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Ten year olds can play moviestarplanet and girlsgogames

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Q: What games can a 10 year old play?
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What games can 10 year old play girls?

They can play Runescape.

Should a 10 year old be able to play war games?

No. That is, it's not an inalienable right of a 10 year old to play war games if his or her parents don't want him to.

What is a fun worksheets for a 10 year old can do?

play video games..

What Pokemon games can a 10 year old play?

Any. Actually, it's mostly 10-year-olds who play Pokemon at all. any one who plays it over 18 is a loser

Can a ten year old play imvu The child is responsible and trustworthy?

Anyone can play any games they want. If 10 year old can play if they will but make sure they know about online safety especially in a game where you socialize.

Games for 10 year old girls to play online that are safe?

my classmate plays Club Penguin, FarmVille, YoVille and more. I play 2 of these games and I think they are safe.

Can a 10 year old play sims 3?

Yes, some scenarios are a little intense but a mature 10 year old can play it.

Is it wrong for a 10 year old to play the sims?

It's not wrong. My sister is only a year older and she and I play the sims games all the time! So there's nothing wrong with that.

What can a 10 year old play?

A game.

Should a 10 year lod play rated M games?

If you are a 10 year old, then you probably shouldn't play it. Especially if your parents don't want you to. Some games include bad cuss words (If you don't know them then you shouldn't learn them from a game) and sexual related stuff.

What can a 10 year old do on a computer?

play online games OK that's terrible here's what they can do play on a good website like: > > >youtube >

How old do you have to be to play low maturity games?

10 and 18