Words that can be made from the letters in 'giraffe' are:aageairarearfeareraergfafagfairfarfarefearfiefifefigfirfirefraggaffgaffergargeargriefIifireRaragrageriferiffrig
Some words that can be made from 'ragged' areadagedaggerdaredeardraggaggagedgadgeargraderagrageredread
Words that can be made from the letters in RAILWAY are:aailairawawayawlIlairlawlayliarlirarailrawraywailwarwarywaywryyayaw
Words that can be made with the letters in 'January' are:aajaranaurajarjayjurynarynayrayrayrunurnyarn
Some words that can be made from the letters 'unravel' are:aaleanareaveeareralalanelaveleanlunarlurenavelnearranraveravelravenrealrevruerulerunvalevaluevanvealvernal
confirmation confirmed can be the words that are formed by confirm in it.
Some words that have the root word "firm" in them include firmament, affirm, and confirm.
Yes, I can confirm that no goods or services were provided in exchange for the payment made.
There is no anagram. The letters can spell "confirm I spun." The longest words are incursion and unionism.
Confirmedly is the adverb form of the word, confirm. While most spell-checkers will underline it, it is confirmed (pun definitely intended) in both the Oxford and Webster dictionaries. Confirmedly is the proper adverb coordinating with the words confirm and confirmation.
They are primarily made in China now. You will need to look at the tag inside to confirm.
confer, conjoin, convert, console, contort, confirm, constipate, consumer
He made many experiments and observations in the field of physics in general.
The diagnosis of meningococcemia can be made by the growth of the organism from blood cultures.
The Senate has the power to confirm federal judge appointments made by the president. The president nominates the judges, but their appointment must be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate before they can assume their positions on the federal bench.
EEG cannot confirm infarction, Only MRI CAN CONFIRM INFARCTION. EEG can only confirm epilepsy cidpusa.org