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Q: What foods does poppet like on moshi monsters?
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Related questions

Why does Poppet love moshlings?

Poppet is a Moshi Monster. Like all Moshi Monsters, Poppet likes moshlings because they are pets for the monsters to care for and play with.

What does poppet from moshi monsters like to do?

A Poppet loves to show off and be tickled!

What mammal is Poppet from Moshi Monsters?

Poppets are virtual characters on Moshi Monsters. They may look like a mammal, but they are not real animals or mammals, just drawings/sketches.

Is poppet the moshi monster a dog?

No, Poppets are Poppets! They are squirrel-like monsters who have mid-length ears, a curled up tail and a pair of rubber boots.

What floor does poppit like in moshi monsters?

It doesn't matter what your monster likes, just what you like. Poppet will love your floor no matter what it looks like because its happiness goes up anyway.

What do katsumas do on moshi monsters?

They are like normal monsters but eat different don't fly and runs rather than walking. Quite aggressive rather have poppet or Furi or Diavlo best for me n many others!

How do be a slave on Moshi Monsters?

Moshi Monsters like to be free - you cannot become a slave on Moshi Monsters!

What is a website like Moshi Monsters?

Club penguin is like moshi monsters.

What sport does Katsuma like on Moshi Monsters?

Moshi Monsters Katsumas like martial arts!

Who is poppet on moshi monters?

Poppet is a Moshi Monster who weres boots and looks like some sort of hamster or chinchilla.She was popular for girl users cause shes cute and shes a girl,even though shes shy even bashful but sweet.Her first colors were Pink and blue.She was the cutest Moshi Monsters ever!She likes to dance but not on stage or front of people.Shes cute when she crys! :3

How do you colour your poppet like Avril le screem from moshi monsters?

u have to be a member and go on the port and it says colorama click on it and you and choose the colour dark or light please add me abcjessy

What is the Daily Growl on Moshi Monsters?

The Daily Growl is like a newspaper for Moshi Monsters that shares information about what is happening on Moshi Monsters.