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well in diamond and pearl that big building in front of soleceon (don't no how to spell it) go to the op floor and you can get it from there

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Q: What gym leader lets you use strength?
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What gym leader lets you use surf?

The Hearthome gym leader Fantina lets you use surf in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

What gym leader allows you to use strength in Pokemon FireRed?

The Gym Leader that allows you to use the HM move Strength in Pokemon FireRed is Erika. Erika is the Gym Leader of Celadon City and is the 4th Gym Leader the player faces.

What gym lets you use surf?

The Hearthome gym leader Fantina lets you use surf in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

How do you get the badge that lets you use rock climb in soulsilver?

Beat the gym leader.

What gym leader lets you use fly in Pokemon FireRed?

The Thunder Badge

What gym leader do you beat so you can use strength?

in pearl, diamond, and platinum the 6th gym

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the 5th gym leader. ground type master Clay (would have been useful against him!)

Which gym leader to battle to obtain the abilitty to use strength Pokemon shiny gold?

In Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow and Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen, the Celadon City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Erika holds this badge.In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal and Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, the Goldenrod City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Whitney holds this badge.In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the Lavaridge Town Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Flannery holds this badge.In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the Canalave City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Byron holds this badge.In Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon Black 2/White 2, Gym Badges are not required to use HMs.

Gym leader needed for strength?

Which Gym Leader allows you to use strength? Using Strength Outside of Battle In the field, Strength is used to push heavy boulders out of the way. It requires the Mine Badge to use in this manner, so you will need to defeat Canalave City's Gym Leader first.

Which gym in Pokemon firered lets you use rocksmash?

After you beat Sabrina, the 6th gym leader in Saffron City, you can use Rock Smash.

Who is Byron on diamond?

It's the gym leader that allows you to use strength after you beat him.

How do you get approval to use a strength in Pokemon ruby?

By defeating the the fourth gym leader