(in Diamond,Pearl, Platinum) The 7th gym leader which is in Snowpoint City her name is Candice and she's a user of ice type Pokemon she uses a lv40 Sneasel, lv40 Medicham, lv44 Froslass and a Abomasnow lv42 in that order I think.
In HeartGold and SoulSilver you beat all the gym leaders
After you beat Blue, the 16th gym leader
It is only usable after you beat all 16 gyms.
To get rock climb in HG/SS you have to beat Blue's Pokemon gym in Veridian City first. Then, go talk to Professor Oak. He will give you the HM rock climb. Note: If you trade a Pokemon from D/P/P , even if you taught it rock climb, you cant use it until you beat Varidian gym.
you use the move rock climb, but u have to beat the gym leader candice
You have to beat the elite four then go to Kanto and beat all of their gyms to use rock climb.
To get rock climb you have to beat all 16 gym leaders, red and talk to prof oak
Beat the gym leader.
After you beat Blue, the 16th gym leader
you use it after you beat a certain gym leader.
It is only usable after you beat all 16 gyms.
To get rock climb in HG/SS you have to beat Blue's Pokemon gym in Veridian City first. Then, go talk to Professor Oak. He will give you the HM rock climb. Note: If you trade a Pokemon from D/P/P , even if you taught it rock climb, you cant use it until you beat Varidian gym.
u would have to beat the 7th gym leader (candice of snowpoint city) to use rock climb outside of battle
you use the move rock climb, but u have to beat the gym leader candice
beat the snowpoint city gym leader and get HM rock climb above a house in route 217 then use it on the side and you get to go in, pearl and diamond you just have to beat the gym leader but it is best to get HM rock climb.
beat the leader of snow point city. and on your way to go there you found maylene go to this guys house and he says: " i lost a hm rock climb" when i was going out. you see a poke ball and you get hm rock climb! but you can't use it till you beat the gym leader!
The HM Rock climb can be found on route 217. The icicle Gym badge is required to use Rock climb outside of battle.
You have to beat the elite four then go to Kanto and beat all of their gyms to use rock climb.