

Best Answer

nothing. that's how she supposed Tobe. like squidge he does a evil laugh tell everyone to be my friend! tuitifruiti108 and tuitifruiti109

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Q: What happens to lady goo goo when she coughs?
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Why is Lady Goo Goo coughing?

When you click on Lady Goo Goo in your Moshling Zoo she coughs. Remember the 1st mission? You gave her the potion and she is attracted to it but the potion makes her sick. In order to get Lady Goo Goo's voice back, you have to complete Super Moshi Mission 5: Pop Goes the Goo Goo.

What happens if lady goo goo is lost?

lady goo goo can not get lost she stays in your zoo to get her do mission number one missing moshling egg note: you have to be a memeber

How do you get to the forest to get the books to get lady goo goo?

just follow the lady goo goo =========

What does lady goo goo say when you press her on moshi monsters?

she says goo goo lady goo goo

Can you get duplicates of lady goo goo?

no you cannot get multiple lady goo goos

Why did Lady Gaga ban Lady Goo Goo?

Lady Gaga won an injunction that says Lady Goo Goo can not sing songs on YouTube. Lady Gaga is concerned because some consumers have been confused by Lady Goo Goo and thought that Lady Goo Goo and Lady Gaga were connected. Lady Gaga is also concerned that companies are trying to use her brand and image to make money.

Can you play Lady Goo Goo dress up Game if you are not a member or you do not have Lady Goo Goo?


Why did lady goo goo change to baby goo goo?

i think lady gaa gaa sued them

What is the lady goo goo on moshi monsters?

Lady goo goo is a moshling that moshi members only can capture it.

How do you cure Lady Goo Goo?

You have to complete Super Moshi Mission 5: Pop Goes the Goo Goo to get Lady Goo Goo's voice back.

Why is Lady Goo Goo sick on Moshi Monsters?

Lady Goo Goo is no longer available as a moshling on Moshi Monsters.

What is lady goo goo's favourite food?
