There are special moderated sites for children like and
Gosupermodel is a fun online game made by girls for girls. In the game you get to make your own model. you get to play games, chat, and meet great friends. find me there if you want to my username is rockstar555
You get points or fame by playing games, going to a chat room and playing little games that are found on the ground or when someone gives you an autograph.
Hairdresser games are quite popular with little girls. Girls Go Games has numerous hairdresser games one could play on their site. They are all free and have many different categories one can choose from.
These are some online chat games:ClubpenguinbuildabearvilleBinweevilsFiestaDofusGaiaonlineZwinky
fearl-heart but is has chat
Yes My Little Pony games are in fact for girls. There whole brand is dedicated for girls. Boys will not like these games.
Chat games Dressup Home Decor
super well its for girls and guys but it is awesome ******************************************* madison101827's answer: This is my website, it has a chat box! It also is going to be a webshow like iCarly soon. We have stories, polls, games, chat box, a blog, and more on our website! *******************************************
No it is accauly for boys and girls because I think you have to be over 13 well that's what it says on runescape.
I think you can try adventure games for girls.
Very respectfully. ;)
Chat Avenue is an online chat community that offers free online chat rooms to users. There is a general chat room, as well as chat rooms specifically for kids, teens, girls and boys. The site also offers chat rooms based on interests, including sports, video games and music.
He is a little weirdo who likes to chat up girls that are way out of his league. He goes my school, he's weird.
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there is ebuddy (but you have to have an email) , barbie girls, kidsswirl.have fun and good luck
Gimmicky Wii games, or Little Big Planet.That's just about it.
yes there is a place called that is both for boys and girls Hey! There are much more than just, such as: RUNESCAPE=boys and girls and girls. P.S. Its babyish but if that's what your looking for... P.S. You cant chat on this, but its really fun so try it! That's all! Signed, EllieRockz