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Q: What is Chris Paul's gamer-tag?
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What was the first gamertag used?

The gamertag was: e

What is jack black's gamertag?

His gamertag is JBTenacious.

Can you transfer achievements from Gamertag to another Gamertag?

No you cannot.

What is Chris Pauls' cell phone number?

I don't think anybody other than his family and close friends know that. He probably has it that way for a reason.

What is the birth name of Alex Pauls?

Alex Pauls's birth name is Alexander David Pauls.

What is the birth name of Raimonds Pauls?

Raimonds Pauls's birth name is Pauls, Raimonds Woldemars.

How do you get a gamertag?

you dont get a gamertag you try to think up one

How tall is Alex Pauls?

Alex Pauls is 6'.