Macy Grey (singer) Linda Grey, actress (aka Sue Ellen Ewing in the TV series Dallas)
Hugh ball
Dan Quayle
Kirby Puckett (baseball)
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
The author Zane's last name is Triplett.
An extensive search resulted in no famous people with the last name Land
Athlete with the last name green
Stark is a common name however there are no famous people with that last name. Tony Stark however, is a famous character.
people with the last name "Ba in it"
There are a few famous people with the last name of O'Brien. Conan O'Brien is probably the most well-known. Another celebrity with the last name of O'Brien is Dylan O'Brien.
William James
Leif Erickson.
I don't know of anyone who only had one letter in their last name.
the last name beam is a farmer name but people do not know were the last name originated. there is one famous person with the last name beam. Jim Beam
· Hank Aaron (baseball)
Carrie Underwood