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Cherrim, evolved from cherubi.

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Q: What is 59 in Sinnoh pokedex?
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What is the number 59 in pearl?

Sinnoh PokeDex #59 is Cherrim.

What is number 59 in the Sinnoh pokedex?

#059 is Cherrim, the evolution of #058 Cherubi.

What is 80 in sinnoh pokedex?

Pokemon #80 in Sinnoh pokedex is Barboach.

What is Pokemon 59 in Pokemon Diamond?

In the national pokedex it's Arcanine. In the sinnoh dex it's Cherrim.

In Pokemon diamond Sinnoh pokedex where and what is number 111?

vfrt in the pokedex for sinnoh #111 in the pokedex is a garchomp

In Pokemon Diamond where can you get a pokedex?

You get the sinnoh one basically after starting the game, the you get the national pokedex when you´ve completed the sinnoh pokedex (by seeing all the Pokemon in sinnoh)

Who comes after Snorlax in the sinnoh pokedex?

Unown is the Pokemon that comes after Snorlax in the Sinnoh Pokedex.

What Pokemon are in the Sinnoh pokedex? they have a pokedex

How do you complete Sinnoh pokedex?

There is only one legitimate way to complete the Sinnoh Pokedex. To complete the Sinnoh Pokedex you must trade for the missing Pokemon with Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.

What is the152 Pokemon on the pokedex?

Sinnoh pokedex- rotomNational Pokedex- Psyduck

Is Sinnoh pokedex hold up to 210 Pokemon?

The sinnoh pokedex can hold up to 150 pokemon.

How do you get the Sinnoh Pokedex?

After you go to the Pokemon lab for the first time, Professer Rowan will ask if you would complete the Sinnoh pokedex. Answer "Yes". He will give you the Sinnoh pokedex. If I didn't answer your question right, try If you don't have Pokemon Pearl/Diamond/Platinum you can't get the Sinnoh pokedex.