Pine tree
Some five letter words that start with P and end with Y are:paddypalsypansypantypappyparryPartypastypatsypattypennypeppyperkypeskypettyphonypickypiggypithypoesypokeypoppyporkyportlypottypoutyprivyproxypudgypuffypulpypushyputtypygmy
end up (if a two word answer is acceptable)
A praying mantis starts with the letter p, and a pill bug does too
Petroleum engineer begins with the letter p.
Pine tree
Some five letter words that start with P and end with Y are:paddypalsypansypantypappyparryPartypastypatsypattypennypeppyperkypeskypettyphonypickypiggypithypoesypokeypoppyporkyportlypottypoutyprivyproxypudgypuffypulpypushyputtypygmy
palm tree, poplar, pine tree, pomegranate tree, pohutacoua tree, pear tree
Frump, flump
end up (if a two word answer is acceptable)
Pecan tree
A praying mantis starts with the letter p, and a pill bug does too
Potatoes are veggies. Potato starts with p. :)
pine, palm, peach,
A basketball term that starts with P is pass.