliecoat, xylidines, xylocarps, xylograph, xylophone, yellowest, yellowfin, yellowing, yellowish, yuletides, zillionth1640 words

Related questions

What is colluvial soil?

Colluvial soil is a type of soil formed by the downhill movement of soil material due to gravity. It is often found at the base of slopes or hills and is characterized by its mixed composition of various soil types and rock fragments. Colluvial soil tends to be loose and poorly structured, making it susceptible to erosion and instability.

What are the types of azonal soils and how are they formed?

The types of azonal soils include alluvial, colluvial, glacial, aeolian, and volcanic soils. These soils are formed by geological and geomorphological processes such as deposition by water (alluvial), deposition at the base of slopes (colluvial), deposition by glaciers (glacial), deposition by wind (aeolian), or volcanic eruptions (volcanic). They are typically young soils with little to no profile development.

Difference between alluvial fan and scree fan?

It is a fan-or cone-formed store of silt crossed and developed by streams. In the event that a fan is developed by garbage streams it is appropriately called a flotsam and jetsam cone or colluvial fan. The inflexible hand screen fan, was likewise a profoundly enlivening and coveted article among the higher classes

What is an alluval fan?

Alluvial means deposited by running water. An alluvial fan is a fan shaped mass of alluvium deposited as the flow of a river decreases in velocity.

What are some nine letter words with 6th letter V and 7th letter I and 9th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern -----VI-L. That is, nine letter words with 6th letter V and 7th letter I and 9th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: colluvial convivial effluvial ingluvial khedivial

What are some nine letter words with 3rd letter L and 6th letter V and 7th letter I?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern --L--VI--. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter L and 6th letter V and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: believing colluvial colluvies colluvium deleaving moldavite relieving

What are some nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter U and 6th letter V and 8th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern ---LUV-A-. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter U and 6th letter V and 8th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: colluvial effluvial ingluvial

What are some nine letter words with 5th letter U and 7th letter I and 9th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern ----U-I-L. That is, nine letter words with 5th letter U and 7th letter I and 9th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: centurial colluvial connubial effluvial ingluvial marsupial mercurial preludial preputial

What are some nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter U and 6th letter V and 9th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern ---LUV--L. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter U and 6th letter V and 9th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: colluvial effluvial ingluvial

What are some nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter U and 7th letter I and 9th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern ---LU-I-L. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter U and 7th letter I and 9th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: colluvial effluvial ingluvial preludial

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter O and 5th letter U and 9th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern -O--U---L. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter O and 5th letter U and 9th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: cocounsel colluvial colourful commutual connubial cothurnal nocturnal nonmutual

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter O and 3rd letter L and 8th letter A and 9th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 12 words with the pattern -OL----AL. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter O and 3rd letter L and 8th letter A and 9th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: collegial colloidal colluvial colostral oological polemical political polyaxial polygonal polytonal polyzonal voluminal