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If you report them for a good reason they will get banned for a while or forever. But if you didn't report them for a good reason they will not be banned and only you will know that you really reported them!

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Q: What happens to the person you report on on moshi monsters?
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What happens to YOURSELF if you report someone on moshi monsters do you get a reward or something?

no. They get reported and if it was a false report then the moderator can remove you from moshi monsters.

How do you take away a report on Moshi Monsters?

Once you have clicked to report a problem or a message on Moshi Monsters, there is no way to take it away. Monitors on Moshi Monsters will check out the report to see if it is valid and they will be able to tell if it was a mistake or not.

How do you report someone on Moshi Monsters?

you can go to your dashboard. On the top of the posts you will see some boxes. There is a check box, X box, and an M box. The M box means to report this person. And that's how you report someone on moshi monsters :)

What happens if you are suspended on Moshi Monsters?

you will not be allowed on your moshi monsters account

What is a magizine subscriber on Moshi Monsters?

it is a person on moshi monsters that subscribes to moshi magazine on .

Where is the forst on Moshi Monsters?

The first person on Moshi Monsters was MrMoshi.

Is mrmoshi the person who makes Moshi Monsters?

no roary scrawl is the person who runs moshi monsters

How do you become an agent on Moshi Monsters?

You cannot become an agent on Moshi Monsters, but you can report posts on post boards by clicking on the "M"

Who has been on Moshi Monsters the longest?

Mrmoshi is the first person to adopt his monster and has been on Moshi Monsters the longest. After all, he created Moshi Monsters.

What happens if you block somebody on Moshi Monsters?

If you block someone on Moshi Monsters, they will not be able to post on your Pin Board, visit your home, or contact you in any way on Moshi Monsters.

Who was the first person on Moshi Monsters?

The first Moshi Monster Owner was Mr Moshi because he created it! The first member of Moshi Monsters was either Mr. Moshi or one of the Moshi Monsters staff members.

What is the user-name of the first child that joined moshi monsters?

the first ever person on moshi monsters is mr moshi