A wooden shoe is a sabot (and yes, it's related to the word sabotage.)
Nike (a shoe-making company) makes a shoe starting from the letter "n".
SAS is a shoe brand. Superga is an Italian shoe brand.
converse, clog
We have a simliar shoe with a copper band and a cluster of grapes on the the toe. with the name of Suryle Comtal. We have the right shoe. Do you have the left??
A Wooden Shoe is known as a Clog.
It is wooden shoe traditionally worn by French and Breton peasants.
clete. Your welcome
A wooden bat that has a horse shoe on the end that you use to beat people up.
Sabot Clog Geta
"Zoccolo" is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "wooden shoe."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. It means "clog, sabot, wooden shoe." Its singular definite article is "lo" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "un, uno" ("a, one").The pronunciation is "TSOHK-koh-loh."
The best product avaialble to clean wooden shoe racks is Murphy's Soap. This product allows you clean the wood without worry of damaging any of the wood.
Known as Clogs, a shoe with a thick wooden sole
Winken, Blinken, and Nod sailed off in a wooden shoe in the nursery rhyme "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod."