There is only one group that can make SIX words. "S-T-O-P" can make STOP, POST, TOPS, OPTS, POTS, and SPOT. "E-A-S-T" can make FIVE words. EAST, EATS, SATE, SEAT, and TEAS. Several other groups can make four words. Great question!!
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'monastery' are:amenantearmyatomearneasteasymanemanymareMarsmartmastmatemeanmeatmesamoanmoatmoremostmotenamenearneatnestnosenosynoteomenrantratereamrentrestroamroanroserosyrotesamesanesateseamsearseatsentsnotsoarsomesoresortstarstaystemtametaretarntaroteamteartermterntometonetoretorntramtraytreytroytsaryarnyearyore
With those four letters you can make go, ho, hug, oh, and ugh.
Words from the letters "make" include:ammame
Some words you can make with 'these letters' are:eelellesteretherheheelherleelesslestletreelresetrestseeseetheseersetsetteesettersettleshesheersheetsleetstreettestthetheethesetreetress
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'cat in the hat' are:acheacneantecanecant (also can't)catecentchatchinchitciteeachetchhatehathheathintinchitchneatnicetactteattentthanthatthenthintinetint
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'nfwade' are:anewaweddawndeafdeanfadefawnfendwadewandwaneweanwend
Four letter words that can be made from the letters in 'syringe' are:greygringyrereinringrisesignsinesingsire
Four letter words that can be made with the letters 'irbegd' are:bergbidebierbirdbredbriebrigdiredribgirdgridrideThose letters will also spell the word 'bridge'.
Four or more letter words that can be made from the letters in BACKBONE are:acneaeonbabebackbaconbakebancobanebankbeaconbeakbeanbeckbeckonbockbonecakecanecanoecokeconeconkebonkenoknobkoannabobnecknockoakenoceanonce
Seal has 4 letters. Ales also has 4 letters.
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'monastery' are:amenantearmyatomearneasteasymanemanymareMarsmartmastmatemeanmeatmesamoanmoatmoremostmotenamenearneatnestnosenosynoteomenrantratereamrentrestroamroanroserosyrotesamesanesateseamsearseatsentsnotsoarsomesoresortstarstaystemtametaretarntaroteamteartermterntometonetoretorntramtraytreytroytsaryarnyearyore
You cannot make any seven letter words from these letters. The biggest words that can be made have four letters. They are:AgeeAghaGheeOgee
With those four letters you can make go, ho, hug, oh, and ugh.
Some four letter words that you can make with those letters are:goshgothgrotgrowhogshosthotsrotsrowsshotshowsortstowtogstowstwos
Words from the letters "make" include:ammame
There are no complete Englilsh words you can make with the letters MPT.