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absolutely nothing.

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Q: What happens after you beat the elite 4 10 times in sapphire?
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Where do you get a togipi on Pokemon sapphire?

you get him after you beat the Elite Four 1,000 times. Trust me, it took me 1 year to beat the Elite Four just 500 times.

What happens if you beat the elite four 100 times?

Then you beat them 100 times and win :)

Does anything happens if you beat the elite four ten times in Pokemon HeartGold?

yes, you beat them ten times

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Do you need to beat the elite four before you get raqaza?

In Ruby and Sapphire yes you need to beat the Elite Four first, but in Emerald you can catch Raquazza before or after you beat the Elite Four.

What happens if you beat the elite 4 100 times in ruby?

You win a million dollars!

How do you get the satfire in Pokemon FireRed?

beat the elite 4 and then get sapphire stone

Do you have to beat the elite 4 before trading in sapphire?

No you can trade anytime before beating the elite four.

What happens if you beat the elite four forty-seven times in Pokemon diamond?

Absolutely Nothing.

What happens when you beat the elite 4 three times in diamond?

Nothing significant happens if you beat the Elite 4 three times in Pokemon Diamond, unless you include acquiring huge amounts of money and leveling up your Pokemon a very good amount.

You have Pokemon ruby do you have to beat the elite 4 before you battle your friend who has sapphire?

You can battle your friend at any time you don't have to beat the elite four.

Can you go to the Pokemon Center after you beat 1 of the Elite Four in Pokemon Sapphire?
