then it just expires and u cant use it anymore? This is pretty straight forward, not sure why ur asking
No,only if your account expires the last answer was wrong
If you are in a members-only area and your membership expires, you'll be teleport to Lumbridge, a members-only area. As for the quest, you won't be able to continue it (or in fact, any members-only activity) until you get a membeship again. However, you can do other quests; you don't need to finish one quest to start another one.
This is what happens when your membership expires:you lose your igloo itemsyour customized igloo will turn into a old iglooyour puffles staysno access to member parties like the Backstageno access to members-only rooms, like the Fire Dojono access to member serversinaccessible items (member items that you bought can't be used)
Club Penguin sends you a mail asking you to renew your membership.
It should stay there.
no you must pay for membership
Your moshlings are safe in your zoo so you can keep them
they will if there in your zoo but if there not in your zoo and your membership expires you will keep them
when you log in you will be in lumbridge
If you buy a member puffle and your membership expires, your puffles remain with you. Puffles and club penguin stamps are the only member items that remain with you when your membership expires. But as you know, if your puffle is equipped and you log off, you will not see the puffle equipped when you log on again. It will still be in your igloo though. So if you want to save your puffles from being taken away with your membership, you need not equip them.
Yes you can keep your puffles after membership expires on Club penguin.
No, you cannot chat on Adventure Quest Worlds after your membership expires.
No. When your membership expires or is canceled, you cannot use them any more. But, they do stay on your player card until you get another membership.
you pay for more