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Q: What is 7 lettter word for feelings of admiration and approval?
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Related questions

What are some synonyms for the word admiration?

The common definition for the word admiration is respect or warm approval. Some synonyms for the word admiration include wonder, adoration and delight.

Is the word admiration an abstract noun?

Yes, the word 'admiration' is an abstract nounas a word for favorable approval; a word for a feeling of pleasure and often respect or wonder; a word for an emotion.

Is admiration a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'admiration' is a common noun, a general word for a feeling of pleasure, approval, or respect.

Is the word 'admiration' a noun?

Yes, the word 'admiration' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a feeling of delighted approval and liking; the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising.

Is admire a common?

Yes, the noun 'admiration' is a common noun, a general word for a feeling of pleasure, approval, or respect.

Which word means a comment to praise?

Praise is a verb that means to express approval for something or someone. It means to express admiration of someone or something. A four letter word for praise is laud.

What are some synomyms for the word loathing?

Some synonyms for the word loathing are hatred, horror, malice, odium, repugnance, and revulsion. Some antonyms include admiration, appreciation, approval, and respect.

What is the meaning of the word figo?

"Figo" is a Portuguese slang term that roughly translates to "cool" or "awesome." It is commonly used in informal language to express approval or admiration.

What part of speech is the word admiration?

Admiration is a noun.

What is a word is another word for to share and it has six letters and the second last lettter is d?


What does mean rave in tagalog?

The word "rave" in Tagalog means a gathering or party where people dance to electronic music. It can also refer to a strong approval or admiration for something.

What do the narrator's word choices tell about her feelings for Dalie Jimenez?

The narrator's word choices convey admiration and affection for Dalie Jimenez, as she describes her as "beautiful" and "strikingly smart." Additionally, the use of phrases like "in awe" and "mesmerizing" suggest a deep admiration for Dalie.