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Saturday and sunday two-seventh of the days

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Q: What fraction of the days start with the letter S?
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What fraction of the days of the week contains the letter r and s?

Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the days of the week. Out of the seven days, we have "Thursday" and "Saturday" that contain both the letters "r" and "s." So, that's 2 out of 7 days, which simplifies to the fraction 2/7. Remember, every day is a chance to find joy in the little things around you.

What 3 letter words start with S?

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4 letter words that start with the letter s?

Some 4-letter words that start with the letter "s" are: song, snap, soil, stay.

A nineteen letter word that starts with s and ends with d?

There are a few 19 letter words that start with the letter s. However, there are no 19 letter words that start with s and end with d.

What letters start with the letter s?

Some letters that start with S are:sales lettersample lettersolicitation letterstrategy lettersympathy letter

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What characteristic traits start with the letter s?

Characteristic traits that start with the letter s:sarcasticsavvyscaryselfishserioussharpsheepishshysillysincereskillfulsloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingystrangestupidsuccessfulsuspicioussupportivesympathetic

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Mountains that start with the letter S?

Some mountains that start with the letter S include Sierra Nevada in California, USA; Scafell Pike in England; and Säntis in Switzerland.

Nouns that start with K and S?

Examples of nouns that start with K and S are:kangarooKarenkayakkelpKentuckyketchupkindnesskingkitchenkneeknowledgekoalasadnesssaladsealshirtsilksinkskysorrowSpamstarswordspy

What are some 9 letter words related to biology that start with the letter S?

Oh, dude, you're really testing my knowledge here, but I got you! So, some 9-letter biology words that start with 'S' are "Symbiosis" and "Synthesis." Like, they're totally legit words, but who even counts the letters these days, am I right?