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Chang's sharp mind enticed him to become an expert at the game of bridge; when in America, he was considered one of the country's 1,000 best contract bridge players.

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Related questions

Where was Morris Chang born?

Morris Chang was born in Shanghai in China.

When was Morris Chang born?

Morris Chang was born on July 10th, 1931.

What nationality is Morris Chang?


Who did Morris Chang marry?

Christine Chen

How is Morris Chang regarded?

Chang, who is regarded as the father of Taiwan's semiconductor industry, is a hero in his country.

What are some websites about Morris Chang?

What company did Morris Chang found?

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

How is Morris Chang perceived by his employees?

Chang is seen as somewhat of an elder statesman at his company. He is known for his intellect, and his employees are often heard repeating his sayings.

What is the best periodical source about Morris Chang?

"Morris Chang, Microchip Visionary," Economist, May 19, 2001, p. 7. "TSMC Chair Clarifies Myths of New Economy," Central News Agency, February 12, 2001.

What board positions does Morris Chang hold?

Chang is a member of the MIT Corporation and is on the advisory boards of the U.S. Stock Exchange, Stanford University, and the University of California at Berkeley.

What is the main feature of Morris Chang's business philosophy?

he believed that only innovation can sustain economic growth. In fact, innovation was a cornerstone of Chang's philosophy and shaped many of his business decisions.

What was Morris Chang's early ambition?

While he was growing up, he wanted to be a writer, a dream his father strongly discouraged.