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Saying bad words to moderators in Growtopia can lead to being taped, cursed, banned, or a combination of being both taped and cursed at the same time. Being taped means that you are unable to communicate. That means you can not talk in the chat, send private messages, edit signs or message boards, and so on. The phrase "Mmmf" shows in the place of what is actually trying to be said when a taped player tries to speak. Being cursed means that you are only able to play in the world named "Hell". If you are cursed, you are unable to enter any other world for the designated amount of time. Being banned means that you are not able to log on to Growtopia at all. Bans can last for different periods of time, including permanently. Being taped and cursed can also last for different periods of time, but unlike being banned, they can not last permanently. Moderators choose the time that they think is appropriate as punishment, as directed by the developers of Growtopia.

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Q: What happens if you say bad words to moderators in Growtopia?
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