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Q: What games do ants play with elephants?
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Are elephants actually afraid of ants?


Can army ants eat elephants?

No they cannot, elephants can merely step on ants to kill them while it would take years for ants to eat elephants.

Do elaphants eat ants?

No. Elephants eat only plants.

What rhymes with infants?

Elephants, anything that ends with -ants ...Pleasant

How do ants monkeys and elephants protect themselves from enemies?

they group themselve

What will happen if the ants were removed from the acacia tree?

If the ants were removed from the acacia tree the trees would be stripped of their leaves by elephants. The ants serve as a defense mechanism for the trees.

Is an elephant bigger then an ant?

There are similarities and differences. Both are alive. Both are social creatures. Both forage for food. Both seem to be intelligently adapted for the way they live. Both remove the remains of their dead. Both seem to have good memories, for what matters in their lives. But there are more differences. Elephants are huge, compared to ants. Ants can sting, and elephants cannot. Elephants propagate as mammals, while ants propagate as social insects. Elephants are mammals and ants are insects. Elephants can be trained, while ants cannot be trained. They are different colors.

What are some Sayings for ants?

One Indian saying concerning ants is "A coconut shell full of water is a sea to an ant". Another is a Thai saying, "In a battle between elephants, the ants get squashed".

What is meaning of when elephants battle the ants perish?

The phrase "when elephants battle the ants perish" is used to show the consequences of battles between powerful people on the less powerful. Like the ants in the metaphor, the less powerful people often get caught under foot and killed or hurt in arguments they aren't a part of at all.

Do elephants sleep standing or lying down like dogs and cows?

Elephants do not lie down and sleep. They sleep standing. You know why? They are afraid ants might get into their trunks

Why do ants prefer ranch dressing to sugar?

Because when the magical purple elephants from mars came to earth, they had a crate of sugar, and all the ants ate all of it. Since, the elephants were mad, they put a curse on them, so now they can't eat sugar, so they prefer ranch dressing.

What do baby elephants do for fun?

Baby elephants like to play with very large balls, other elephants, in the water, and sometimes with people.