· accessible
· acrobatic
· adorable
· affectionate
· agreeable
· altruistic
· ambitious
· appreciative
· artistic
· astute
· athletic
· attractive
Zayn Malik
Easy-going (?)
Hillary Clinton has a first name that starts with H and she is alive.
The quail is a bird seen.
vain vengeful vicious violent virtuous vulgar
Quarrelsome is a human quality. It begins with the letter Q.
Think of the first letter of their name and find one of their characteristics that starts with that letter. Example: His name is Brad and he has blond hair.
quality over quantity
A word to describe a person that starts with a letter G? gentleman or groom
Good ones are: Intelligent Imaginative Insightful Inventive Inclusive
Examples of common nouns for a person that starts with 'd' are:dancerdaughterdealerdecoratordentistdetaineedirectorditch diggerdoctordoormandramatistdruggist
willy wonka