

Best Answer
  • aster
  • canna
  • daisy
  • lilac
  • phlox
  • peony
  • tulip
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Q: What flowers have five letter names?
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What are the names of flowers that start with the letter you?

Umbrella plant, urginea and ursinia are flowers. They begin with the letter U.

Names of flowers that start with the letter b?

Bird of Paradise and Bluebells are flowers. They begin with the letter b.

What are the names of butterflies and flowers that begin with the letter a?

The American Copper Butterfly begins with the letter A. Aster and Alyssum are flowers.

What are names of flowers that begin with the letter I?

· Urginea · Ursinia

What are the names of flowers that start with the letter s?

Snapdragon, Soldaster and Sweet Pea are flowers. They begin with the letter S.

Names of flowers that begin with the letter n?

· Narcissus · Nerine

Flower names starting with P or A?

African Violet and Azalea are flowers that begin with the letter A. Pansy and Polyantha Roses are flowers that begin with the letter.

What flowers names begin with the letter r?

Roses, Ranunculus, Rhododendron.

What are some names of flowers that start with the letter B?

Belladonna and Barberry

What are the names of flowers that start with the letter d?

daffodil or daisy

Which countries have only five letters in their names with an S as the second letter?

There are no countries (in English) with names five letters long with "s" as the second letter.

What are some names of flowers that begin with the letter I?

Impatiens Iris Ixia Ipomoea