If it's sunny, it's good for your animals. They will feed themselves outside, which is good for you since you don't have to do more work or waste money.
If it's raining, they will get sick overnight.
So make sure you check the next day's weather before you put them outside.
You can take the time to take them in and out of their houses everyday if you want. But, they won't feed themselves outdoors if you leave them out for only a few minutes OR before half the day is completely over.
Simply pick up lumber found around the island and drop it into a line where ever you please :) this will keep animals inside the boundaries and prevent wild animals from gaining entries inside :D
press a on your ds then to keep them in yuour backpack press y and to throw nthem away press a again
You know the ball Thomas gives you? Well you must throw that. and then doggy will bring it back. Keep doing it and soon he will bring it every time. HELP: you can bring the dog inside your house so it doesn't waste your outside time.
you just have to keep breeding horses you currently have to get a black baby
jst keep on giving that person gifts till there hearts turn purple
If it is snowing keep the animals inside. But if there is only snow on the ground and the weather is sunny it is okay to let them outside.
Your dog, if left outside at night, can keep wild dogs away so that your animals will be happy in the morning, rather than unhappy from a wild dog at night.
Ducks will come to it after a storm, and then your spouse will ask you if you want to keep them. :)
An exoskeleton.
To keep the animals safe from those outside people
It has 255 floors Just keep going down and kill evil animals (BRING FOOD YOU WILL NEED IT)
Yes! It is very awesome. It is a very involved game and unless you have good control over yourself then this game will keep you from the outside world for many hours.
Farmers put fences around their land to keep thieves and animals out. They put nets over blueberry bushes to keep birds from eating them. They shoot squirrels to protect pecan trees so they can harvest a crop and not have their pecans eaten by animals. They try to harvest wheat as soon as it is ripe so a lightning strike does not set it afire and burn up the crop or a hail storm does not beat it into the ground.
In humans and animals, fertilization happens when an egg and sperm meet. They fuse to make a cluster of cells that will keep multiplying and growing until the young is formed.
keep saving
Eve never comes back so dont bet on it and keep an eye on your animals because she steals them later
Simply pick up lumber found around the island and drop it into a line where ever you please :) this will keep animals inside the boundaries and prevent wild animals from gaining entries inside :D