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There are many words in the English language that end with the suffix -dous. Four of them are: hazardous, stupendous, tremendous, decapodous.

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Q: What four words end in dous?
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Four English words that end in dous?

4 words that end in dous?


Words that end in dous?

tremendous, stupendous, horrendous, hazardous

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Horrendous is 1 word

What four words in the English language that ends with dous?

Tremendous Stupendous Horrendous Hazardous

Words ending in dous?


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There are no four letter words that end with -ntt

List the only 4 words in the English language that end in dous?

apodoushazardoushorrendousiodousiridousjeopardousmacropodousmolybdouspalladousphyllocladouspodousstupendoustremendousvanadousOther than tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, iodous, molybdous, vanadous, palladous, and hazardous, I can't find any of the other words listed above in my dictionary.Hope this helps ...apodous (Adj) - (of snakes and eels) naturally footless; "eels are apodal"iridous - adjective Chemistry. Containing trivalent iridium.jeopardous - (Adj) - perilous, dangerous, hazardous, risky.macropodous (Adj botony). Of a leaf, having a stalk. Of an embryo, having anenlarged hypocotyl.phyllocladous - (Adj botony). Having phylloclades.podous - a combining form meaning "footed, having a foot: of the kind or number specified by the initial element; often occurring in adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in -pod: cephalopodous.

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Words that end with dous?

From the Scrabble dictionary: amadous apodous decapodous hazardous horrendous iodous molybdous nodous nonhazardous palladous stupendous tremendous ultrahazardous uropodous vanadous vodous

What four letter words end with Y?

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