your Pokemon fly off with you in the distance. Then you fall off him/her and fall in to the water. the you beat the game.
His lab.
He wont be in his lab until you complete the Sinnoh pokedex. Then he will be in his lab and also professor oak will also come to rowans lab. Hope this helps :-)
Yes they are. Professor Oak, Professor Birch, Professor Elm, Professor Rowan and Professor Juniper.
in his lab
professor rowan doesnt have a lab in eterna but oak stays in a house north west of eterna once u finish the national dex
His lab.
he gives u a magikarp lv.100
you have to beat the sinnoh pokedex, talk to professor rowan and professor oak will come and give you one
After you beat Bryon,Go to the library.You will see your friend,Professor Rowan,and Professor Rowan's assistant.After you split up,you will hear a Earthquake.
You get it from Professor Oak from Kanto. In Professor Rowan's lab after you beat the Champion and complete you Sinnoh Pokedex.
you have to beat the e4 then see all 150 sinnoh Pokemon then talk to professor rowan
Professor Rowan was not released for leaf green.
most important, you have to beat the elite four. Then go to professor Rowan's lab, there you will find professor Oak and he will give you a poke rader.hope this helped!
If you set your calendar on your DS to your registered birthday and talk to you Professor Rowan's assistant they will wish you a happy birthday! This is only possible after you beat the elite four.
Professor Rowan
First see all the Pokemon in The Sinnoh Dex. Then go to Sandgem Town and talk to Professor Rowan. Professor Oak will come and upgrade your Dex to National Dex.
u get national dex