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Spaghetti, enchilada, chocolate, tortillas, and practically these are the only ones I can think of.

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Q: What food or drink has 9 letters?
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Food and drink beginning with the letters e and s?

Food: · eggplant · sauerkraut Drink: · eggnog · Scotch

What food or drink with letters start en?

· enchilada

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What 9 letter food word can you make out of these letters cvtcsaeetaterc?

There is no 9-letter food word, in fact no 9-letter words. The longest word is attracts (8 letters).

Is there Alcoholic Drinks that have 9 letters in them?

Manhattan Over consumption might lead to seeing Letters* floating in you drink.

Soft drink can metal 9 letters?

If you're British, that's "aluminium."

What 2 word food or drink first word has 5 letters starts with j second word is 4 letters and ends with f?

Juicy Beef

What 2 word food or drink first word has 4 letters starting with B second word is 4 letters ending with S?

for the first word: Beef

Partly frozen drink 6 letters starting frap?

The frozen drink with 6 letters is a frappe.

What food or drink has 2 words first word starts with j and the second word has 4 letters and ends with f?

Juicy Beef

Can you eat a drink or drink a food?

i am not sure about eating a drink, but I know that you can drink food if grind it up and make it a food slushy

Fruit drink 5 letters?

it is punch the most, sugary drink